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2025-03-06 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Corruption , 61 references Ignore this thread
About Unlawful Spending....
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Oh its better in Illinois (or insert some other state) than at the Federal level.

"This audit shows that the governor, that the program was rampant in overspending. It spent well in excess of 200% more than what was estimated in budgets and in appropriations," state Senate Republican leader John Curran told Fox News Digital in an interview. 

Faux liars, of course, call this "mismanagement."

It is not.  Spending in excess of appropriated limits is intentional and malicious theft from the taxpayer of the jurisdiction.

If I authorize you to spend $20 as a CEO and you spend $40 of the firm's money you stole the other $20.

That's a criminal act and in the amounts involved it is an extraordinarily serious felony.  Further, to the extent that anyone got paid those funds they are subject to clawback through legal process whether services and goods were provided or not since you never get title to a thing that is stolen.

If I steal a car and sell it to you then it matters not how long you've had it -- if the theft is discovered the vehicle is not yours as you never got actual title to it; it can and will be confiscated from you and returned to its lawful owner.

The same is true for money; no matter how much time passes until the people who had it stolen from them discover, or reasonably could discover, that it was stolen the clock does not start to run on criminal sanctions for the thief and title to the funds never passes to the person who stole it or those who got it as a result of the theft.

Oh, and the Governor deliberately tried to hide it:

"The governor was papering over this large spending with tax increases over the last several years, as well as COVID relief funds being spent on this rather than actually trying to rein in spending in the state of Illinois," Curran said. "Now that federal dollars have tapered off, we have a large budget deficit in Illinois this year and the governor is now being forced to try to end the program for all working adults."

That makes his actions obstruction of justice which is an additional felony.

Incidentally this EXACT bull**** below was Chief's argument for Biden ignoring the Supreme Court when it came to student loans.

Despite Pritzker's plan to cut funding for healthcare programs, he said during a Wednesday press conference that he supports some kind of universal health coverage: "The broader context is people need to get health care." 

Theft and obstruction of justice are ok if someone needs something?

No they're not, so **** you Pritzker -- with a cactus.

That is a bankrupt argument and if its your justification for deliberate obstruction we'll add that as proof of intent so there goes your argument that it was due to "accident" or "bad data."

YOU DID IT ON PURPOSE ****HEAD and off to prison you damn well have to go RIGHT ****ING NOW.