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 Here It Comes
Uwe 10k posts, incept 2009-01-03
2021-07-23 22:45:40

Susanlauren wrote..
I think they are trying to get as many vaxxed as possible before fall and winter flu season. If you eliminate the control group (i.e., the unvaxxed) there is no basis for comparison when the numbers begin to spike in a massive way.
It's not gonna work. Most everyone who's willing to take the shots already has.

I doubt Joe's 4th of July goal of 70% will ever be reached, especially now that word of breakthrough infections, including clusters where vax'd people have passed it to other vax'd people is hitting the news. The "hesitant" will rightfully conclude that the risk of taking those shots isn't worth the benefit, because there is little or no benefit to be had.

So a healthy (pun intended) control group will definitely exist.

"Corona Virus will come and go, but government will NEVER forget how easy it was to take control of everyone's life; to control every sporting event, classroom, restaurant table, church p
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