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 Here It Comes
Jules 2k posts, incept 2009-04-18
2021-07-25 08:39:52

Thank you, @Kareninca. Seems that getting things right from the horse's mouth - so to speak - is the only way to get info. Certainly our own gov and msm cannot be trusted anymore.
Quick fwiw anecdote: met up with 12-13 people from my guy's car club Friday nite. Don't know the jab status of everyone but three of them, two nurses & one commercial pilot, all jabbed, said they had been deathly ill for the past couple weeks with upper respiratory probs. Not hospitalized but very sick. They swore it wasn't the coof...

The entire global financial system is a pawnshop.

If you don't like your life, change it. - Workerbee 5/2/23
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