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2025-03-05 18:06 by Karl Denninger
in Health Reform , 126 references Ignore this thread
Of Course It Does
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... and anyone who pushed this crap, when it was blatantly obvious from the outset this would be the case and thus their actions were intentional and profit-driven, should hang for it.

The study focused on 107,583 patients 18 and over with gender dysphoria, some who underwent surgery and others who did not.

They determined rates of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation and substance-use disorders were "significantly higher" among those who underwent surgery, assessed two years later.

Males with surgery had depression rates of 25% compared to males without surgery (11.5%). Anxiety rates among that group were 12.8% compared to 2.6%.

The same differences were seen among females, as those with surgery had 22.9% depression rates compared to 14.6% in the non-surgical group.

Well duh.

If you cut off your genitals since there is no way to make functional other-sex components you have permanently destroyed the capacity for an adult sexual relationship.

You cannot gestate or sire a child (this should be instantly obvious.)

But much worse:

You cannot have an ordinary adult orgasm because the neural connections that were originally there have been severed and cannot be recreated.  Since those connections are different between men and women it is not possible to create the interconnections of one sex in another after the point of conception as they grew differently from the first cellular division onward.

In short someone who undergoes this cannot have ordinary heterosexual relations, whether said stimulation is digital, oral or penetrative (e.g. intercourse) with another person and enjoy it as an adult of that sex ordinarily would as it is impossible to create a functional, including the neural connections necessary, penis or vagina; the best of medical technology produces the appearance but not a functional sexual organ even if only for personal pleasure (with reproduction obviously entirely and permanently off the table.)  Worse, this problem does not extend only to you; the other person you engage with will, with certainly, not have an ordinary adult sexual experience with you either.  Any person of said other sex who desires said ordinary adult sexual experience is likely to be disappointed (at best.)  This will severely limit your choice of partners to those individuals who are willing to be with you despite these self-imposed limitations.

All of this is both certain (not speculative) and utterly irreversible.

Go have this conversation with someone who supports "trans" ****.  Not cross-dressing which is entirely cosmetic and does nothing to your actual sexual capacity, but rather cutting off and fashioning fake sexual organs.

Having read a couple of "common" consent forms this is not clearly explained at all and much of it is claimed to be "speculative" -- that is, the word "might" or "may" instead of "WILL" is used.

There is no MIGHT about any of the above -- it will occur 100% of the time, with absolute certainty, and THAT is what "informed consent" must disclose to each and every person contemplating this or any physician and medical center personnel involved MUST BE BANKRUPTED AND THEN HANG for their INTENTIONAL AND FRAUDULENT DESTRUCTION OF SAID ADULT'S SEXUAL FUNCTION.

Adults are free to mutilate themselves and face the consequences if and only if they give actual informed consent -- and the current "forms" do not do this, intentionally so.

But no part of that, however, including any chemical path that leads there, can be permitted to be practiced upon someone who is not an adult and thus fully personally and financially responsible for all of the above and thus qualified to make that decision irrespective of the circumstances.



Violating that stricture must be a death penalty offense.