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 Stop The Crazy
Joancrawford 1k posts, incept 2013-10-14
2022-01-13 14:10:22

Stoic-I hope this is on point. I am tiring of every death that is "sudden or unexplained" being blamed on the vaxx. People die every day and have since time began. It is not a new phenomenon. Two years ago we didn't think twice about it but now there is an almost immediate chorus of "he was double, triple vaxxed" so that's what killed him. We need to stop this. It makes us look like fringe kooks. Yes the vaxx is killing some people but not everyone. Do not give the bastards ammunition to label us us unhinged lunatics.

Awaiting down votes.

No down votes from me. I agree wholeheartedly. We have to be careful not to point the finger at every sudden death that occurs. For example, the rumor that Betty White and Bob Saget died as a result of the booster. Holy Jesus F*cking Tap Dancing Kee-ryst, the woman was 99 years old going on 100, same age as my MIL who turns (we hope) 102 in February. As for Saget, he appeared to be in reasonably good shape. Who knows? At 65, while not technically old, he was at an age where past sins (boozing, drugs, promiscuity, etc) might have caught up with him-not saying that was the case for him, but as someone not too much younger than him, I cannot carry on like I did when I was in my 20s or 30s, nor would I want to. Hell, I'm usually in bed by 11 pm, and it's not because there's some hot stud muffin waiting for me there.

Could these "sudden deaths" be a result of the clot shot? Maybe. At least keep your mouth shut until after the f*cking autopsies are performed-and even THEN I'd suggest keeping quiet-hint, I'm not always great at taking my own advice, but I try. I can only offer my own observations as to the efficacy of the injections. I have a soon to be 34 year old niece whom I love dearly. Along with my siblings , I helped put her through college using the inheritance left to us by our dad. I have received no thanks from her, an RN, who just got diagnosed with covid, not sure if she received the booster. She got her first injection AFTER getting covid last year. (I know, DUMB, right? And this so that she could enter bars and restaurants in California). But I have a lot of friends and relatives who have received the shots and have not heard a single one complain about serious ill effects.

It will make me very sad if something bad happens to them, but hey, you decide to roll the dice with this thing, you have to accept the results. This past year I reread Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery", whereby a small New England town gathers to "win" a lottery, the "prize" being elusive until the very end. Spoiler alert*-one of the townswomen, who freely chose to participate in the lottery objects when she "wins". I see many parallels with this story and what we are experiencing now. Out of the entire town, Tessie was the only one who drew the "bad card". When she found out, she protests that the whole f*cking thing wasn't fair.

If the "game" wasn't fair, why did you decide to "play" in the first place? Was it because everybody else was doing it? Was it "fashionable to do so? Peer pressure? Whatever, you accept the consequences of the actions you take in life. That was the lesson of that short story. Very apropos to our current situation I'd surmise.

Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.-Dorothy Parker

Boys don't make passes at girls with fat asses.-slightly modified DP
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