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 Stop The Crazy
Traelin0 563 posts, incept 2021-01-28
2022-01-13 14:11:17

Zappafan wrote..
On the depopulation being a deliberate strategy. A while back I posted something to the effect of, this doesn't pass the logic test, because we are in a debt-based consumer economy. You kill off even 10% of the consumers, and the whole thing collapses.

Here's how I can respond, to the best of my ability.

It's immaterial that there is the existence or non-existence of a WEF. Or Davos. Or Bilderberg or whatever. It always made me laugh. Why? Because obviously Lord Acton was right and history shows us that time and time again, the seven deadly sins are ever-present in Man. In Discourses on Livy, Machiavelli stated something so self-evident that the statement itself, let alone the lesson he was teaching, is lost to time every century.

Always and everywhere one can predict the outcome of a republic. Why? Because times and technology changes, but the passions of Man never do.

Thrasymachus took it one step further for the uber-cynical and said that always and everywhere, all governments assembled by Man have only the interest of the stronger (themselves) in mind.

Let me sum it up this way: There will always be evil men. There will always be intelligent, narcissistic, evil men. There will always be intelligent, narcissistic, evil men who believe that they will build the Tower of Babel and overcome God.

They always fail. But the question we need to ask is: Do we have the courage to halt it, or will we outsource it to someone like Putin? If the former, we would experience great economic fallout from it. Healthcare alone is ~20% of GDP. How much of GDP is service-based?

If the latter, then no amount of guns and ammo will help the average Murican from graduating from the tactical to the strategic or operational level.

And that's all I have to say about that. :)
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