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 Here It Comes
615obo 53 posts, incept 2020-08-10
2021-07-23 08:35:58

So, basically, the jabs are at best a 50/50 chance to play Russian Roulette (or should we call it Fausti-China Roulette?) with a revolver with an unknown number of chambers and an unknown number of live rounds for the rest of your life from either clotting-related or immunity related issues. Seems like a great deal!

The government is basically saying that 224 Million+ people should play that game to get to their magical 70% number. That's 112M (optimistically) who get to play Fausti-China Roulette. Some percentage of them will get the live round. Some other percentage will get the life-time vegetable medal for playing. Some other percentage will get the disability for life badge. Various other percentages will get various other ribbons and medals for the duration of their lives.

If the live round percentage is bigger, then long-term costs are lower, but the backlash from people who figured out that the Jab killed grandma is more likely, plus AI isn't ready to replace any sizable portion of 35% of the population (and we've got to assume 3rd world slave labor sources are similarly knocked out). So the further you go on this end the more massive social disruption becomes in the near-term.

If the live round percentage is smaller, then our already screwed medical system is going to be even more FUBAR. Plus the disabilities and lack of workforce is still going to be a problem and watching Grandma lie there as a vegetable because of a stroke caused by Jabs isn't exactly going to go over too well.

Unless we're all wrong, or there is a miracle, I see this going very bad. To the level of Black Death disruption bad possibly in the next 5-10 years or sooner.
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