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'People Lose A Little Bit Of Weight'
So You Dislike The Prospect Of Civil War?
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Simply put there is material that certain interests do not think you should read, and they like to threaten advertising relationships.
It's part of the "big tech" Cancel Culture, and its pervasive. It's not helped by some of the "big titans", including Google, being less than forthcoming about what they do and don't like. For instance, since the outset of my running advertising with Adwords, I have occasionally received an email notice that "there are articles that have ads disabled because they allegedly violate policy."
Ok, so what are they? They send me a link which goes to the "policy center" and not once has that ever returned anything except "an error occurred and we told the technical people about; they'll fix it."
No they don't. It has never been fixed, and several years ago I sent an email inquiry into them asking what was up with that -- and got no reply.
Can I exempt articles from advertising if I know they won't like them in advance? Sure. I could, for example, take anything in a certain category and not have the system display ads. The problem is that if I do that then what do I do with the top page that displays several articles at once, as is true for a newspaper? Am I forced to omit those from the display on the front page?
That is what is being coerced there, isn't it? "Get it off the front page -- or else!"
Well fine: I'll do it for them. All the things that "might" draw such fire will simply go here. With no ads and its own "main page." The never will be ads on this page until and unless some other advertising aggregator that does not deal with "big tech" wants to run ads on this content specifically. If you are such an entity look to the right and there's my contact information -- let's make a deal.
Is this a bad answer to the problem? Well, it's not a great answer.
But it's the best answer I have for now, other than shutting up, which I'm not about to do.
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and so is all credibility for both Biden and Trump administrations when it comes to Covid and public health in general. Said credibility will not be regained for years, perhaps decades, until and unless people are held to account -- which is very unlikely.
It will not be long before the TSA will have no choice but to lift their "mask mandate" as well, as will all other federal and state agencies.
Those who were foolish enough to listen to them despite the few, such as myself, warning that the science was actually on the other side for all these mandates and the shots will be stuck with the consequences.
There might be a few fathers left in this country. Maybe. If so it is my sincere hope that they hold people to personal account who inflicted these harms on their sons and daughters, of which there will be tens if not hundreds of thousands reasonably tied to these so-called "interventions", including the shots, in the current and coming years.
The ghouls involved did not give a crap about the law from the start. The EUAs were flatly illegal because we knew by summer of 2020 that there were decades-old proved safe and believed effective treatments. We didn't use them, on purpose, for the explicit reason that doing so would prevent these EUAs from being issued. By deliberately lying the FDA, CDC and dozens of other organizations and individuals along with the corporate physician and hospital networks directly caused the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans who should not have died, and caused deliberate harm to hundreds of thousands more who are now left with what may well be a lifelong debilitating impact as a result of the scream-fest for "everyone" to go get these unproved and now-known-dangerous injections. Nobody knows how bad, or for how long, those future disabilities and risk of death will be or for how long they will continue but that there is severe impact is now known; we are now down to trying to figure out how horrid.
The CDC still claims the spike protein in the shots is "harmless" despite three scientific papers dating to December stating otherwise, one of which is peer reviewed and another from Salk, with the first known published evidence of a problem dating back to September of 2020. All were deliberately ignored and still are being ignored.
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the “spike protein.” The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.
The science says it's not harmless; it is in fact pathogenic. The CDC is lying and as a result people are dying.
If you think this can remain "under wraps" and not get into the public consciousness you're wrong. While the pharma firms may have legal immunity no private entity or public other entity does and the ambulance chasers will be out in droves to make the next $10 or $50 billion windfall asset-stripping colleges and their endowments, sports teams, concert venues and other commercial and government entities of every bit of flesh they can pick off. Unfortunately the injured will get little or nothing after the lawyers get done, as has always been the case.
The destruction of these entities is both just and will happen, but it's nowhere near the end game or best of outcomes. The best of outcomes, which we will also obtain, will be the complete destruction of any sort of trust, belief or other willingness to listen to so-called "public health" authorities for years or even decades into the future.
This is not a bad thing; they've been full of crap for decades, poisoning people slowly by advocating the consumption of a carbohydrate-rich diet, essentially cramming liquid milk into the gullets of children, many of whom are lactose intolerant to some degree and for which there is no evidence of benefit, calling "ketchup", which is mostly sugar, a "vegetable" and other similar outrages. McDonalds and the rest of the fast food industry followed said "guidance" and stopped using beef tallow from their hamburgers to fry the potatoes; that switch alone has killed hundreds of thousands over the last few decades, as vegetable oils of this sort should never be consumed in any meaningful quantity. They do not occur in nature in anything similar to what we consume today and every one of them has a horrid inflammatory profile.
We have an assistant secretary of "health" for the Biden Administration who in fact could not perform the simple task of looking downward toward the crotch to figure out what sex he/she/it was, and when disagreement with physical reality occurred reality was denied. Think about that in the context of having previously sired children, which it appears Levine did, and then telling them later on that you don't believe you're their father as you deny being a man! What sort of wildly crazy child abuse is that? (I am assuming these are biological children, which is not clear -- but is a reasonable presumption given its former wife is indeed a woman.) Do you think I'll listen to a single thing that comes out of Levine's mouth? Likewise we have all manner of fat jackasses telling everyone else they must accommodate their personal lifestyle choice and the damage it has caused. Certainly you have the right to eat yourself into a blob but you have no right to demand I pay for it either in money nor in restrictions on my lifestyle, such as lockdowns, masks and similar when you are at 1,000x the risk of being killed by a virus as someone who isn't wildly obese. Indeed virtually all of the true excess risk from Covid is due to personal lifestyle choices. Not all, to be sure, but then again while people do get hit by lightning in everyday life your decision to play golf in the middle of a thunderstorm does not make me responsible for the wildly-elevated risk of you becoming the Preacher in Caddyshack!
Every one of the ghouls who pulled this crap should spend the rest of their life in general population with the other inmates having full knowledge that they screwed not only old people but children as well. Few to none will, which means that if there is to be justice it will have to come at the hands of the one or two remaining actual men in our society who lose a loved one, especially a teen-aged daughter who was coerced into stabbing an improperly-tested cocktail into their arm like a lab rat. Maybe that will happen and maybe it won't; the story of the ages, of course, is that what should happen often doesn't.
But in terms of all the bullcrap being bandied about and the threats made that come down to "take the tard shot or else" forget it. Those threats have no teeth and the people issuing them know it. They know damn well that they are not immune from suit and the first young person who is coerced and dies creates a permanent liability for them and their entire family that can never be removed -- and which extends far beyond the boundaries of any courtroom.
If you get threatened then the bottom line is that you have a decision to make. You can knuckle under or refuse. If you refuse though do not quit or otherwise walk off in a huff -- instead make them fire you, expel you from college, or whatever. Find a good lawyer. Force these jackasses to answer for what we already know: In 2021 thus far 99% of all vaccine-associated deaths were from the Covid shots, while just one percent were accounted for by the more than one hundred other safe and effective vaccines in common use. Stick this pie chart up in court and see how well the "defense" deals with it; since it's official government data they'll have all sorts of fun trying to refute it and fail. Remember that in a civil suit you need only "more probable than not" to win, not "beyond reasonable doubt." If your healthy young son or daughter expires after taking said shot as a result of being threatened with expulsion from or non-admission to college, or loss of their job, do you think a jury will side with you or with the smug corporate or university asshole who caused them to take said shot and die? What if said young person is still alive but horribly disabled and can testify themselves as to the onset of their debilitation and proximity to the jab?
Yes, today the jury might not find your argument compelling as many of them are likely living in fear too but how about six months from now by the time you actually select said jury pool? Ha! By then the illusion will have passed; too many people will either have had a family member or friend who had their life ruined or were killed outright by these things or know someone who did and the tide will have gone out, showing all of these ghouls to have been swimming naked. Those who walk around with diapers on their face and who have their jab pictures on social media will be spending their days furiously trying to erase the evidence of their complicity lest they get tagged as someone who supported this mass-slaughter of innocents, never mind the Internet Archive which will make sure said proof never goes away. Life insurers will probably finish off anyone's hope of having coverage at a reasonable price if they took the shot -- just desserts -- when the data comes in and makes the 20 year old who took said shot the same life insurance risk as a fat, diabetic 60 year old. When that $20/month premium is $250 come talk to me about how "unfair" it is when you did it to yourself. If and when this winds up being proved to be a blood supply risk and you need a pint maybe we'll finally have some of that $400 the hospital charges you go back into the pockets of people like myself who won't give it away -- but we might sell it for the right price, seeing as we're "clean" in that regard and half the nation is not.
All-in folks I'll go back to what I said in my 2021 prediction article, albeit it appears the mechanism is different. Such is the business of prognostication; I said it wouldn't matter as we got into 2021, and it won't. There is no way that the threats to "exclude" people who refuse the Covid shots will be realized; the data is damning already, and the trends are even worse. From everything I can see the queues for shots are empty, they're closing "vaccine" centers for lack of demand and Biden is freaking out about the Military refusing, threatening to make it mandatory. What could possibly go wrong with that given who has access to what and, given the record of stabbing servicemen with untested crap that severely injures them (which we have done in the past) do you really think people will accept that rather than say "fuck you!" and force the issue? Go ahead Xiden, do something really stupid.
Even the NY Post is asking the question:
Progressive politicians across the country assumed unique powers in the last year, took away personal freedoms, and destroyed livelihoods without saving lives, but they’ve still yet to admit their historic failures or be held accountable for committing them.
The public should ask why progressives should attempt to bring major change to the nation, let alone govern any state government, when they have failed families so starkly across the country.
Perhaps the public will go even further and ask why so-called progressives and their families should not lose their right to livelihood and even their freedom after deliberately ruining the lives of so many with exactly zero benefit to balance said harms.
We're now in the first week of May. Those states that do not stop the stupidity well in front of the 4th of July, one of the busiest holidays, will simply send all the people in America to places like right here where they will spend money -- and where you need neither a mask or a jab.
From the dinner tables to the pool halls, bars and beaches of America three words are being belted out louder and louder with each passing day: Fuck you Karen.
As it turns out there is not just one study, or even two documenting that the "S" (spike) protein from Covid causes damage.
There are now at least three with one dating back in preprint to the first week of December 2020.
We start our damning review of the science here, showing direct harms from the spike protein, and which from the date proves that said direct harm was known before the first shot went into the first arm and yet was not considered by the FDA nor discussed in the media.
We show here that S protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells (ECs) in vitro and in vivo, manifested by impaired mitochondrial function, decreased ACE2 expression and eNOS activity, and increased glycolysis. The underlying mechanism involves S protein downregulation of AMPK and upregulation of MDM2, causing ACE2 destabilization. Thus, the S protein-exerted vascular endothelial damage via ACE2 downregulation overrides the decreased virus infectivity.
Endothelial cells line every single blood-transporting element of the body and are essential for them. Intentionally producing them via injecting a substance into the muscle, which is highly vascularized and thus results in immediate transport through the body, is thus expected to cause serious and immediate harm.
That wild reaction your body mounts when you get said shot is "your immune system" all right -- it is trying to fight off the intentionally introduced harm you foolishly took. Some of this damage may be permanent and involve both the lungs and heart, along with the brain and other organs.
Oh, and in case you're wondering while endothelial cells are replaced they have a quite-long lifetime; the average is more than a year so the risk involved here does not rapidly dissipate.
Again, this was known on December 4th of 2020 or before virtually anyone had received a single shot. Not one mention of it was made in the major media nor has our criminal government at all levels, federal state and local, said one word about this paper.
On March 8th this paper posted:
One of the most important pathologies, is hypercoagulation and microclots in the lungs of patients. Here we study the effect of isolated SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit as potential inflammagen sui generis. Using scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy as well as mass spectrometry, we investigate the potential of this inflammagen to interact with platelets and fibrin(ogen) directly to cause blood hypercoagulation. Using platelet poor plasma (PPP), we show that spike protein may interfere with blood flow.
In other words the spike protein alone causes blood clotting. Yet we still have the FDA, CDC, Fauci along with the pieces of crap at places like VUMC and myriad other locations including colleges claiming "there is no evidence of serious risk of these events from the vaccines" and some have said they're going to mandate that college students intentionally be injected with a substance that causes blood clotting in the lungs and elsewhere -- now conclusively demonstrated by scientific study.
In other words to attend their event or institution you must risk serious and permanent injury or DEATH by a known-dangerous injection despite the fact that for most young people, and in fact most healthy people, Covid-19 never becomes a systemic infection at all.
We know this because on March 6th a study published showing that of professional athletes who had confirmed Covid-19 and recovered:
Findings In this cross-sectional study of RTP cardiac testing performed on 789 professional athletes with COVID-19 infection, imaging evidence of inflammatory heart disease that resulted in restriction from play was identified in 5 athletes (0.6%). No adverse cardiac events occurred in the athletes who underwent cardiac screening and resumed professional sport participation.
In other words by natural infection among healthy people it is very rare for there to be systemic involvement. But among those who take said shots 100% of them have systemic involvement intentionally because unlike an infection that starts in the upper respiratory tract an injection deliberately and systemically involves the entire body.
Then on April 27th we got this:
Using a newly developed mouse model of acute lung injury, researchers found that exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone was enough to induce COVID-19-like symptoms including severe inflammation of the lungs.
Confirming the above two. This time by direct sacrifice of the animals involved, extraction of the lung cells and imaging under a microscope, direct and serious damage was shown from the spike protein alone. In other words every person who is given said shot should be expected to develop some amount of this damage.
And then just two days ago, that first study was published after peer review confirmed the findings.
But trust us, they say, it's not like 99% of the associated deaths from vaccination in all of 2021 have come from one vaccine alone with the more than 100 vaccines in actual use all combined together being associated with just one percent.
And in addition there is a very large and persistent spike of thousands of weekly deaths that are in the "Some Odd Crap Killed You" category which is not resolving as more-complete information is received by the CDC. This wild elevation is not only out of character against 2019 prior to Covid it is also wildly out of character against 2020 when Covid-19 was raging through the land. We are now fifteen weeks into the year and fifteen weeks later these incomplete reports are not resolved? Baloney; this spike is exactly congruent with the widespread rollout of the jabs and it is not resolving back into other, well-known causes of death. It is distinct and it is massive. While it will not be conclusively known whether it will resolve in the weeks ahead how do you justify ignoring it now when, if you're wrong, we're talking about as many as 100,000 or more additional deaths a year from these shots?
While data reporting delays do not prove this will not resolve anyone who claims that the combination of all of these is not a screaming alarm siren that demands the immediate cessation of all Covid-19 vaccination attempts against all but the most-seriously at risk and a bar on their trials and use in younger and not-morbid people, especially in children and young healthy adults has rocks in their head.
Anyone arguing otherwise is a monster and any corporation or institution attempting to mandate same given this data, and I remind you that unlike the pharmaceutical companies you're not immune, must be not only civilly destroyed via massive lawsuits criminal felony manslaughter charges should be brought immediately for any such coercive actions and, if refused by prosecutors then perhaps the people should contemplate whether the rule of law still binds them in any form or fashion given that it is now conclusively proved that this information was known and published prior to the first shot going in the first arm and deliberately ignored.
Further, until it is proved that said spike protein is not in the blood anyone who has taken said shot must be barred from blood donations as it is entirely possible these proteins will contaminate the blood supply and kill or severely injure the recipients of blood donated by said person. Contamination of the blood supply is extremely serious; do I have to remind you what happened with HIV when we were slow to act and as a result killed damn near everyone in the country who had hemophilia and required periodic clotting factor transfusions?
And oh, by the way, given the potential for strokes and clotting there's a reasonable argument to be made that anyone who took said shots should be barred from driving -- ever. A stroke while driving is likely to kill not just you but anyone near you too, and we already bar those with uncontrolled seizures from having a driver license.
Took the shot? Surrender your driving credential.
Thinking of flying? Did you ask if the pilot took the shot?
As I have repeatedly pointed out I am not "anti-vaccine." I am anti-stupid and the process and speed by which these were developed and rolled out without taking the time to understand potential pathology, quantifying that risk and halting the process when indications of potential trouble were found is stupid. Because we allowed stupidity we now have a wildly elevated "odd reason for death" rate and one shot that is responsible for 99% of all associated deaths this year while the more than 100 other vaccines in common use between them all are only responsible for 1%. That is what happens when you do stupid things.
PS: Think this just showed up in December? This paper from September of 2020 proves otherwise; it was at least suspected to be a problem back then but was the potential pathology run down and the shots halted until that work was complete? Nooooo! Nothing can interfere with "Warp Speed" and interrupt all that cash flow -- even if it kills people.
There is a reason science is a process and until you understand something you should keep your goddamned mouth shut.
Especially when all you have against 40+ years of hard science is computer models.
Massssskss was one of them. I warned early on that physics said masks could not work if the virus was in aerosols or transmitted in feces, no matter whether the feces were manually spread or through aerosols. We knew this was virtually certain when a mass-spread event happened twice in Wuhan and Hong Kong in apartments on the same vertical drain stack where there were no P-traps; the people infected did not know each other and thus any other form of transmission other than through fecal aerosol was wildly improbable. That was ignored. We then had the German meatpacking plant where everyone was wearing masks and yet a huge outbreak took place across tens of feet, a claimed impossibility. Yet it happened and was proved by RNA sequencing; the researchers were able to identify the index and daughter cases and thus conclusively prove that the infections happened in that plant via that route, despite masks.
Now MIT has weighed in and said the same thing. They try to sidestep the mask issue in their "research" but fail; nothing less than an N95, which is not a mask but rather a respirator, stops aerosols, and source control does not work even with N95s because when you exhale the positive pressure escapes around the edges and for aerosols goes right through the gaps. Workplaces and airlines have banned N95s with exhaust valves which preserve the seal on your face and thus are the only ones that will provide protection for you against inhaling said aerosol. Non-valved respirators repeatedly break said seal and thus render it ineffective within minutes. Don't believe me? Put on an N95 without a valve and do some sanding where there's lots of dust, when you take it off let me know what you find around the edges where the respirator used to be. This is why you want the ones with a valve and why the ones I have for such work have a valve.
Pay attention to this paper folks and note its publication date, January 2021. Nobody has paid any attention to it at all yet it is peer-reviewed in Nature, one of the "better" medical publications. I will start right here with what you do not want to read, but you damn well should before you take the shots.
This T cell-mediated immune response is even more important as studies on humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-1 provided evidence that antibody responses are short-lived and can even cause or aggravate virus-associated lung pathology
Note that when you get the shot the first thing you get is antibodies; you may get a T-cell reaction. This pre-existing knowledge, from SARS (CoV-1) entirely explains why people who just got vaccinated often get hammered by the virus and frequently end up in the hospital or die. It marks the premise of attempting to vaccinate out of a pandemic where transmission is actively occurring as stupid.
You go get the shot. Five days later you get the virus. You have not yet developed immunity and the partial expression makes it worse.
You would have been better off, by far, taking the same infection straight up front. It likely would have harmed you less.
This generally applies, by the way, to all vaccines and all viruses. The government and researchers know this. They've known this for decades. It's fact. It's why you don't wait until the measles is raging around you to get a measles vaccine and the same is true for the flu shot; you get it before the flu season starts for this very reason. Attempting to vaccinate out of a raging infection does not work and in fact kills people.
Yeah, if you don't get infected during that latent period you get protection. But if you do get infected you're screwed and all of the two-dose shots have a roughly four week window during which you get hosed instead of protected. Israel's data, by the way, proves this is real; Berenson has been reporting on it since the beginning of the year and I've noted it as well.
If you remember I've also pointed out that multiple studies have shown that somewhere between 30-50% of the population is T-cell reactive to Covid-19 despite never having had it, nor SARS or MERS, its alleged "precursors." But those studies were non-specific; that is, they looked for T-cell reactivity but never tried to identify the specific protein sequences and their part of the whole that was involved. This study does, and it finally puts light on basically the entire reason that what we've done is not only wrong it's criminally stupid.
These folks did what we should have done originally -- they isolated a panel of 120 peptides that comprised roughly 10% of the entire virus, containing 57% and 1% of the nucleocapsid and spike proteins. Note that while the "spike" facilitates entry into the cell there is evidence that it is, standing alone, pathological -- that is, it causes disease in the human body without the rest of the virus. The nucleocapsid portion, on the other hand, is the part that is responsible for replication; if it is tagged and the cell containing it is destroyed then viral replication is prevented even though penetration of the cell has occurred.
I draw your attention to this graph:
This fully explains the wild divergence in outcomes even among similarly-morbid people. The more "matches" you have on a pre-existing basis the more-fully your immune system can recognize the virus and while you will get infected if those matches are among the nucleocapsid section you're much more-likely to drive it off without serious consequence.
Note that among the "PRE" (not-infected) collection of samples all were prior to November of 2019 and thus presumed non-infected. We in fact know there were infections during that time frame but most in that group were from wildly before Covid-19 by as much as 10 years or more, so the cross-contamination percentage is going to be very low.
Now let me point to the data itself.
Of the SARS donors, 100% showed T cell responses to cross-reactive and/or specific ECs (HLA class I 86%, HLA-DR 100%; Fig. 5d,e), whereas 81% of PRE donors showed HLA class I (16%) and/or HLA-DR (77%) T cell responses to cross-reactive ECs (Fig. 5d).
81% eh? Isn't that an interesting number? Where have we seen that before?
You know damn well where, don't you?
It's the rough percentage of alleged Covid-19 infections that were either asymptomatic or very low-symptom for which no medical treatment was sought and, in many cases, not detected.
So it wasn't 30 or 50% who had pre-existing protection it's actually roughly 8 in 10! This was not a "novel, everyone is susceptible" virus at all. It never was. You were lied to from the very beginning and thus all the "models" based on that were trash.
Again, just a bit further down:
Taken together, SARS-CoV-2 T cell epitopes enabled detection of post-infectious T cell immunity in 100% of individuals convalescing from COVID-19 and revealed pre-existing T cell responses in 81% of unexposed individuals.
Now we know why Diamond Princess happened the way it did. It was never possible for more than 20% of the people on that ship to get seriously-symptomatic Covid-19 despite being cooped up in close quarters for weeks with an aerosol-spread disease and cruise passengers generally being wildly-overrepresented for various morbidity factors. It also completely explains why one of two people quarantined in the same cabin got sick and the other did not.
We also know why my friend's grandfather was killed by it but his equally-morbid grandmother was not touched symptomatically even though she tested positive despite literally sleeping in the same bed with him until he wound up in the hospital and ultimately expired.
We also know why there is no place on the planet that has seen >20% of people with significant, symptomatic disease from Covid-19. Not a single place has had that happen, even where sanitation is crap and people spread it like crazy (e.g. Iran where they lick monuments sequentially -- literally.)
This study explains every single example seen everywhere in the world, including high-concentration examples, of infection with Covid-19 back to the start of the pandemic. We now know why no more than 20% of any exposed population has ever exhibited materially-serious disease -- it simply was not possible as no more than 20% of the population was potentially susceptible to serious disease. Ever. Period.
Let me distill this down for you before I go on:
In 100% of the persons who had and recovered from Covid-19 and 81% of those who have never had the virus a vaccine may well be worthless as they already have T-cell response. While this will not prevent them from getting it again there is questionable at best benefit over their existing immunological state but there is risk, including a risk of death, from the side effects.
Furthermore, evidence was provided for a lower recognition frequency of cross-reactive HLA-DR EC in hospitalized patients compared to donors with mild COVID-19 course, which might suggest a lack of pre-existing SARS-CoV-2 T cells in severely ill patients.
No kidding? Gee, yet more points of contact with the obvious?
Then there's this:
Our observation that intensity of T cell responses and recognition rate of T cell epitopes was significantly higher in convalescent patients compared to unexposed individuals suggests that not only expansion, but also a spread of SARS-CoV-2 T cell response diversity occurs upon active infection.
Let me be clear: The entire premise of all of the "mitigations" and demand for mass-vaccination relied on a lie; that this was a "novel" virus to which nobody had existing resistance. We now know that's false; 81% of the population in fact does have existing immunity and further, that immunity is strengthened, materially so, by natural infection. In short if you have said partial resistance you want to get the disease as the odds of you being seriously harmed are statistically zero yet you will perfect your immunity and from a public health perspective you want those people who are not going to be seriously harmed to get it naturally, not take a goddamned shot because it is that perfection of immunity that stops the disease from being of harm to the public on a durable basis.
It gets worse -- the resistance isn't to the spike, it's almost-exclusively to the nucleocapsid portion of the virus among those with existing resistance; the largest set of reactions by far was to the nucleocapsid, not the spike. This is very strong evidence that it is that nucleocapsid reactivity that provides effective resistance to serious disease. The existing "vaccines" do not and cannot provide this since they encode only the spike.
Again for those who are reading-comprehension challenged: The existing vaccines are worthless for building said perfected immunity since the data is that the nucleocapsid section, which the vaccines do not code, is where most of the pre-existing resistance against serious disease resides.
Who is in the "not at risk" group? Basically everyone under 50; said persons have comprised less than 5% of the deaths and especially those under 18 who almost never get serious ill or die. This means we should have never closed schools, never masked kids and in fact we should have encouraged the equivalent of mass chicken-pox parties for both children and healthy young adults, especially in colleges. The current push to vaccinate college students is not only stupid it's directly counter-productive to them building a robust and durable, likely life-long, immune response to this specific virus including the variants.
The colleges doing this and all of those advocating or demanding same, including VUMC, the entire Cal system and more should immediately have every single person involved indicted, imprisoned and their entire familial tree erased from the human record. What they are doing is directly harmful to public health and is very likely to cause death.
Further this paper points out that induction of immunity against the spike may well be worthless or even harmful. Again "prevention of infection" is meaningless if it is bypassed and you get hammered, as has repeatedly occurred during the window following vaccination. Indeed, such might even enhance the progress of infection and mortality and if that's not enough insult there's reason to believe the same enhanced risk may also present itself on the "back end" as antibodies to the spike wane too with no way to know when that window occurs in a specific individual.
It is quite clear from this study that recognition of the nucleocapsid proteins is the difference between asymptomatic or mild infections and severe ones; the correlation is exact and yet exactly zero of the existing vaccines target anything other than the spike. You cannot build immunity to that which is not presented. With the spike now having evidence of direct pathology and in fact quite possibly being why serious organ damage and death occur with natural infection we have clearly gone down the wrong road with "warp speed" and in fact may have done irrevocable and severe harm to millions of Americans while failing to induce long-term nucleocapsid immune recognition which occurs via natural infection and is the key to turning a potential infection into a nuisance at worst.
Short-term prevention of "infection" among the 81% of those with existing T-cell recognition to the nucleocapsid proteins is not only stupid it is likely to kill people over the intermediate and longer term since those who are not vaccinated and get infected with partial resistance build additional and durable immunity via said low-symptom and asymptomatic infections which do not materially harm them and blocking that process is harmful, not helpful.
This group includes nearly all young adults and children for which people are trying to force vaccination.
There are some holes in this study that require more work; specifically, trying to pin down how much protection is afforded by which specific nucleocapsid recognition profile, and how cytokine production bears on that along with binding properties. This is definitely not the last word on such by any means, but it is a rather important contribution -- and one we should have pursued given that it certainly appears to fully explain the low-symptom and asymptomatic "infections." The authors note this and intend to do further study. Good!
What is not clear yet is where the cross-reactivity came from; it's obviously some other disease and it didn't kill the person with it; perhaps intentional infection with something that causes nothing more than a cold would be a good idea eh? Of course first we must identify what gave that 80% of the population their cross-reactivity, which we have not done -- again, on purpose, despite having a full year to work on it.
To repeat this study is 100% congruent with what we have seen thus far in the wild with this virus.
Oh, and that's not the only evidence that the spike protein alone is pathogenic. There's this study too, which if it proves up means every one of the existing vaccines in the western world is directly dangerous.
One point stands out from this study and, in combination with the study documenting pathogenic response to the spike protein alone is now evident: "Warp Speed" was stupid; it targeted the wrong thing, it has made people specifically vulnerable to nasty outcomes during the month or so before "protection" is allegedly achieved and fails to provide durable protection to the nucleocapsid portion of the virus as it does not target that at all. Further, in roughly 80% of the population as a whole taking the shot is worse than worthless since they are not exposed to severe disease in the first place but the shot is likely to temporarily block the asymptomatic or low-symptom infection that would perfect their natural immunity to the nucleocapsid portion of the virus that is required for replication while exposing said persons to the risk of severe or even fatal side effects by producing a systemic invasion of the spike protein which, if said person was naturally infected, would likely not occur since the person's immune system can recognize the original infected cells in the respiratory tract and prevent the replication cycle from completing and becoming systemic. And even worse at some point in the future as antibodies wane said persons without nucleocapsid protection are exposed to that risk again but have no idea when that risk has become significant since there's no reasonable way to know what your antibody titer is over time.
Do you think the Chinese knew all of this up front given that their vaccines are all full-protein inactivated and thus include the nucleocapsid portion? If they deliberately gave us a sequence they knew was directly and singularly pathogenic while ignoring the required nucleocapsid protection for durable protection then Beijing and the CCP must be immediately nuked to ash as they deliberately attempted to kill people worldwide and every single pharma company, US Government agency, "public health" organ and individual who cheered this on and went along with it unquestioned must be completely and irrevocably destroyed.
I note that we do not even know if the nucleocapsid portion of the virus, inactivated, is pathogenic. It very well might not be and had we produced inactivated vaccines via that route without the spike protein being present they would likely have a similar risk profile to the seasonal flu shot instead of being 100 or more times as dangerous and at the same time they would have provided durable protection that all of the current shots do not because they omit said nucleocapsid sequences on purpose.
It was criminally stupid to suppress and block drugs we knew were safe and might work in furtherance of this insanity.
Instead of what we're doing we should have -- and must, right now and today -- immediately hand out Ivermectin and Budesonide (inhaled) to anyone who appears to be sick with Covid-19, scrap all of the existing alleged "vaccines" pending study of the nucleocapsid portion of the virus and look to see if an inactivated poly-nucleocapsid cocktail is pathogenic. If it is not then for those who want said shot and will benefit from it without blocking natural infections that perfect immunity in the population as a whole, which include only those older and morbid, we should develop and offer that instead of what we're doing now through regular process, relying on prophylaxis and early treatment in the interim. Yes, it will take several years to do so but that's the only correct path to take given the scientific evidence and we must do it now.
If the various state Departments of Health will not immediately start handing out said drugs when there is no prescription required to get an experimental shot then they should be disbanded with every single employee of same binned and shunned along with every so-called "public health" organ such as VUMC closed and bulldozed to bare earth.
What we are doing now is encouraging more-contagious mutation and if we don't cut it out we may well pull the black ball and get the more-virulent mutation as well that will evade all those who are vaccinated and hammer the hell out of them since none got any nucleocapsid T-cell recognition from the shot! If that happens those without said existing recognition are very likely to die; we could easily wind up killing 20% of those vaccinated because we were stupid. Even if we do not pull the black ball said persons are at risk of the same thing happening as their antibody titers wane without any good way to know when. Since response is individual there is no reasonable way to guess for any specific person nor is there any good way to know whether said person has existing nucleocapsid T-cell recognition (in which case they're reasonably-well protected and likely will remain so -- but in that case they never got anything useful out of the shot in the first place!)
I am not anti-vaccination; to the contrary, vaccines are one of a handful of clear medical triumphs. I am anti-stupid, and producing, promoting and injecting people with something you do not yet understand the pathology of, taking your information from a potentially-hostile nation and not performing scientific verification first is stupid.
To continue said activity in the face of science documenting that you did it wrong goes beyond the realm of stupid and into the realm of criminal culpability for which no immunity should be recognized by anyone, ever, period.
And for the Love of God stop masking and restricting young and healthy people; the future of the world in terms of public health in fact requires that they be allowed to develop said natural, perfected immunity. Preventing that by giving them a shot is felonious and anyone involved in it should be indicted, prosecuted and lose their life as the mass-murderers they will prove to be.
Caution: This is a fairly long and graph-heavy article. It also should be read while sitting down and without coffee or other beverages in your mouth where they can destroy things if sprayed all over the room, such as a keyboard or monitor.
Boy, we got problems here folks.
Remember the claim that Covid-19 killed 500,000+ Americans to excess!
Well..... did it?
I have a gift which has served me very well over the decades; it is part of what allows me to be an excellent programmer and data analyst. I can look at a data set and intuitively know whether it has discontinuities in it and this leads me to be able to partition it up and work with it more-efficiently than most since I then know where to put my attention when it comes to analysis. Of course I'm not always right when I see something that looks "off" at first, nobody is, but most of the time it proves up. That same capacity means I can look at an assembly-language dump of a program and rather-quickly among a multi-hundred page green-bar listing hone in on, for example, where a tax rate that needs to be changed is likely stored and then develop and iterate on a very good set of guesses on how an unknown machine's instruction set is likely organized without a processor instruction manual -- and thus determine how to successfully change the reference and/or data.
Let's look at the CDC's own data, which is the organization telling us what happened, and see if we can find such a data discontinuity without using the Covid data claim itself. That is, let's look at all the other most-common and thus distinctly-reported and highlighted reasons people die according to the CDC and stack 'em up .vs. 2019, which we will use as our control year, during which there was by their claims no Covid and thus which was the most-recent year we can use for reference.
We should be easily able to see the other morbidities we were all told killed people; all those other conditions that were potentiated by Covid. Remember, according to the CDC only a vanishingly small number of people died with no other cause on their death certificate; ergo, those other causes, if they were not going to occur anyway, will be on the death certificates and materially elevated over the control year.
Indeed the CDC itself says that your base risk of death if you're under 18 is 1/50,000. This is a very small risk; to put it in perspective the average under 18 person accepts the same risk of death by being present in automobiles over a few months time and accepts it again and again each and every few more months. So these conditions, which are the ones that kill people often enough to be of special note and thus be individually reported out by the CDC over the last decade or so, are the ones that are most likely to elevate risk from Covid-19 to a degree that is material in overall death statistics. This is logical, reasonable, and thus can be considered presumptively correct (in other words the presumption is that it's right; you'd have to present a sizeable body of scientific evidence to convince me otherwise.)
I remind you that there is no base risk of substance from this virus absent some other set of morbid conditions; you accept more risk than the virus presents to a healthy person, by a substantial amount, simply going to buy groceries in your car over a period of a few months.
In addition note that the late weeks in this data set are incomplete -- often badly so. I went on a series of rants last year on my page here when people were saying the current week data said people weren't dying at all. That's wasn't true then and isn't now; it takes time to get the reports and correlate them.
But it is for this specific reason that when you see indications of a potential signal in data sets like this you damn well better pay attention because by the time the proof is delivered, if you're doing something that can't be retracted, you will have screwed an utterly enormous number of people and there will be nothing you can do about it.
Each of these graphs has its "X" axis of calendar weeks. The 2020/2021 line extends beyond "52" because it keeps going into the new year but again remember that the closer you get to "today" the greater the under-reporting risk because the data simply hasn't gotten to them yet. Nonetheless, four months into 2021 we should expect that basically everything for 2020 is in fact complete. You'll also notice that while a lot of conditions have seasonal curves to them this is not true for all, and the magnitude, where it is present, varies quite a bit.
We will start our analysis of potential comorbid conditions with cancer. Cancer kills a lot of people. We were told it was a major co-morbidity for Covid-19; ergo, we should see a serious cancer death increase that happened last year and into this year based on the claims of the CDC and others.
Huh? How come there's no material change of any sort when it comes to the rate of cancer death in the age of Covid? Total additional deaths were 10,928 out of 609,000. That's statistically non-existent; a 2% increase is very-likely simply associated with our well-established demographic shift toward getting older. If cancer makes you more-likely to die from Covid the elevation in risk is quite small -- statistically speaking it doesn't do much to make Covid-19 more deadly.
Ok, ok, sepsis was allegedly one of the ways that Covid kills you; multiple-organ failure due to septic shock. Therefore there should be a really, really big increase in sepsis over the previous 2019 year, right?
Ok, there was a very small increase - 2,470 deaths, a six percent increase. That's a fairly significant increase in percentage terms but the total number of people who die from this cause, in whole or part, is quite small. The original weeks, when we didn't know much of anything about Covid-19, gave us a pretty big spike; about 15% over what it was the previous year, but then it settled down and, while there was a burst of associated death in the summer that was quickly attenuated too. It appears our medical system figured out how to stop sepsis from being a major factor pretty quickly and we stopped people that had The Coof from dying, in part, from sepsis. That doesn't account for the problem.
Moving on how about my favorite one..... fat-ass disease. You know, Dieeeeeebeeeetus, otherwise known for most people as you keep eating shit for decades and it eventually kills you. Yeah, virtue-signaling, "healthy at any size" bullshit disease? Yes, I know, a small (under 10%) percentage of people with diabetes are Type I and that's not their fault in any way; Type I is an autoimmune disorder and while you may choose not to manage it other than by chasing carbs with insulin the actual cause isn't something you did. But Type II is, in the main caused by being a fat-ass, which is 100% voluntary and a decision you can change at any point.
Oh look! The blue line is above the red line, and materially so! In fact in the spring it was really nasty, good for about 700 extra deaths in one week, and it's been 300 or so on average since. That's fairly significant but, 300 deaths a week x 52 weeks is... 15,712 corpses or a 15% increase over 2019 levels. Hmmm...... ok, we found some of it but for 90% of the people with the condition it's a lifestyle choice and not my concern nor is it any of my responsibility to mitigate your increased level of risk if you make said choice.
Next up is Alzheimer's. You would not expect Covid-19 to have anything to do with that, but forcing people into isolation who are progressively becoming more-compromised both mentally and physically damn well might, essentially killing them through neglect and "I don't give a fuck about you" style prison treatment. We didn't do any of that, did we?
Covid-19 didn't kill those people, our governments, our mayors, both Presidents and we did. We're bastards and we slaughtered innocent old people through intentional neglect because we refused to implement isolation protocols for the workers in the facilities and find ways for those who loved and care for these older Americans to have said care, comfort and contact with their loved ones. We're monsters and they died as a result of us, not from a virus. But even so.... it doesn't account for anywhere near the rest of the dead people. Every one of them is sad, but it is what it is. This accounts for 14,567 additional dead bodies, an 11% increase. Some of that is also likely demographics but you can bet we murdered some of those folks -- we just didn't do it with a virus.
Next up -- Influenza! You know, our old buddy the flu? Remember, we were told the flu "disappeared." Did it?
Heh wait a minute..... there were lots of flu deaths in 2020 weren't there? In fact it was only a bit below baseline this year so far, although in 2021 it looks to be running low. Then again, was I noted, beware the latest weeks; they're behind, so I can't draw any firm conclusions. But this much is clear: Did Covid-19 actually kill those people in those other weeks or did the flu kill them? Good question; remember that dying with something doesn't mean you died of something. Did we autopsy those people to find out which was which? You know damn well we did not and the two are quite-closely related. The total? 5,095 additional dead bodies, a 9% increase.
How about COPD/Emphysema and related things? You'd think those folks would have gotten hammered. After all, someone with either condition has severely-compromised oxygen transport to start with because their lungs are screwed, and we know that people choke to death with Covid, right? So sufferers of both diseases should have gotten it straight up the pooper and fallen like flies.
Wait, WUT?
The death rate from these two diseases in the spring and early summer tracked below 2019? And then again as we went into the winter "death season" from Covid, again, it tracked materially below the baseline? Would someone care to explain this one? Indeed, there were 1,965 fewer deaths, a 1.27% decrease. Since when is COPD, emphysema and other related lung disorders protective against a respiratory virus?
I'll answer that for you -- when they're using inhaled steroids like Budesonide and those drugs stop the virus from causing serious harm. So tell me again why we haven't been handing that out to people who get Covid at the first sign of trouble, given that one of the obvious highest-risk groups of people died less often over the last year despite a raging pandemic respiratory virus circulating everywhere? Gee, wouldn't it have been nice if we used the data we already had via natural experiment across roughly 20 million Americans with an extreme morbidity bearing on respiratory infection to stop people from being killed? We had this data before the fall and winter surge and deliberately refused to use it. Indeed it was that data that prompted the Australian-led study which we refused to sign onto and promote here in the US.
I remind you that if we had done so, and handing that readily-available drug out to anyone testing Covid positive had stopped the death equally as well as it did in the COPD/Emphysema group all of the EUAs would have been illegal to issue and there would be no vaccines or need for them as the death toll would have returned to baseline or below immediately and permanently and the pandemic would have been over. This was an intentional decision as the data was right under everyone's nose all the way back to the summer months of 2020 including Fauci, Azar, the FDA and the staff of the CDC.
I know, I know! We must have misclassified a bunch of people and they're in the "other respiratory disease" bucket! That is definitely where the excess death showed up. It has to be; this is a respiratory virus and so that only makes sense. Whew, we found it!
Uh, well, maybe not. There were only 1,838 more dead people in that classification, a 4% increase. Meh.
Ok, ok, I know, I know, seriously immune compromised people, such as those with Lupus, all dropped like flies. Remember, that's a serious comorbidity too according to..... everyone who is a so-called expert. So all those people died.
Oh wait.... they're not dead at rates higher than were seen in 2019? WTF? Heh, wait a minute -- aren't most of those people taking Plaquenil? You do know what Plaquenil is, right? Hydroxychloroquine, otherwise known as HCQ. You have to wonder; there's exactly zero evidence that Covid nailed them at all and most of them are in fact using that eeee-viile drug that the CDC, FDA and Pharma all say doesn't work. Well if it doesn't work and being immune compromised is a risk factor how come there is nearly zero excess death among those people? Either being immune compromised is not a comorbidity or HCQ looks to be pretty damned protective of people with a serious comorbidity. Duh. Yes, there were 1,818 more dead people. Count 'em folks, they did not drop like flies; that resulted in only a 3% increase for a condition that was expected to be a death sentence if infected by Covid-19.
The most-likely explanation for their lack of death is the drug a huge percentage of them are using.
That would be two drugs now validated by natural experiment and intentionally ignored by all of these goons eh?
All right, all right, I know, I know..... heart attacks got lots of people. It's gotta show up somewhere; it must be heart attacks.
Hmmmm.... yes, there was a really, really ugly spike in the first few weeks wasn't there? About 3,000 of them one week, which is really awful. That, times 53 weeks, would be..... about 150,000 corpses. Except.... it didn't stay that bad, did it? No, but it was elevated, and materially-so over the entire year. This is problematic though because it goes to what I was talking about the science now saying that spike protein itself is pathogenic, and in the form of causing blood clots. Clots, of course, cause heart attacks and then the question will become are the vaccines going to cause lots of heart attacks too? Better keep an eye on this one because that elevation level is very material, unlike all the rest of them we've seen so far. And here we have real death: to be specific, 47,973 more corpses resulting in a 7% increase, so whatever those folks are taking it sure didn't help. THAT is an ugly number especially considering that heart disease is already up there with the worst of the "why you died" list.
Let's talk strokes; they're nasty too in the general sense. So did they take a similar hit?
Uh, yeah they did. A couple hundred extra dead people a week is nothing to sneeze at and also bears watching in the coming months because once again you can't tell much about the most-recent weeks yet.... or can you? In 2020 we did have 12,404 more fatal strokes and that too is an ugly number of slightly larger magnitude in percentage terms than for heart attacks, an 8% increase.
What's the common thread between heart attacks and strokes? Clotting.
And finally, the "aw crap we don't know what it was" column:
Ummmm.... Yeah.
Note that in 2020 this accounted for a grand total of 9,635 more bodies. But in 2021, well.....
Now a good amount of that disappears back into the other classifications over time, so setting off nuclear alarm sirens isn't quite called for yet. But anyone who tells you that there's no safety signal when you have a very large spike that is now nearly four months old and unresolved into other cataloged conditions has rocks in their head. That's just flat-out bullshit considering that we now have over a year's worth of experience with Covid-19.
Yes, there's backlog, there's late reporting and there's updated reports that come in over time. All true and maybe that finding will all disappear back into the other charts over the next six months or so. But by God it had better, because if it does not and the so-called "authorities" ignore it there's your evidence, correlated exactly with when we started stabbing people en-masse, that people were dying of those stabs and if it continues then the presumptive linked causal factor is going to be established since there is no other material "unknown" that has materially changed during that time period.
I still can't find 500,000 excess deaths caused by Covid in 2020; they're simply not there among the diseases the CDC reported out and since the base risk is 1/50,000 even across half the population being infected we could only account for 3,000 deaths. It is thus clear that if in fact Covid-19 has killed anywhere near the number of people claimed those other morbid conditions, all of which are serious diseases standing alone, have to account for the increase between them.
Indeed the most-common, by far (40% of additional deaths by disease) were due to heart attacks and the next was diabetes at 13%. Between diabetes and heart attacks, both almost-exclusively due to lifestyle choices and thus your personal decisions, 53% of the excess 120,475 deaths are accounted for. If we add in strokes, which also are largely lifestyle-related then we're at about 2/3rds.
Among those diseases that are allegedly "the biggest comorbid factors" I can find only 120,475 more deaths that Covid-19 may have contributed to and which included those diseases as a causal factor in total. Did Covid-19 cause all of those 120,000 additional deaths or were they caused by, in the case of diabetes, strokes and heart attacks for example, the additional 50lbs that a material percentage of people put on during the lockdowns (and over 20lbs on average!) from eating takeout trash full of fast carbs and being involuntarily cooped up in their homes? We do not know so this can only describe an upper boundary or caused mortality -- not a lower one.
This analysis doesn't mean even more people didn't die with Covid, but an alleged "Covid" death that wasn't accompanied by one of the CDC's specifically-called out diseases. The CDC "selects" these specific categories and ICD codes, I remind you, because they're particularly large percentages of the whole among diseases that kill people. When the CDC says that only a few thousand people died of Covid alone this data is rather interesting wouldn't you say?
After all being shot while Covid positive, or ODing, dying in a car wreck or wrapping your motorcycle around a telephone pole in no way implies you died of Covid, does it? To so-imply or state is to deliberately deceive the public and inculcate fear; it is a lie.
Yet the media and government have in fact said it did because they have repeatedly claimed more than four times the number of people who the CDC links to specific diseases in fact died "of" Covid-19.
The CDC's own data proves they lied.
Further, they claim that we had "no evidence" for the effectiveness of repurposed drugs; that's also a bald lie in that there are at least two which are specifically used en-masse by millions in the group of people in two of these morbidity buckets and both of them saw materially less death than was expected. In other words we had very strong observational evidence across a huge body of people that these drugs are protective and did nothing with that information. Had we acted and had those drugs proved effective the EUAs for vaccines would have been illegal, there would have been no need or desire for vaccines at all and a huge number of people who are currently dead would still be alive.
To be blunt: By the CDC's own data the FDA, NIH, CDC, Fauci and others lied and as a direct result people died.
Do you think they're being honest about the safety of the jabs given these facts? After all it's your ass since they made sure you couldn't sue or prosecute anyone if they get caught lying again.
The CDC's published source files from which you can reproduce these results on your own are found here and here.
PS: How long before, if the "unknown" data verifies, Mr. Puddinhead is forced to go on TV and eulogize all those who died due to taking shots predicated on a bogus premise, specifically one crafted before we had the science on the fact that the spike protein itself is pathogenic, as is now known -- and thus any such attempt would inevitably harm or kill a significant number of people -- more than the non-morbid percentage who die from natural infection, since their body is able to prevent the infection from becoming systemic.