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 Stop The Crazy
Mightymosin 192 posts, incept 2020-04-01
2022-01-13 14:14:55

Heartlander wrote..
I agree that those who see themselves as Masters of the Universe NEED the proles who produce their food, energy, and other goods.

So why the FUCK are they barging ahead with policies (specifically, the vaxx mandates) that are causing massive job losses and whole sectors of the economy to grind to a halt? (Not just from workers quitting over the mandates, but also workers dying or getting permanently disabled
by the shots.)

Productivity and production are going down, down, down. And yet TPTB keep pushing. Children are getting more and more dysfunctional and fewer of this abused generation will grow up to be capable, productive workers. And yet TPTB keep pushing. I don't get it.
Whatever the reason that it is being pushed, would you really stop if you don't believe that production will go to zero? Does it matter to the ultra rich if food and such go up in price?

I agree that it doesn't make sense to ME, but I'm not an asshole that is pushing this crap either. If people are going along with it all, and they are, what provides a reason to stop?

Were never going to learn how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it, and thats just the way it goes.
Dr. Eric Rubin, Harvard University
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