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 Ukraine Has LOST, And So Have We
Mannfm11 9k posts, incept 2009-02-28
2022-06-12 19:11:39

@packetcap: I was going to comment, but I think you beat me to it. If the US controlled the skies, we would have the upper hand. but there would still be logistics.

People don't comprehend how big Ukraine is and 40 million people. Anyone really think Ukraine was kicking the bear without a plan to defend themselves. They were just acting foolish, if you ask me, thinking Europe would get in a shooting war with Russia. DC needs a cold war, not a hot one. They don't care to smolder either, though blowing up DC would likely help the US.

TG wrote..
We think speed is a virtue.

Maybe, and maybe not. But you can spend 1,000 $1,000 shells for the price of one $1m missile, and those 1,000 shells will inflict not just the casualties but also shake the troops on the other side psychologically in a way that the missile doesn't.

Before my uncle died, I heard him relate what my grandfather told him, when he wanted grandfather to sign off on him joining the Army early. Korea was going on. I remember the quote almost exactly.

grandpa said wrote..
I was at the battle of the Argone Forest and they started shelling over night. When the sun came up, the forest was gone. You hear about brave young men, but what I heard were boys crying for their mamas. When you get old enough, you can decide, but I'm not sending my son into something like I saw first hand.

Mike Tyson said it is all even until someone gets punched. Bannon or Eric Prince said the Russians were masters of artilary. They have been fighting invasions for hundreds of years. Our most deadly war was against ourselves.

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.---John Kenneth Galbraith
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