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 Stop The Crazy
Zappafan 6k posts, incept 2007-11-30
2022-01-13 14:14:26

Someone up the thread posted "Greed" as a rationale for all this. I think that is on point.

Even the mandates trace back to greed. Most of the companies pushing them have federal contracts, or take $$ from the gubmint. Biden figured out that rather than have them legally authorized by legislation, he could use the threat of withholding federal monies to coerce the private sector. Also he panicked during the Delta wave, that showed his ineptitude in handling the virus and that he is no better than OMB. Better to be seen doing "something" vs. nothing. Jabs in arms is an easy metric to track and claim "I'm doing something."

Foolish Airline CEOs also mandated jabs for their workforce thinking it would save the industry. None of them cared a whit about civil rights or the right to make personal medical decisions. They all thought it was best for the bottom line, of course now we know better. How many pilots are dead from jabs causing heart attacks? How much has been lost in terms of having to now pay higher wages to replace them?

I have predicted all along that there would be a point in the pandemic when saving the "e-CON-omy" would be prioritized over public health. I reckon we passed that point in the summer of 2020. The fact that the virus has a mind of its' own and mother nature bats last has ruined that plan, but it is still the only thing they've got. It would not surprise me in the least if by spring the CDC simply shuts down their COVID response teams, stops tracking numbers and declares victory. Sort of like the French declaring victory after Hitler rolls through Paris.

I don't blame folks for falling into Tin or conspiracy land. It is easy to do when we are constantly being lied to by the "authorities." The best thing to do is ignore everything they say or assume it to be false information. Use Ticker forum as your source of truth.

Edit: @Joancrawford - no downvote from me. It is always a good idea to be skeptical of extraordinary claims. But I would point you to the uncorrelated data sets that show excess mortality running 40% higher than baseline in 18-49 year olds. There are some threads on it in the Bar; not sure if you have access to them. If not reply back and I will post some data in this part of the forum.

Edit2: Heck let me just link it here and save you the trouble.

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