I'm getting very tired of the tin-foil-hat crowd.
When this blog opened up originally in 2007 I inserted a term into the TOS that made clear that certain Reynolds items were going to lead to instant banhammering. Specifically, from the TOS:
Any discussion of 9/11 "Troofer"-related nonsense on Tickerforum will result in an immediate, no-notice and permanent account (and possibly IP-level) ban. There are literally thousands of places on The Internet where you can run this sort of tripe. This is not one of them, and those who refuse to respect this constraint will have their access privileges removed.
I meant it then and it holds to this day. Post that event I spent a decent amount of time given that the basic "graving" plans if you will for the towers were public on simulation and satisfied myself that such claims were bull****. There are plenty of others, including "we never went to the moon" that fall into the same category.
This virus has led to whole bunch of others that are similarly bull****. Some of the people running this garbage are simply crazy, but I suspect some are put up to it and do so in an attempt to brand anyone deviating from the "official story" as nuts. Here are a few of the self-declarations of insanity, stupidity or both that that will get you tossed instantly around here with no apologies and no second chances -- along with a handful of facts that we now know really did happen because there is documentary proof of them -- and in many cases we know who's responsible too because those are the people who wrote the documents or were collecting and analyzing the data referred to in them.
- There is no virus; this is all from 5g signals (whether vaccine-related or not.) Bull****. I've done a lot of work with C and Ku-band RF over my years in industry with former jobs including writing code to control that stuff, and a number of years ago decided to go get my Ham ticket. I took the test literally cold without studying and passed at General (missed Extra by one question, I believe.) The existence of such ticket is public record; anyone can look, so there's no secret there. Any such nonsense is barking from ignorance and has no place in a serious discussion, which we damned well ought to be having when it comes to a viral pathogen.
- The jabs are designed to kill virtually everyone who gets them by (insert reason; "graphene", microchips, etc.) BS. Nothing is particularly ground-breaking about what has been put together. The hubris is in believing it would work and was safe when we have decades of evidence that it is not. That mRNA technology had failed on safety multiple times is fact. That said failures also included the impossibility of controlling where the therapeutic went is also fact. Moderna is not a new company and has been at this for roughly a decade with zero success. So why now? Simple: The research that led to the release had a warfighting element to it where safety is relative. We allowed our government and medical crazies to take the calculations made about relatively safety that are appropriate in a war where someone has just released an intentional biological weapon and attempt to translate them into civilian use. That was ****ing stupid.
- Georgia Guidestones, depopulation, et.al. -- Bull****. The so-called "elites" are wildly more-dependent on the civil order of society and its supply infrastructure than you are. Exactly zero of their nice aircraft and yachts, for example, will run without the entire supply chain for petroleum products being intact. They have fewer ways around this problem than you do. A 90% reduction in society probably kills you (obviously) but does kill all of them and their offspring. Worse, they all whine they have "no reason to live" if they lose their cushy "stuff" where you never had a 200' yacht and $20m jet airplane to lose. They know this. Yes, they're delusional narcissistic or even psychopathic *******s (cough-Clot-cough-cough) but there are exactly zero of them prattling on over coffee on Youslob live podcasts that will survive even a couple of weeks if social order and the production of basic things like energy, water and sanitation breaks down and they all know it.
- Great Reset! You can be both wild-eyed crazy and rich. They are both, you're just crazy. Socialism and communism in all their forms have been tried dozens of times, all of which are basically "Great Reset." It has never worked. Not once. The reason is simple and obvious: You can dispossess people of everything but you can't make them work to their potential; that is not possible. Without the motivation known as profit eventually your society stagnates, puked on itself and chokes on its own vomit. This has happened every single time so who cares what rich, crazy *******s come up with as a means to repackage and regurgitate the six-times-chewed dog****. It's still dog**** and no, that's not the "motivating factor" for someone to engineer and release a virus.
- Chyna Virus! Bull****. The facts are that this was a US, European and Chinese virus and that DARPA turned down the research grant request. They cited potential dual-use, gain-of-function and societal risks that were unaddressed, and further cited specific language that implied Ecohealth had claimed "ownership" of the bat caves in which live deployment was to take place. Unfortunately for everyone involved in the modern era where everyone sends documents around electronically there are records and it never goes away. In other words this entire thing occurred because a bunch of arrogant *******s thought they should and could ignore the risks involved and hoodwink the population, all for profit. That all this happened is now known fact, it is out in the public and if you don't want to look or assign "credit" where it belongs that's on you and you're part of the problem and responsible for what happened.
- You should trust any of these *******s including Trump, the CDC, NIH and more. Nope. These are the same jackasses referenced above who created the ****ing thing and knew immediately what it was and deliberately concealed both what it was and where it came from -- and still are refusing to come clean. Exactly zero of said persons should be trusted with so much as a butter knife until every one of the responsible parties admits their part in it and those who knew about it and did nothing -- and worse, pushed and continue to push wartime countermeasures that are known dangerous on a civilian population after having unleashed a wartime mitigation attempt that blew up in their face are held equally accountable. In the United States alone roughly double the harm Nazi Germany and Japan did to us in WWII in terms of death have occurred and it was, to a large degree, institutions right here in the United States that were responsible. If we ultimately get nuked for both those actions and our population-wide simpering refusal to rise up and remove those who did it and continue to lie about it we deserve that heat of a thousand suns.
- The CDC is corrupt or inept. Nope. They knew within weeks exactly where this virus came from because it was already in their databases. They have lied every day since including both Trump's and Biden's CDC titular heads. Every single action from that day forward was not taken from ignorance it was from malice in an attempt to shield the guilty parties from diligent inquiry, exposition before the public and appropriate sanction.
- Trump was a savior! Bull****. Trump either knew all of this in advance or intentionally did not read it. He's been lying ever since. His "China virus" nonsense and pushing of the jabs should earn him the front seat in the dock at Nuremberg II for his intentional and willful refusal to shut down a program DARPA killed and then was done by circumvention. That's what's on the table at this point and all of it took place on his watch which makes him personally responsible as CiC.
- If you allow anyone to mandate anything medical in this environment you're too stupid to survive and deserve what you get. If you get ****ed or die as a result of taking a military, wartime mitigation when that's not what is going on you deserve it if you get screwed. If you let anyone, whether your boss, a bunch of black-robed bastards or anyone else "mandate" such a thing your death or permanently disability, which is quite likely, is on you. I laugh at every single person who is that ****ing dumb, and yes, you are. If you inject your children with this stuff you deserve Satan's cock up your ass for all eternity and you will get it too in the afterlife. I'm sure of it.
Yeah, I can show you exactly how this goes together; what I posted the other day is enough for you to find it with a few minutes of effort. The executive summary is enough, on the first page, standing alone to recognize what happened. It will take longer to read the 75+ page grant proposal for the detail on that and about 2 minutes to read the DARPA rejection -- and why, which very-clearly documents how ****ing stupid and arrogant what they were doing was. It may take 30 seconds beyond that point for you to realize that basically the entire program was the responsibility of a European and multiple United States entities. Yes, the Chinese were involved as well -- there's no absolution to be found there.
Within weeks there were pissed-off families of over 100,000 dead who had every reason to want and expect blood in exchange for their loved ones that were slaughtered as a direct result of this stupidity. Today that number is much larger. It takes nothing more than that to recognize that even if only one percent of said loved ones are willing to get that retribution and don't give a wild **** how they get it that if it starts every single person involved (and plenty who are fingered but really weren't) are going to have very bad days.
That's all this is folks -- and all it ever was.
Wild-eyed corruption that blew up in their face and then of course those who take advantage of others to sell bull**** and snake oil even at the expense of even more lives, cough-pharma-cough-cough swoop in and enlist those who are branded in the media as "heroes" to sell their crap.
Exactly as has been done myriad times before, and until you stop the with the tinfoil bull**** and are willing to put a pitchfork up the ass of the responsible parties will happen again.