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2021-08-21 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Covid-19 , 3508 references Ignore this thread
Simply Put: FUCK YOU *
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Now the CDC wants everyone to line up for a third round of clot-shot lottery.

Note carefully: The Israel data says this will fail and kill lots of people.

Aran’s message for the United States and other wealthier nations considering boosters is stark: “Do not think that the boosters are the solution.”

That's right.  They're not.

Delta may be more-transmissible but if you're immune it does not matter how transmissible a virus is.  You either can or cannot be infected.  It's binary.  If you're immune then you're immune.  If you're not then you're not.  If you have had Chicken Pox (I have) you'd look at anyone telling you to take a chicken pox shot as if they had six heads because such a suggestion is flat-out batshit-crazy-level insanity.

The idea that somehow Delta "can" break through immunity because it is more transmissible is flat-out scientific fraud and everyone who says that and has any knowledge of viruses and immunity knows it.  They're lying, on purpose, and every one of them deserves to be locked up in GITMO as a fucking terrorist and waterboarded to within an inch of their lives.

The reason Delta is "breaking through" is either due to OAS or the fact that the vaccines never did work worth a crap in the first place to prevent you from getting infected.  Their "efficacy" was a lie but whether its due to mutational reality or the fact that we claimed "effectiveness" simply due to herd effects with the existing circulating strains at the time does not matter.

My suspicion is that there is a blend of both going on here and there is science to back that up; the mutational pattern that we have seen and the science behind it says that evasion is happening.  The "wild coding" used originally and to this day for the jabs is long-extinct; there is basically zero of that circulating anymore in the population.  It has all been subsumed by ordinary mutational process and we had every reason to believe this would happen when Covid-19 first showed up because it has happened with every other coronavirus we have studied through history -- including the closest analog SARS-1 which mutated itself out of transmission and being a threat to people.

This is much like what happens with the flu shot every year: They have to guess which specific flu strains and mutations will show up in advance.  They're never right.  Their match varies in effectiveness but is basically never 100%.  Get it (sort of) right, you get decent protection.  Get it wrong you get little or nothing.

Except: Every coronavirus in history has mutated at a high rate in the spike domain.  All of them.  We knew this and we ALSO knew before the first shot went into the first arm the strain against which the vaccines were developed -- all of them -- was extinct in the wild, having been out-competed by said mutations.

We lied about the effectiveness by taking advantage of a peak in infections for the circulating strains last winter that was already in the past.  It was a knowing, intentional lie used to get 150+ million Americans to do something with waning toward worthless effectiveness but with 100x higher risk than the ordinary flu shot or, for that matter, any other vaccine in history.

The match has continued to degrade; it is biologically impossible to win that "arms race" as the virus will continue to change, and attempting to jab people with repeat inoculations as the match gets worse and worse over time simply adds to the risk of serious adverse events including clotting, strokes and heart damage.   Note that despite knowing this there has been no change made to the formulations.  What are you going to do -- throw all the existing doses and pipeline for them in the trash every time a new mutation shows up?

What we did was fight a war that cannot be won by the means employed and any honest person knows it.  The entire fucking government and medical apparatus knew this, lied about it and continues to lie today.  All of them.

They KNOW they're full of shit.

Rather than accept this fact and focus our attention on determining the most-effective ways to interdict infections early in people with a goal of allowing the infection to course its way through the population while not killing the victims or sending them to the hospital we instead took an utterly insane approach that focused on the idea that we could prevent people from getting the virus at all.  Whether that was masks (worthless since the virus is a tiny fraction of the size of the filter media and goes right through it), lockdowns (pointless; all you do is delay the inevitable) and now vaccines we keep being beaten around the head and shoulders by the virus which follows the laws of physics and undergoes natural mutation whether we like it or not.

I believed I might have had Covid-19 in January of 2020, even though I tested negative for antibodies several months later.  As it turns out my later antibody testing (negative) was correct and not a defective test; whatever I had in January of 2020 it was not Covid-19.

But now having had Covid-19 (almost-certainly Delta too) and knowing damn well it was Covid-19, and surviving it, it is a clearly-distinct infection that I could not possibly mistake for anything else.  That I was infected with Covid-19 is known scientific fact as I was previously IgG negative as of a couple months ago but now, following recovery from said suspected infection, am IgG positive.

Having had the infection and now having found IgG antibodies by test I am now known robustly immune to any and all variants; the immunity built from natural infection is conserved across the various epitopes of the virus in all cases because the "N" portion of the virus, which has to remain more-or-less intact for it to be able to be a virus, forms the backbone and bulk of the immune response built following natural infection.

I am not afraid of Covid-19 at any level any longer.  I am the exact person you want to employ to work in a hospital or nursing home full of very high-risk persons for severe Covid-19 because I am sterile to the virus; I can neither get it or give it to anyone.  Of course we would have to negotiate terms; money is not, I suspect, among the ones hospitals and nursing homes would have trouble with.

This is not true for any of the vaccines, it was a critical error in what we did and it is why we are now seeing escape.  It is not breakthrough folks, it is escape due to mismatch between the coded antibodies and circulating virus and it will both continue and accelerate as the match inexorably continues to degrade between what circulates and the original "wild type" out of Wuhan, which is what's coded in ALL the jabs and which is long extinct.  What's worse is that if OAS or ADE really come out to play on top of it then if you have not been naturally infected and have been jabbed you are in for a world of shit if you get challenged by the virus in the wild.  Even very, very small enhancement percentages from ADE-style reactions can completely overwhelm any sort of treatment possibility at all.

We do not yet know if this is happening as we are deliberately not autopsying and investigating cases where someone was vaccinated, got infected anyway and then rapidly crashed going from being moderately ill to in an ICU or dead within 72 hours.  There are multiple reports of this happening already.  If this was someone who had a defective immune response then that's very unfortunate but it does happen.  We had damned well better prove that, however, and we're not going the pathology work to do so.  If it turns out that said person did in fact build a proper immune response then these cases are either OAS or ADE-enhanced disease and while this outcome is clearly not universal in those who got jabbed if it is happening even once in a while we had better figure it out right fucking now or there is going to be a pile of dead bodies this fall and winter and it will be the direct responsibility of those who advocated for and in fact are trying to, in many cases, FORCE mass-jabbing of the population that caused it.

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