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 Here It Comes
Baboon 25 posts, incept 2021-07-13
2021-07-22 22:15:16

@Tickerguy - "I thought this would be a fall/winter thing. Nope: it's NOW."

I hope I'm wrong but I have reason to believe we are in for some serious carnage. There is no reason for a seasonal respiratory illness to be causing so much chaos, unless you factor in "immunity debt", which your article covers. Pay the toll now or later, your choice. Sweden made the right choice.

Anyway, I agree with you on most of your comments but I do disagree with what you said earlier re: this is just sheer avarice and a massive cock-up.

When it comes to modern government idiocy you have three "factors".

As we say in the UK, never consider the "conspiracy factor" without first considering the "cock up factor". For those that don't read British runes, that means Factor 1: never consider a conspiracy before Factor 2) incompetence. I think that's fair.

The third Factor: is "never let a good crisis go to waste".

I've spent a good deal of time researching this "pandemic" and my overall conclusion is that this whole thing was premeditated. It is entirely possible (according to Dr. Richard Fleming and Dr. David Martin) that SARS was the opening gambit and "test" of this.

I have been highly sceptical of the origin of HIV and AIDS. Ebola seemingly came out of nowhere. SARS and MERS had no real logical explanation.

So yes. I think this is a conspiracy that includes Fauci and probably goes back to the 1960s. I will have to watch "House of Numbers" again but I'm pretty certain they have eye-witness testimony (and video evidence from the 70s) of Fauci working on bioweapons for the US government even then.

I'll briefly tell you a story. Yes, it's now way past my bedtime but so be it. :)

The 2009 flu pandemic. During this so called "pandemic" I lived in Dubai and Oxford, UK. During this "pandemic" I travelled to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Austria and Germany.

I travelled thousands of miles and nowhere did I see a "pandemic". It was bull****.

When I was in Oxford, living in a beautiful renovated cottage with a thatched roof - the ultimate in modern living and olde-school comfort (the cottage was built before the USA even existed) I invited one of my microbiologist friends from university round for a barbecue.

He was convinced that we were in the midst of a pandemic. I told him it was bull****. Like all scientists I know (and most of my friends are scientists), they are total idiots outside of their chosen speciality. Spoiler alert, scientists aren't taught critical thinking.

Anyway, he went to HK/Taiwan for six months (sorry can't remember which) to validate the bio-manufacturing plant for the new experimental Swine Flu stabs. The manufacturer was CHINESE.

He came round for dinner just after his return to the UK. This is his paraphrased response:

"I'm really sorry I doubted you. You were right. This whole thing is a scam. There is no pandemic. No-one I know or met ever got swine flu."

"When it got to the end of the contract, I was asked if I would sign-off on the facility. I said no. It was the most shambolic facility I have ever seen."

"They then asked me how much it would take for me to sign it off. I said I wouldn't take a bribe. People's lives are at stake".

"They then said: fine. We will find someone who WILL sign it off".

Just for the record, Alex Jones claimed that the so-called vaxx (Pandemrix) that crippled so many children in Europe with narcolepsy was made by a Chinese manufacturer. The one that EU bureaucrats and others got was made in Europe. I remember this very clearly.

This is a true story. Please. Let this sink in. This is not my first rodeo with these bastards.
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