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 Ukraine Has LOST, And So Have We
Jadedamber 127 posts, incept 2019-07-30
2022-06-14 16:33:32

I've said this before and I'll say it again. It was a happy circumstance that I discovered Karl and his website through Ann Barnhardt so many years ago. I've learned so much from both Karl and the other posters here. IIRC, Karl had been threatening some years ago to leave this website. If it were ever to come to pass, we would all be the more sad and bereft for the loss of logic and insightfulness, hitting everything out of the ballpark. This ticker is just but one of the many examples.

As regards the Ukraine and Russia, I've been called a Putin shill and supporter just because I happen to not follow the narrative. I'm just curious, and concomitantly, tend to be skeptical of the "NEWEST THING". I've constantly iterated that the Ukies never abided by the Minsk Accords. I've talked about how in the lead-up to Feb. 24th, the Donbass had been experiencing more shelling than ever before from the Ukraine. The blowback I hear is that the Ukraine is a sovereign country, and that Russia had no right to INVADE Ukraine! Well, neither did the Ukraine into Donbass. I've explained that the West and Europe and NATO all promised not to expand eastwards. Their counterargument here is that countries can do whatever they please, vis-a-vis, Finland and Sweden wanting to join NATO. All to no avail. I've said that this is all to do with the Biden corruption. I just get shrugs and have to listen to "How dare you say that? Russia is the aggressor."

It is all the more remarkable that we haven't pissed each other off to the point of just giving each other the bird.

Karl wrote: "There's nothing to be done to salvage this"
But what if they don't want to salvage anything?

@Drifter and @Ee4fire:
Ukie flags are all over here in my neck of the woods in NoVA. Virtue-signaling at its finest.

@Starrynight: "My teenage daughter's school had a blue-and-yellow day, where the students were supposed to dress in UKR colors (she didn't)."
Kudos to you and your family for not having your daughter fall for this propaganda. For all the wokeness in our school district, at least my daughter's HS didn't have a blue-and-yellow day. There's no way that I would have ever let her participate in more virtue-signaling.

@Heartlander: Thank you for explaining so cogently the difference between Russia and the Soviet Union. More people need to understand it.
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