3k posts, incept 2021-07-10
2021-08-21 08:39:17
Something in early 2020 kicked my butt also. I rarely got sick, but whatever it was made even muscle in my body sore. When I woke up every day, I was planning every step for the day in my mind, since I knew it would suck. Imagine not working out for a month, then doing a very hard workout that hits every muscle group, then dealing with the soreness 2 days later. It was about twice as bad as that. I had extreme fatigue too.
I finally got a fever about 3 degrees above normal, and things got better after that, but it took me a month or more to get back to my normal lifts.
"A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to." Theodore Dalrymple