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 Stop The Crazy
Kari 61 posts, incept 2021-10-19
2022-01-13 10:59:47

Appreciate this post. I've swallowed so many handfuls of red pills the last couple years, when I thought I was already pretty red-pilled, but I still can't figure out certain things, mostly about intent/purpose. Most of the conspiracy theories don't help clarify anything at all. It's even harder when everyone in an official position is lying and I'm trying to read between the lines or figure out the truth in some other roundabout way.

My basic assumptions have been that covid is real, it was leaked from the lab, created by US/China etc, not sure if the leak was intentional or not. I've concluded taking the mRNA vaccine is a bad idea, that early therapeutics would have stopped the pandemic, and that most of the deaths were needless. The death rate seems low, but on the other hand, the tests don't seem to be accurate, so the case counts are likely inflated, and the deaths are too, based on what constitutes a covid-death, and this drives me nuts, because what IS the true death rate? It wouldn't make a different to me personally with regard to the vaccine, but it would still be nice to know. Plus, it appears officials have gone out of their way to funnel us all toward vaccines as the only possible answer to the pandemic, to hide any vaccine-related deaths/side effects, and now to punish those of us who refuse. But I don't totally understand their intent with that one.
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