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'People Lose A Little Bit Of Weight'
So You Dislike The Prospect Of Civil War?
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It's fear.
And its a good indication that now the time is to stick it in and break it off.
We had reps who actually had the audacity to say in public that ordinary people had no right to free speech to come out against said bill, especially those who have money. Like Musk.
Good luck with that ****.
Why did the Democrats and Republicans tank the straight CR? Because it didn't contain an unconstitutional but almost-impossible to challenge (because of standing issues they deliberately crafted) ban on subpoenas aimed at Congressional offices. Think about that one for about two seconds: Congress tried to obtain immunity from discovery of their own previous felony criminal acts.
That's where we are today folks -- these ghouls attempted to shield themselves from criminal liability for prior acts, which of course means they know damn well they're guilty and they're scared of doing time in the pokey for it.
So as we head into Christmas let me point out that I no longer care if any Congressperson or any member of their family has a horrible thing happen to them. I won't wish for it, but I have a shelf full of really good liquor and I'm offering toasts if karma comes to visit, whether its the Universe that does it or intentional human action.
Ok, sorry, seconds later I did wish them ill: May Santa drop a deuce down all their chimneys.
These people -- all of them -- are demons and we let them go so far down the slope of depravity that I no longer consider them, or their families, human.
Garmin has, accidentally I'm sure, put the tool for you to get very angry -- and healthy -- at the same time in your hands at a reasonable price.
Specifically, any of their "smartwatches" that can do overnight HRV.
It takes 2-3 weeks to get a baseline but once you have it you can do "notch testing" if you are careful and change one thing -- specifically, what you eat.
I just ran one of these.
Those who have followed my writing over time know that in 2011 I changed my food intake to be low-carb, high (animal) fat, moderate protein and it changed my life. 60lbs disappeared without effort and vigorous exercise became not difficult and even enjoyable. Its 13 years later and at 61 I still find running enjoyable along with all manner of other vigorous outdoor activity such as back-country hiking and skiing. Indeed just a couple of days ago I got back from skiing -- at 10k feet altitude in Colorado. It was awesome.
The so-called (as claimed by various medical "authorities") inexorable path of obesity and Type II diabetes halted, reversed and my insulin sensitivity returned over time. Not one drug was involved in any of that, by the way, and thus there were no drug adverse effects either (they're not "side effects" when they harm you so stop calling them that. We should all pledge that anyone using the term "side effects" instead of the proper term "adverse effects" gets an immediate baseball bat to the mouth.)
Over the last few years I've become more and more convinced that the largest issue for non-diabetic people isn't the carbs per-se, other than the stupidly-fast processed carbohydrates -- its seed oils.
I've "busted" local eateries serving them without my knowledge by, for example, cooking vegetables in them or serving me "butter" that really isn't. It is 100% repeatable -- it will tank my overnight HRV every time.
So I decided to try something as a "notch test" on fairly fast carbs in the knowing absence of seed oil of any sort.
Back from my carb-heavy days I had bought a breadmaker; a fairly nice one from Williams Sonoma. It has sat in my kitchen cabinet for more than 10 years unused. Plugged it in, it powered up. Ok.
I went to the store and bought a bag of bread flour and the smallest package (3 packets) of yeast.
Into the machine went the following:
2 cups Bread Flour
Sugar (ordinary white, granulated)
Warm water
Melted butter (not the called-for vegetable oil)
Push button, came back in 3 hours.
There's a nicely-baked loaf of bread in there.
So I slice off two thick pieces, slather in more butter, and eat them yesterday afternoon and early evening, respectively.
What happens to my overnight HRV?
Its within the normal range.
Yes, my water balance shifted (as it does when you run on carbs) because carbs require more water to process than fats. And while I didn't look I'm sure that I'm not in nutritional ketosis at this point for that specific reason.
But..... no adverse HRV impact at all.
Now I'm not insulin resistant anymore -- I was 15 years ago, but going low-carb reversed that over time. It took several years so I would not expect this to be a good idea if you are insulin-resistant, as eating carbs like that will blow up your blood sugar levels. And were I to return to this on a regular basis the same thing would almost-certainly happen to me.
However, this is a very solid piece of evidence that the bigger impact on your health is in fact those ******ned seed oils and for me, at least, its irrefutable in that a challenge of baked goods where I know there are no seed oils in them because I put the ingredients in the machine and there were zero such in the ingredients it did not hit my overnight HRV despite being wildly carb-laden.
Folks, I said over a decade ago that seed oils are literally "heart attack in a bottle."
This was based on the fact that all substances, concentrated sufficiently, are poisonous and it is up to someone to demonstrate that a specific dose is safe, not the other way around and the correlation with increasing obesity, heart disease and diabetes tracks almost-exactly with the increase in seed oil consumption on a per-capita basis. On the other side of the debate to counter this correlation there is no such evidence of safety when it comes to seed oils and in fact we now know that the so-called "consensus" was tainted at best and quite-possibly deliberately corrupted.
Subsequent reexaminations of this evidence by nutrition experts have now been published in >20 review papers, which have largely concluded that saturated fats have no effect on cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular mortality or total mortality.
Ancel Keys alleged "work" was false; whether it was deliberately false originally doesn't matter. The fact is that the claims were not reproduceable and yet it turned into the basis of a very profitable set of conditions for both the food and medical industries, all of which have made a crap-ton of money off cheaper food ingredients on the food side and human misery, disease and death at insane profits for every single entity involved on the medical and pharmaceutical side. You're free to conclude this was a "mistake" -- I argue it was deliberate and worthy of capital punishment of every single person involved both originally (although they're likely already dead) AND ALL WHO ADVANCE IT NOW THAT WE KNOW IT WAS AND IS BOTH BULL**** AND IS ACTIVELY KILLING PEOPLE.
But you don't have to take my word for it or read studies because you can test it in your own physiology, which is of course distinct to some degree from everyone else's and is also 100% true 100% of the time for any person who does so and is thus irrefutable for you as an individual.
Now, of course, we have also polluted this debate with so-called "climate science" arguing that animals are polluters. That's so ****ing laughable that anyone arguing it should be executed where they stand; this nation, for example, has been estimated to have had thirty million bison roaming the United States just prior to Columbus' arrival. Obviously they did not make the planet hot enough to kill everyone and in fact by 1890 there were only a thousand left and we did not fall into an ice age as a consequence of that slaughter.
It ought to be screamingly obvious that animals are in fact part of the ordinary cycle of the Earth's biome and that is a good thing. After all we're animals too, you know, and we fart just like a cow or bison does.
All of this crap has combined over time to lead so-called "experts" recommend that you quite-literally slowly poison yourself and worse, your children. Go look in any store and see what's on the label of every infant formula, typically as the third ingredient by volume. Yep -- seed oils, all of which hit my HRV severely and that directly implicates metabolic damage.
This crap is an utterly huge component of the medical mess. I'm convinced of it. While I'm sure there are people who don't have the negative metabolic impact of what I witness myself I also believe its extremely rare because every person I've talked with that has such a device, and who I've convinced to remove these substances even for a single day sees improvement and thus sees the damage for themselves on a notch challenge. I've yet to run into the person without that response - again, I'm sure such people exist but its very uncommon and this sort of evidence is something you can develop and test for yourself, personally, with a tiny bit of effort.
If you do, and find the same thing, then please explain why you let the government, doctors, so-called "health authorities" in the media and elsewhere make a recommendation that you kill yourself by eating metabolic poisons rather than the alternative (animal fats) that have no such impact on your body without doing anything to those who, on the evidence in your person with your own individual testing, have been and are trying to poison you -- and your kids.
Do you really hate yourself and your children enough to let this go unanswered when the clear motivation is simply MONEY at the expense of your health and life?
And oh yes, they all know it too -- the data has been there for decades and deliberately ignored.
I'm speaking about standing up for yourselves when it comes to sports, bathrooms, locker rooms, showers and similar being single-sex places -- and note I said sex, not "gender."
We men tried. We warned you. We told you what we were like when we were 13. We weren't lying when we said we'd **** almost-anything on two legs that had a vagina at that age without a care in the world. That's not because men are horrible, its because of this thing called testosterone that we don't know a lot about when we're 10 or 12 but around 13ish we have to figure it out and it ****s our brains up for a while.
Some men not only never figure it out they become extremely aggressive about it, including criminally aggressive, and don't give a **** what women (or other, sane men) think about that.
We warned you about this because we've all seen it among other men we have known.
By the way, this is one reason you never want to have kids without a father in the house. He's the only one qualified to explain to either boys or girls exactly what the above means and to issue appropriate cautions on that phenomena. If you think that's unimportant you need only look to outcomes in places where men have been driven out of the home by public policy to see the result.
Today you look around some "dating site" allegedly for heterosexual connections and what do you find? Women with their pronouns in their profiles listing things like "immigrant rights" and "LGTBQRSTUV++++" as their "causes." This, even after Laken Riley was murdered and attempted to be raped first by one of those "immigrants" these very same women want to protect!
This is flat-out insanity; in what world does a person who wants a heterosexual relationship have a reason to campaign for the 2% (or whatever it is) of people who genuinely are homosexual -- unless, of course she is and is lying about it? What woman wants to be raped and/or murdered by an "immigrant"? You have to be out of your ****ing mind to campaign for that. And let's cut the crap on the entire "trans" thing; if you're a man, want to make yourself look like a woman and then sleep with a man you're not "trans" -- you're GAY and unhappy about expressing that in public.
I don't give a wet **** whether you are or not gay, incidentally, except that as a man I have zero sexual attraction to men. It doesn't matter what characteristics a specific man has, I don't want to sleep with him. Period. This, incidentally, is why I appreciate the perspective that if you're gay you're not going to change either; I'm straight and have never had a sexual attraction to any man, ever, so its entirely reasonable for me to conclude that if you bat for the other team its the same situation. A man can cut off his dick and sew on a pair of fake***** and I still will not want to sleep with him because he is still a man and nothing he can do will change that. If he lies about being a woman then it matters not what sex that person is whether I'm heterosexual or gay because someone who is going to lie to me in a sexual relationship is someone I want nothing to do with since I'm not 13 anymore where the primary testosterone-driven item of attention was "is it human and does it have a hole in the right place?" Further, if you as a person cannot be honest with yourself about the most-fundamental and immutable characteristic you have, and its not rare either -- fully half of the human race shares it -- then I sure as **** will not trust you in any sort of business or other personal relationship.
All degrees of honesty must first filter through you being honest with yourself; absent that you're less capable of honesty than is a dog who eats the steak off your plate when you go to take a piss. At least the dog is honest enough with itself, when you come back and the steak is no longer on the plate, to know what it did was wrong.
By the way pheromone-level attraction is not able to be turned off and faking it is a really bad idea because it is at the core of mutual satisfaction over time. Oh you can **** it up if you're a woman by taking birth control for yourself which has a good chance of leading to extreme emotional pain down the road, because if you do that, get involved with a man and then stop using the hormonal birth control or change its composition there is a decent set of odds that you will wake up one morning hating the man you are laying next to with absolutely no way to understand why and no way to fix it. An utterly huge part of sexual attraction is subconscious and either is or is not there and ****ing around with that is a very bad idea for what should be obvious reasons.
Incidentally this is inherent in any sort of hormonal tampering as a tool of sex denial too since exactly zero of that is naturally occurring so you're begging for any such "attraction" someone feels for you in a sexual context to be artificial and disappear the moment you make any sort of change in that regard -- whether deliberately or not.
Why isn't that front and center of these discussions and debates? It damn well should be because those who have reinforced the idea that they'll be "happier", including personal interaction with others, are being sold a knowingly-false bill of goods.
Of course if your idea of sexual attraction is either business-like or transactional, and for some people it is, none of this matters. There are a lot of people out there like that, by the way. But if you'd like to grow old with someone it sure as hell does matter.
The problem is this: Women are the ones who pushed this ****, overwhelmingly vote for it and make a public, performative display of supporting it. Further, black women in this last election voted for Harris 85% of the time. Look at who shows up for these rallies and pushes this crap -- it's nearly all women -- and the "men" look and act like women. But even among all women the margin for Harris was roughly 10% and it is the Democrats, literally without exception, that are the reason queers are in women's locker rooms, beating women and girls at running, crowning them in volleyball matches with spikes to the face and similar bull****, all of which any sane man would tell you is crap, should never be allowed and should be considered a criminal assault.
Worse, if we men dare suggest this is wrong on a physiological basis and utterly unsupportable, stating the truth about the entire "trans" thing we're called bigots, fired, canceled and otherwise shunned by the very women we men would seek to protect.
And further, this SJSU garbage that having a man on their women's team "hurt nobody" and thus "all those hateful messages are wrong" is a ****ing lie. It sure did hurt people -- specifically, the woman -- the actual woman -- who didn't get a scholarship, worth tens of thousands of dollars so SJSU could CHEAT by putting a biological MAN on the team. **** YOU AND **** EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO SUPPORTS THAT ****. SJSU should be destroyed for doing this in the first place and every one of their graduates blackballed from employment forever. Make them ALL pay for not putting a stop to it. SJSU wants to force collective acceptance? **** that -- we can force collective punishment and we damn well should do it right now in every single instance until this crap stops.
Women have a monopoly on possession of a uterus and there is no way to change that. I've no quarrel with it; that's how it is and not just among humans -- it is true among every sexually-reproducing species. But I will not defend women in this regard if they don't want to be defended and not only call me names they seek to bar me from society because I speak to the fact that there is utterly no justification in reason or fairness to let any of this **** go on.
For any other woman than the very few I have a personal reason to intervene should one of these creeps try this **** will I do so? Sorry, nope. I'll walk on by when I see the obvious trans dude or "immigrant" headed into your locker room.
You wanted this, you voted for it, you tolerated it, you even put crap like this in your dating profiles despite espousing that you want a heterosexual partner and further you let those around, you including the entire work environment at every company turn into mandating this anywhere and everywhere in the United States even to the degree of enforcing it by law so suck it up buttercup because you now get to either live in the Hell you deliberately created or YOU must change it.
Holy **** yeah that CEO getting whacked was understandable, but mis-aimed.
I'm talking about the insanity in the medical system.
Yeah, a dude blasted a health insurance CEO. Who was a willing co-conspirator and thus I'm glad that ********** is dead.
And no, I will not EVER apologize for that or take it back. **** him, **** his family, **** every single money-grubbing piece of **** they all ought to go sit on Satan's cock for all of eternity. This is America and I'm entitled to my opinion -- and when it comes to the medical, pharmaceutical and health "insurance" profession, having been a CEO who dealt with that crap as the "dude cutting the checks" for employee coverage, having to buy it myself, having Obamacare forced on me and dealing with the crap that was dealt upon family members I don't care who does what to any of those who have and continue to participate in a system that commits thousands of 10-year prison term felonies per day that nobody has or will charge and prosecute.
The only way people ever stop breaking laws -- and I particularly care when the lawbreaking screws people -- is if they fear some sort of retribution for having done so. I'd prefer it be legal retribution brought by prosecutors, judges, juries and prison wardens but if the government refuses then I'm ok with the people deciding they've had enough of that **** and taking out the trash on their own.
But if you think this means I believe that act was well aimed well, it wasn't. And worse, the screaming from the left about "public options" and "Medicare for all" should lead to every single person who does that, rather than go after the cost side of the problem, having to face the same early judgment and eternal punishment.
**** you to any local, state or federal lawmaker or law "enforcer" who has failed for the last several decades to enforce 15 USC Chapter 1 and every single Congresscritter, all of whom deserve to sit and spin for permitting this crap to go on and now, reach the point of exponential acceleration.
The deficit last month was $366.7 billion and that was on the back of a $257 billion deficit last month, so this is an acceleration rate monthly of forty three percent.
Employment and general retirement (e.g. Social Security and Medicare) took in just $33.5 billon last month. CMS, that is Medicare and Medicaid, spent $244 billion in one month alone -- last year's two month total was $291 billion and this year that's $434.5 billion -- that's a 49% increase from last year to this. Last month was not a one-off accounted for by not paying people in front of the end of the fiscal year to make the deficit look better.
By the way that tax receipt amount is only about 13% Medicare so there was just $4.3 billion - in other words Medicare and Medicaid were, last month, 1.76% funded with tax receipts. Of course Treasury doesn't split that tax receipt amount out between Social Security and Medicare -- on purpose.
That's right -- we have now gone exponential on the unfunded part of Medicare and Medicaid (which was recently 20% funded) -- last month it was less than 2% funded.
Either Trump stomps on the entire medical system on day 1 of his Administration with indictments by the dozens and enforced level and transparent pricing (as I've put forward now for well over a decade) -- no mealy-mouthed bull****, no "we'll work on it" and no obstruction by any member of Congress -- or the entire federal budget detonates, the economy detonates and if you let that happen then you DESERVE the complete failure of the American economy and system of government which is exactly what we are going to get.
This is not an "unsustainable thing" that we must address over some future timeframe.
That time has passed -- we must stop it all right here, right now. At present rates of increase (which is now proved was NOT a one-month "anomaly") last year's operating deficit will double and that means 15%+ inflation or worse and unless this is stopped right now with every responsible party ceasing or being imprisoned immediately with every involved firm being literally destroyed every single asset will crash as will both the economy and tax receipts. The last two months of inflation injection cannot be evaded; it has happened, it will hit prices starting around February of next year and it will be a year or more before it is all reflected at the consumer end with the current inflation run-rate being approximately fifteen percent.
It does not matter what must be done to stop it.
This must be stopped and completely reversed right now and virtually all of it is in CMS. The other big one is in the VA -- but not in medical care, rather its in pensions. I do not know if that's a one-time thing or not, but it was quite material and an eyebrow-raiser.