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 Here It Comes
Wakeupcall 9k posts, incept 2009-06-08
2021-07-26 08:29:16

Yes, if you already have immunity and take the jab, I dont think it will be good. But if you are in the 80% and dont take the jab, and are following the supplement protocol, and using common sense, and are healthy, I dont think the mareks situation will occur.

But I have to say, if 150 million Americans die or become chronically ill, things will change drastically in this country. And thats just the vaxxed. Spread to another 50m unhealthy vit d deficient unvaxxed, and things look even worse. It would a total collapse. Hell, the entire west will collapse.

If someone wanted to reduce world population, this wasnt the way to do it. The rich will be fucked too. They will no longer have a middle class buffer to insulate them from the masses. They wont even be able to venture out of their compounds with any degree of safety.

Will be some upsides thoughsince most of educators and academia have taken the vax, wont have to worry about marxist indoctrination or college bills anymore. There wont be any revenue for the pols to collect. The pharma and medical industry will collapse because a lot took the vax and people will no longer trust them. They will be lower on the totem pole than ambulance chasing lawyers. Hollywood will collapse because they wont be dying because they probably only took saline. People wont forget that.

This is going to be a real mess.

Its easier not to know the hell what you are doing when you are a government employee
"Pfuck Pfizer
"The strongest memory is weaker than the palest ink" Chinese proverb
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