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 There's An Off Ramp - But It Has A Price
Great American Patriot Tickerguy 212k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2021-08-31 09:05:45

@Franco -
Why do you think that?

Because the evidence is that the jabs do not produce B-cell recall. If they did then the decay rate would be nowhere near what it is, as the B-cells (along with your spleen and other parts of the immune system) replenish antibodies in circulation, and in response to challenge can almost-immediately replenish them to sufficient levels to provide protection against significant disease.

Since that's not the case with the titers produced by the jabs the rational explanation is that B-cell induction does not occur, just as it doesn't if you get monoclonal antibodies.

Vaccine-enhanced disease relies on the continuing presence of said antibodies since that's what causes it; you have binding but not neutralizing antibodies, and that makes the virus more-able to get into your cells rather than less. If the titer wanes to zero over time because there was no B-cell induction then the risk declines to zero too. OAS relies on B-cell induction as well; that is a mis-training of the immune system such that it responds incorrectly. Again, no B-cell induction and THAT risk declines to zero over time.

This of course assumes you stop getting jabbed. If you KEEP doing so then you keep renewing the risk. But -- if induction had occurred then those risks would be permanent -- there would be no way back through the one-way door.

It appears, based on the Israeli data, there IS a way back out. You simply have to stop taking the jabs and accept that FOR A WHILE you will be at enhanced risk, but not FOREVER.

Now stopping the jabs may, depending on the level of government and private-actor stupidity, involve extreme actions -- up to and including eating people and making sure that families have nothing worthwhile to hold a funeral with. If so, well, that's the choice but THEY are the ones forcing you to do so, and that must ALWAYS be kept in mind.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."
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