You Gotta Be Kidding Me
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2024-11-27 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Musings , 639 references Ignore this thread
You Gotta Be Kidding Me
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Harris has shown up in a video that is being widely-circulated by Democrats -- and she's clearly either intoxicated or psychotic.

Assuming this is not tampered with, and it doesn't look like it is given that Fox is reporting on it, who in the Name of God would ever release something like this where the public can see it.

You don't get that unstable, and be willing to display it where others can see it, in a day, a week, a month or a year.

We literally came within the people's choice of putting this person in the left seat with the nuclear launch codes and a crap-ton of warmongers who want to see WWIII start right here, right now.

Never mind the rapidly-growing scandal within Harris' campaign -- more and more examples are coming out of her campaign paying for friendly "interviews" which were undisclosed.  That's a clear violation of election law; any expenditure for election communications has to be disclosed in the communication as to the funding entity.  Those were advertisements, not interviews.  Harris appears to have essentially ignored this not only in the spirit but almost-certainly in the letter of the law -- whether it will lead to any consequences is, of course, an open question.

I have much more to say on Trump's choices for his cabinet; some good, some not-so-much, particularly the insane belief by his Treasury nominee that we can ignore the medical scam for another four years.  No we can't; its going to blow next year or into the midterm year and ruin both House and Senate majorities if we don't deal with it straight up on the first day -- and Biden is doing everything he can to throw gasoline on that fire on the way out with his insane Ozempic crap for Medicare and Medicaid.

But had this election gone the other way in less than two months we'd be staring at a woman who is unstable enough, by the clear and public evidence, in power that we'd almost-certainly wind up in the middle of a nuclear war.

If you voted for her and don't admit this, given the evidence before you now, you're certifiable.

And dangerous.

And by the way, if you (that is Democrats, since you're the ones who ran and then voted for this woman) don't fix this right here and now, permanently within your party structure then the sane people of this nation must destroy the party including every elected person within it -- no exceptions.

The Party and its "boosters" and supporters in the media, other politicians (hi Obama) and similar are all responsible for this; Harris has been questionably-stable for a long time, there are valid questions about the drugs found in the White House and who's they really were, and any political party that will nominate and back a candidate for President that displays this sort of radical instability in their mental state must be ruined and permanently removed from the political landscape because the price of not doing so has a high probability of quite-literally being 3/4 of the population killed in a nuclear war and its aftermath entered into not due to necessity, not due to miscalculation but rather due to raging, active insanity in a person deliberately promoted as a candidate and who's mental condition is being actively concealed by everyone involved.

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