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 Ukraine Has LOST, And So Have We
Mannfm11 9k posts, incept 2009-02-28
2022-06-12 18:52:03

@Jwm_in_sb: I posted a Lancaster video a few weeks ago, from December, where he was in a trench in Donbass with the Russian ethnics. They said shelling had been going on since 2014. We stripped them of their representation, something that happened in the US years ago, swapping representation for thieves. The guy with the gun was a bad dude. They had drones and he knew if they got the range down, he was dead. Lancaster was about to wet himself. The guy with the gun sat back with a smoke and calmly reloaded his bullet belt with what looked like 300 Win mag or bigger.

If Russia wasn't in bed with China, I might look into moving there. There is a real shit show coming to a US town near you and it would be a good time not to get a ticket. There might be a few extra Ukrainian girls as well. I have heard they don't age well, but I will be dead, blind, crippled crazy or dead by then. They appear to me to be the next great power economically. That is a hard people there. That is, if they will clean up the crime.

Ukraine, London and DC neocons created this war. I don't know why Gates and Soros aren't in prison, for different reasons. Soros people have been running the scam in Ukraine for 30 years. That witch left over from Obama Ambassador was there to keep the lid on crimes, while the Senate bottled up Trump's nominee. Gates is wanted for capital crimes in India and other places. Soros in much of Eastern Europe.

Russia should wrap up and threaten their announced enemies on the border, to change the narrative. DC and London started this war to change the narrative from crimes against humanity for genocidal medicine and the energy destruction plan the starvation artists had set in motion. Russia is still exporting plenty of oil and it won't be refused by Europe, regardless of public statements by their NAZI leaders. They have threatened German industry, which foots the bill for the social structure of Germany. Talk about a starvation model.

A term I am using all over the internet is THE GREEN NEW STARVATION, because that is what it is. People need to wake up fast. Starvation and disarmament go together. They are just changing the channel, now with the fabricated overthrow of the executive, organized criminals Pelosi, Schumer and Cheney are running with our money on TV. There is a character they call Ali Akbar (I think his real name is Ali Anderson)who was brought into the Trump circle and met with the Aizona Promise Keepers (Ray Epps).

Watch the June 10th video, now at the top of the page. Byrne mentions a European journalist who gives him a different recap of what went on January 6th from what he heard from people he knew. The NAZI's brought that guy in as a witness. We are watching the coverup of a coup and massive election fraud, so they can continue to march the American people off the cliff and change the channel from their program of national suicide.

If you haven't seen the revolver news stories, they are worth a watch. They ran a color revolution to install criminals.

I understand Boris Johnson is toast in Britain over the Ukraine mess, not that he hadn't already ruined himself. They need another narrative in the US, like blaming Putin and framing Trump. The real problem in the US is we have at a minimum 400 people in the House and Senate who don't serve us and a DC bureaucracy that is waging war against us. Trump walked into that and we didn't have much of an administration, because these people, who are destroying us now, waged war against us and Trump. Like him or not, I don't think anyone else in the US has the power to change this crime syndicate. If they succeed in forcing out the Conservative Justices, this place immediately becomes NAZI Germany. One only need look at Obama's last nominee to the court, Biden's AG to see what they are doing. If nominating a woman who can't define a woman isn't enough, we can only guess what is coming. Socialism always ends up totalitarian.

You can only store up so much food, hoard so much cash and metals. If they disarm us, we can't depend on the police. In fact, one only need look at videos from Australia and NZ to see how disarmed people are treated. Throw in Canada, where Trudeau brouht in NAZI storm troopers to deal with petition and redress and peaceful assembly. We are dealing with natural law and self preservation, which is what refusing the jabs are.

I'm thinking of getting some of those freeze dried rations, which I can only imagine how bad eating them might be. I would imagine the squirrels and other critters would get scarce, once they became hunted. Tom T. Hall had a song, I suspect was written by Billy Joe Shaver, because the refrain is Don't forget the coffee Billy Joe. In it he has the phrase, they wonder why there are no rabbits left this day and time, I guess to tell the truth, we ate them all in 49. I suspect game would disappear pretty fast. There are a million rabbits in this suburb where I live. I don't recall ever seeing one growing up here. Was it dogs or just because the locals ate them all years ago?

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.---John Kenneth Galbraith
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