I Said Midwit (or Malicious) Kamala, And I Meant It
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2024-09-15 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Editorial , 1030 references Ignore this thread
I Said Midwit (or Malicious) Kamala, And I Meant It
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There are two midwits attempting to contend for the Presidency.

Those who are Trump boosters -- get over yourselves.  Maybe you think he's wildly smart but if you do its probably because your IQ has two digits.  If you didn't take from the "debate" that he simply can't think on his feet and worse, when cornered his instinct is to go off on some tangent you're nuts.  It is and always has been this way with him; he's displayed this trait so many times you can't actually count them during his career in commercial property development and you can find proof of this in all the times he's either screwed someone he was doing business with or even sued them.

Yes, sometimes you have to sue in business; it is what it is.  But Trump has a long record of extremely aggressive behavior and bullshit when it comes to business dealings.  "Trump University" anyone?  Yeah, I know, its the "left-wing media" but the facts are he settled the case for $25 million and the allegations are that he took people's money and provided no value in return.

But Harris is, in many respects, worse.  Witness her most-recent word-salad evasion.  I took a bit of shit from a couple of friends over the last days arguing that Harris had not answered any of the questions put to her in the debate.  Well, she didn't; she confabulated rather than answer the question put to her and in addition she made multiple false statements about her own record and Trump's (including the "very fine people" line of garbage) which either were knowing lies or she lacks the intelligence to recall her own prior statements.  One of the worst examples of this was on gun control, where she stated she had not changed her mind and was not coming for anyone's guns, despite repeatedly, over her entire career, being for mandatory buybacks (that's confiscation) of so-called "assault weapons."  Both she and Biden have repeatedly put forward this position over the last 3-1/2 years -- including in the last few weeks.  Why didn't she just say so in the debate?  Because she's a damned liar and thinks you have the attention span of a fruit fly.

It is not uncommon for politicians on the left to argue for gun control.  But a prosecutor, who supposedly understands the law, and in fact in this context has to deal with firearms and offenders on a regular basis, damn well ought to understand the history of litigation and firearms legislation.  If you don't or can't you have no business being a prosecutor.  To argue that the law should change for some reason is not the same thing as arguing said history does not exist and further, if you as a prosecutor argue that a law overrides the Constitution you should be removed from office, tried for malice murder and upon conviction be executed because your acts are not errors, they are by definition malicious and rob people of their lives.  Yet she, along with many others, do exactly that: Miller, the original "gun control" case at the Supreme Court, held that the primary test for whether a particular type of "arm" was protected under the Second Amendment was whether it was a reasonable weapon to use by the infantry in war.  Indeed the holding in Miller was that the gun in question was not such a weapon -- and the government's presentation of that claim was a knowing and intentional lie.  Thus the very argument Harris makes that these are "weapons of war" suitable for infantry use in said conflicts is why they're protected under the Second Amendment!  If you disagree then the only legitimate answer is to propose and pass a Constitutional Amendment.  Period.

But now we have hard evidence in the form of a new long-form interview that Harris cannot cogently form policy thoughts at all when asked about the key item in every single election and one that any candidate for President had better be prepared to offer up answers on: The economy.

When I first saw this clip on social media I thought someone had used AI to "splice" her appearance with her non-answer at the debate a couple of days earlier.  It didn't take long for me to find additional copies close enough to the original appearance that it was clear that she really did give that interview with that content and also to discern that it wasn't an exact copy of her non-answer in the debate and thus wasn't AI-spliced -- but it was close enough that anyone hearing it might reasonably come to that conclusion until they listened to it a few times.

In both cases she was asked for specific policy points to bring down prices for average Americans.  In both cases she didn't answer with a single specific policy point addressing prices, instead saying that "she grew up a middle-class kid."  Well, so did I -- while I had two parents in the house rather than one I didn't have any sort of silver spoon, both she and I grew up at the same basic time in America, we both, as kids, went through the gas lines, the explosion of grocery and other basic prices in the 1970s including for energy and we both knew damn well how nasty it all was because we lived it in real time.  Now I don't know if she actually remembers things like frozen orange juice doubling in price and gasoline and heating oil doubling in the space of a few years but I sure do because I liked to drink orange juice when I was a kid and it became rationed in our household as we didn't have enough money to buy as much of it as I wanted to consume.

Harris did not offer one concrete policy suggestion in either instance to bring down prices.  Additional subsidies and government hand-outs always raise prices because you're adding to the demand side of the curve which makes prices go up.  This is basic economics and again if you don't understand it or can't answer to it you have no business being President.  And whatever you may say about Trump the facts are that Harris has not once, for a single year, held a single private-sector job or run a single business; every bit of her "work experience" has been in government service which is all funded by taking money from other people by force (they're called "taxes", for those who are short a few IQ points.)

Now maybe you're ok with this but you should square it with the fact that Congress provided over seven billion dollars to build and install EV chargers -- allegedly to install tens of thousands of said chargers -- in 2021.  This is a core element of Harris' claim that we should all be driving electric cars; without public stations at which to charge them you are inherently tethered to your residence by their return-capable range, you are essentially a rat in a cage of about 100 miles in size.  As of December 2023 the number of installed chargers was zero; since then I believe there have been eight put into service.  A private company that wasted seven billion dollars in this fashion and siphoned it off to various people would be sued to beyond the orbit of Mars for that grift; in the US Government doing something that outrageous gets the second in command a shot at being President where she can try to steal a few hundred billion more for her favored friends.

Indeed Harris' direct policy prescriptions have radically driven up prices and diverted huge amounts of money to a favored few while screwing everyone else.  Specifically, she directly called for 100,000 Haitians to be relocated into the United States in a speech.  Well now some 20,000 have been brought into one town (Springfield Ohio) where a combination of subsidies has resulted in a manufacturing company obtaining labor at a cheaper price to them by shifting the cost onto everyone else in town.  Said subsidies to these Haitians has tripled the rent for an apartment and thus at the $17.50/hr wage offered by said plant to Americans it is factually impossible for an American adult to take that job and survive because at the now-common price of $2,000/mo for said apartment that is 68% of the gross wages earned at $17.50/hr assuming a 2,000 hour work-year -- that is, 8 hours a day for 5 days a week and 50 weeks (2 off for vacation.)  After taxes its even worse; your effective tax rate on that amount of income would be about 14% plus the 7.65% withheld from the first dollar for half of Social Security and Medicare.

Let's do the math:

$35,000 (Gross) - $2,677 (Fica/Medicare) - $4,900 (Federal Income Tax) = $27,383.

Rent is now $24,000 a year ($2,000 a month x 12 months for those of you who can't do the math in your head) so you're supposed to pay the power bill, eat and purchase all other necessities such as a car and insurance on it with the $3,400 a year, or $283 a month -- that remains.


These are not "McJobs" for high school students; they are main-line blue-collar production jobs in the middle of America.  Prior to importing these Haitians it was possible to make it work because rent was one third of what it is now and thus you had $18,383 in cash remaining after paying your rent across the year, or about $1,500 a month.  That's enough to pay the electric and heat bill, buy food and own a modest vehicle.  No, it is not a glamorous life but it is a reasonable blue-collar lifestyle and you can make it work.

Not any more and Harris personally advocated for and got the destruction of every one of those people's lives through her demanded policy which did take place, and that factually screwed every one of those employees by wildly accelerating the cost of basic needs, specifically rent.  Never mind the insane escalation of car insurance costs on everyone because said Haitians have no money or insurance, nor do they know how to drive and thus they wreck vehicles at a wild multiple of Americans' rates -- all of which has to be recovered from all the Americans who live there.

Harris either knows this and if she admits it her race is over or she is too fucking stupid to run for President at all and we should force her ugly ass out of the race and out of public life entirely.

Which is it because I for one am tired of people making excuses for politicians who deliberately buttfuck Americans and this, above all else, is why we must not allow her deliberate actions to play "palace coup" and install herself on the top of the ticket to stand.  Her actions were intentional, she stated exactly what she wanted to occur as Vice-President, she got it and the Americans in Springfield were economically destroyed as a direct consequence of her willful and deliberate acts.

There are other Democrats and she robbed them, and you, of the right to representative government in selecting who it is that would run against Trump in November.  She did not receive a single vote in this election cycle and it is clear that she along with whoever fomented this scheme took these actions to install herself at the top of the ticket because she, they or both knew damn well that in any actual contest of votes this sort of non-answer and her documented record of buttfucking Americans out of their ability to have a decent working-class life would have had to be answered for and as a result she'd lose that primary -- exactly as she did in 2020.

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