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 Stop The Crazy
Omegapoint 214 posts, incept 2020-12-26
2022-01-13 14:31:21

@Tickerguy - True but there have also been some people in those circles that have spoken out such as those that signed the Great Barrington Declaration but they have been mostly censored. So I need to add the mass media and big tech to the list of coconspirators. It seems these two groups are not in the same circles as the politicians, scientists, and medical doctors. Why would they also go along?

I think many in positions of power and / or wealth took this opportunity to push their agenda and for the Left, they saw this as an opportunity to push through policies that they could never get implemented during "normal" times. The media and big tech are mostly led by Left-wingers so it was natural for them to go along with the politics behind the Covid response as their political goals were aligned.

Also, people who attain great wealth or positions of power often believe that they have been given a special place in the universe. They were divinely or appointed by nature for greatness and glory so like the pharaohs in ancient Egypt, they want to build their own pyramids as a testimony that they are "gods", that they contributed to better humanity, and that their legacy will live forever. This is the classic human condition and folly and can be dangerous especially in those with great wealth or power as they have a great deal of influence. It is a false sense of pride, which is why they almost never admit to a mistake. I think this hubris of many of our leaders has also contributed to the failed and disastrous response to Covid.
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