Let me first state an obvious premise: Those who say "violence is never acceptable" (irrespective of context) obviously have and stand for deletion of the entire DOD, correct? All of the third-largest expenditure in the government must end immediately?
Well then your claimed position a lie -- your actual position is "violence is never acceptable against me, but it is always acceptable if I direct or commit it against someone else which might include you."
After all we have roughly a million Americans who are employed through that third-largest program and many millions we have trained and are now retired, never mind all the contractors and producers of various instruments of violence which number in the millions, because we believe that not only is violence in some cases an acceptable answer there are times when we believe it is the only acceptable answer to a situation that arises.
Where is that line?
Well, one would hope its not "right here, right now" yes?
That should be obvious since once the line is crossed then the use of same has a very high probability of being two-way, and you're one of them. Nobody likes that possibility; they might get off doing it to someone else but never having it done to them.
What is the fundamental premise of the attempts to stop DOGE from discovering and laying upon the table the full scope of fraud, waste and abuse in the government? It's simple: Those screaming are the ones that profit most from the theft.
What happens when you tolerate this sort of thing over the space of decades? You get more of it.
It was rather amusing to see Elon say that he was "astonished" that Social Security numbers are not de-duplicated in the IRS and Treasury systems. I've known this for literally decades. Well duh; were they de-duplicated you couldn't successfully use one from a dead person nor have 10 people using the same one. Attempting to use a dead person's SSN would instantly get rejected because its already in the system and that person is dead, so unless that person is Jesus this is hard proof of fraud. Send the cops and, assuming its not a mistake of transposed numbers, into prison you go for said fraud.
Got 10 "employers" all claiming someone with the same SSN is working for them? No they're not; that's fraud. Dispatch the cops to all 10 employers, find said persons in each case, arrest the nine of them that are using someone else's SSN.
Oh, some of those fraudsters file for refundable (e.g. EITC) tax credits and the children claimed are on false or duplicates SSNs? Send the cops there and arrest all but the one legitimate parent. Nine of the ten are committing fraud; its not a mistake, its fraud and they're stealing money, in many cases as much as $10,000 each and every year.
This stuff isn't hard folks -- in fact its trivially easy.
Which states are screaming the loudest? They're screaming because if you cut this fraud off and jail people for it then their states have a problem in that they gain revenue from each of these illegally-claimed "dependents", never mind the EBT funds that are then spent in that state.
In other words those AG's are not only beneficiaries of the fraud they are directly conspiring by filing this action to force it to continue, and thus by doing so are committing Racketeering. And no, a State Agency employee is not immune from federal prosecution if they commit a federal crime.
Charge them and lock them up.
If ICE raids a place of employment and finds a significant number of illegal aliens working there then the employer must be arrested and charged under 8 USC 1324; the action must and cannot end with deporting the illegal employees. This isn't discretionary; that law is clear and that they did not use E-Verify and thus looked the other way when they had the tools to discern these employees were illegal and did not check is enough to convict them given that the standard is either knowing employment of illegals or willful disregard.
Right now we're arresting and deporting mostly serious criminals. Fine and good, but we must force those who are criminals (entering illegally is a crime) out anyway. The easiest way to do this is to cut off all public benefits and arrest anyone who is harboring or employing them under long-standing law that not only permits it demands exactly this. Yes, this includes state employees (e.g. teachers and school administrators) who harbor illegal aliens -- again, 8 USC 1324 makes this expressly illegal and mandates a 10 year prison term for violations. Nobody here unlawfully has a right to a single penny of public funds and any they have received are further criminal acts.
Ditto for landlords; I must show a driver license essentially everywhere to even rent a hotel room for the night and every landlord does some sort of background check never mind they want to get paid so they also want employment or other means of payment information. I've never rented an apartment in my life (going back to the 1980s!) where I wasn't required to prove my identity including my social security number for said financial records check. When you find an illegal alien in rental housing subpoena the landlord's records and if he or she was not actively defrauded (that is, they either willingly or with reckless disregard rented to said person) charge them under 8 USC 1324 as the law demands.
For those who say "who will work the fields?" I counter with "there is an H-2 visa for this express purpose" - such persons are admitted on a seasonal basis and then must leave at the end of said season. Nothing wrong with that and in addition this way the farm interests must pay taxes as well. Most of the citrus workers in Florida, for example, are here legally under that program and there's nothing wrong with it.
"DOGE" has shown us that the outright fraud in the system is not an "isolated" or "de-minimus" thing; it is in fact the business model that many entities use. For example hundreds of millions of dollars was funneled through USAID to various entities that then unlawfully worked to censor speech on the Internet. While private parties can do as they wish the government cannot under the First Amendment and such actions funded by the government are thus per-se unconstitutional and as a result any such payment constitutes fraud and is not a legitimately paid voucher against a Congressional appropriation. Each and every such payment must be clawed back and those who solicited and obtained them prosecuted.
If I steal $100 million from the government and give half of it to my daughter, and then get caught she doesn't get to keep the $50 million; she is forced to cough it up even if she didn't know I stole it at the time or go to jail herself. This must be run to ground in this case as well and any entity that has evidence of receiving such an improper payment must be blackballed from all future payments. If they wish to argue otherwise they can individually sue over same and prove that no dollars were spent in furtherance of such acts -- acts that if privately undertaken may have been legal but they're not when the government pays for them.
For starters every entity that received any payment, directly or indirectly, that censored so-called "disinformation" during Covid, on Trump's alleged "Russia" ties or anything having to do with Biden such as the laptop-from-Hell must be enjoined from ever receiving any federal funds and all future payments to various agencies must include a certification that no funds will be spent with any such blackballed entity. This is not only entirely-legal it is required that the Federal Government not actively engage in or suborn fraud as the Executive has a "Take Care" clause in the Constitution that requires all such Executive Agencies, including Treasury, to proactively prevent fraudulent acts against the government and its funds.
This has to happen within every agency -- NOAA, for example, has been caught tampering with historical temperature data. That's a felony because said records are official government records, they're a government agency and are doing it with public money so there are two crimes here. Prosecute said crimes.
Go through CMS with a fine-tooth comb along with Social Security and EBT records. Claw back all fraudulent payments and jail the perpetrators. You'll likely find plenty of illegal aliens in that list too; deport them all and bar them permanently from entering the US again since they have stolen from the Treasury -- a separate and distinct offense from illegal entry itself.
For every program in which spending occurred outside the formal remit of the agency every penny of said spending beyond that purpose is a federal offense and every employee involved in it has committed a crime. Shut off said money and prosecute anyone found involved -- yes, the federal employees involved. They are not immune; sovereign immunity only applies when acting within the remit of the agency; any action outside of that remit is not protected in any way.
This should not be controversial with anyone; the only people trying to prevent detection and publication of such lists of frauds are those stealing the money. To the extent they try to do that through allegedly "legal" process they are declaring the law does not apply to them and thus by their own actions disavowing that an action against them can implicate laws. Jail them.
Yes, we must make clear to any and all that indeed fraud vitiates everything as has always been the case in a lawful society, and that those who attempt to declare that the law doesn't apply to them must have it pointed out that if they persist in this position then that works the other way and we have a government which recognizes that in such circumstances there is only one corrective action that remains and in fact the third largest budget item is spent for that exact reason.
May we all choose wisely.