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 Ukraine Has LOST, And So Have We
Heartlander 3k posts, incept 2021-02-25
2022-06-12 23:28:38

obliterating whatever is left of the Ukrainian genetics. Russia The Soviet Union got much of it in one of the most vile communist genocides ~90years ago


There IS a difference, you know.

By the way, in the old USSR, the various republics had their own branches of the NKVD. The Holodomor was carried out by the Ukrainian NKVD, not the Russian one. And many of the officers, I am sorry to say, were Ukrainian Jews. NOT Russians. Yes, of course, it was ordered by Stalin (who was not ethnically a Russian either, but let that go; yes, I get it that Russia dominated the USSR, no question). But still.

Another little-known bit of information... In Eastern Orthodox theology, soldiers are supposed to go through a period of repentance and getting right with God when they return from war. No matter how justified the war, taking human life is seen as gravely damaging to the soul. Is it hard to believe that perhaps Russian soldiers might behave a bit differently from godless communist Soviet soldiers? Just saying. I hate war, and I'm not trying to sugarcoat it, but these things do matter.

Russia is now a Christian nation (more so than the U.S., at any rate). People can call me naive if they wish but here's an actual fact: Since the abolition of Soviet COMMUNISM, over the last 30 years (22 of those years with that evil bastard Vladimir Putin in power), the abortion rate in Russia has dropped from an average of EIGHT per woman over her lifetime (i.e., abortion as birth control) under communism, to a current annual per capita rate LOWER than that of the United States.

That evil bastard Putin even signed a law passed by the Duma making it illegal in Russia to advertise abortion services.

Oh, and the Duma also passed (and that evil bastard Putin signed) a law making it illegal to expose children under the age of 18 to homosexual propaganda.

I could go on and on with examples, but suffice it to say that contemporary Russia is NOT the Soviet Union.
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