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 Ukraine Has LOST, And So Have We
Kikknback 2k posts, incept 2020-03-17
2022-06-12 15:22:21

If these Communists and NAZIs, running the government, excelled at growing an economy and protecting citizen's FREEDOM, as well as they destroy an economy and remove citizen's FREEDOM, you might have a standing Republic, instead of a standing BANANA REPUBLIC.

Maybe Zelensky is recruiting the mentally ill, who had sex change operations and now identify as a female, so they will still have the physical strength needed in battle from their XY Chromosomes they were born with.

Kamala Harris, an ex-prosecutor breaking the RULE OF LAW, is NOT a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, and is NOT legally eligible to run for President, per the CONSTITUTION. Why are CONGRESS, MEDIA, REP
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