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 Ukraine Has LOST, And So Have We
Baltgayveteran 467 posts, incept 2021-09-16
2022-06-12 16:48:02

But...but...but the Russians are running out of ammo, tanks, missles! ROFLOL

@Greenacr: "...What this war has done is expose Russia for the paper tiger that it really is. Yes, they have nukes and other powerful weapons (and thus never be engaged in serious war) but overall, their military is a lower echelon force lacking in command structure/leadership, overall equipment and tactics. I know that some here feel that our Military is woke and full of pussies, but we would clean Russia's clock in a conventional war."

Dude, what are you smoking? Crack? The Russians are utterly destroying the Ukranian military that we spent nearly 8 years training and supplying. Everyone at the Pentagram would******their pants is we got into a real war with Russia.
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