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USER Registration

Please read the below information on legal characters! In particular, the login ID may not contain any spaces or special characters or account creation will fail!
Mandatory Information
Login Displayed Name
Password Email
Re-Enter Password Re-enter Email
The items below this point are optional
Refererred By? << EXISTING login id. Birthday /
Note that Login IDs must be all lower case. All other fields are case sensitive.
The duplicate email and password entries must match for your registration to be processed.
The login ID and email fields may not contain any special characters other than the '@', dot, underscore and hyphen.
Your "Displayed Name" does not have to be your actual name (a "nom-de-plume" is acceptable) BUT you must meet the Terms of Service with your selection. Any intimation or outright impersonation of another real individual, living or dead, will almost-certainly result in your account being banned.
If you fill in the referring user box it MUST BE an existing login ID in all lower case, NOT a person's real name or a web page. If you put ANYTHING ELSE in that box your registration will be rejected with an error. If you do not know the login ID of a user that referred you here leave this field blank.

By clicking [REGISTER] you are agreeing to the board's TERMS OF SERVICE