'People Lose A Little Bit Of Weight'
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2024-11-25 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Personal Health , 387 references Ignore this thread
'People Lose A Little Bit Of Weight'
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Note the bald lie here:

“I don’t think anyone who is in the health care business or area would ever argue against lifestyle modification, diet and exercise and healthy foods as the cornerstone of improving people’s health and weight management,” Drucker told CNN. “The challenge we have is that there have been multiple trials that have tried to see: Can we markedly improve people’s health and get substantial weight loss with diet and exercise? And the answer’s been no; people lose a little bit of weight.”

**** all the drug-pushing lying sacks of ****.  With a rusty chainsaw, just in case you are uncertain about exactly what I'd like to see happen to every single one of those people.

Was this a "little bit of weight"?


Oh by the way, did I keep it off?


May I point out that prior to ditching that weight I wore an XL shirt -- both T-shirt and sweatshirt.  Both the right-side picture and the one below it are size Medium; that is what I wear today.  In addition on the right side picture my pant size requirement was a 30 waist and I wear that same pant size today, which was after they fell off three times as I was previously wearing a 34 (tight) or 36 (comfortable.)  My underwear is now size medium; that was formerly XL as well.  The former picture is from 13 years ago and from the left to right side took eight months; while yes, I now enjoy exercising and before did not, I also wore a Garmin 305 that recorded all exercise during that time period and the exercise calorie expenditure was not why I ditched the excess body mass.  It was all, statistically (and particularly when one considers that exercising will increase hunger) from what I ate.  Math just is and the Garmin data is proof.

In short if you're not hungry you have no reason to eat and if you don't eat as much then yes, body mass goes down.

Your body has the capacity to automatically titrate its food consumption.  You poisoned it over a period of years and are doing so today which is why you did and today do get fat and what you poisoned it with are things that either didn't exist at all or weren't consumed in material quantity 100,000 years ago.

Specifically, seed oils and fast, processed carbohydrates.

If you refuse to accept this then shut the **** up, turn over all your money to the people who advertise their services to make your slow, miserable death a bit less-miserable and at the same time I bet you believe a man can become a woman by cutting off his dick.

How do I know that your body knows how to resolve this problem conclusively in each and every instance?  Because every single animal on the planet does precisely that.  They neither become wildly obese nor, except in the absence of available food, rail-thin and starve to death.  They eat enough calories to maintain their weight within a reasonable range on an autonomous basis without conscious thought and every single animal does this, without exception, until and unless they get into human-processed foodstuffs.  All of them do and always have.  Further, the amount of seed oil any animal can consume without human intervention is in fact a statistical zero because they only exist in any sort of concentrated form due to human processing and thus no animal, of any species, ever consumed any material amount of them naturally.

How do I know the problem is in large part a high-glycemic (e.g. processed and fast) carbohydrate intake wildly beyond what natural consumption of food can provide?  Because animal husbandry has proved it all the way back to biblical times; how do you "fatten" up a calf or hog?  You feed it high-glycemic carbohydrates to the exclusion of what it would usually eat.  Every single farmer back through recorded history knows this and in fact doing exactly that (e.g. "the fatted calf") is referenced in the Bible!

How do I know the problem is at least in large part the result of consuming seed oils?  Because I have repeatedly tested that on a "notch" basis, that is, "change one thing" and with the more-modern Garmins that can do HRV overnight any consumption of them, in any amount, damages my overnight HRV -- every time and the amount of damage is commensurate with the amount of consumption.

How much does it cost to stop eating all of that crap?  Zero.

How much medical expense, including doctor visits, medication, morbidity and worse do you avoid if you do that?  Quite possibly all of it.  For me it was literally all of it; my requirement over the last decade+ for same has been quite-literally zero.

Just read this and do it.

In a month or two it will not kill or materially harm you.

If your pants fall off then you have your answer as to whether it works, don't you?

If you want more data take your blood pressure at the local drugstore or WalMart that has one of those sitdown machines before you start and then a month later as well, and if you'd like to track individual days and test the seed oil and fast carb impact for yourself, personal to your own body then buy one of the Garmins that can do HRV (the Instinct 2 is the least-expensive as I write this, about $200) and perform a personal set of tests that are specific to your metabolic person and habits.  The alternative is that you can listen to those who have been lying to you, deliberately for the purpose of making money at the expense of your health and pocketbook, for the last several decades.

Now if you want to get really angry, after you prove to yourself that seed oils **** up your body, go into any grocery store and pull a can of infant formula off the shelf.  Read the label.  You will note that they're full of those very same oils -- they are typically the third listened ingredient.  The amount of seed oils that any infant of any mammal, not just humans, has ever ingested other than by such a formula is zero because such substances are not found in any material quantity available to be ingested in nature and thus there is zero of them in the natural milk of any mammalian mother.

PS: Google would deem this "medical misinformation" were I to put it on the other side of the blog, despite the fact that you can personally verify that I am quite athletically-capable today as there are public records of same in the form of race results and plenty of former appearances on various media and podcasts which quite-clearly document how much of a fat-ass I used to be around the time of the 08 crash. Or you could choose to show up in Knoxville on Turkey Day for the Regal 5k and see for yourself -- I'll be running it just for ****s and grins because I like to just as I did recently in Townsend, even though it appears the weather for Turkey Day morning may well suck (rainy); I'll almost-certainly, unless its really ****ty, go do it anyway.

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