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 Here It Comes
Heartlander 3k posts, incept 2021-02-25
2021-07-22 20:03:06

One of my sons works a retail job. A directive just came down from corporate ordering all non-jabbed employees to wear masks.

So he has given 2-weeks notice, and if they try to enforce it before 2 weeks are up, he says he'll just walk out.

He actually kind of liked the job, so he's bummed, but he's even more bummed by being forced to wear a face diaper.

He cooperated with the mask requirement all last year, but management eased up on enforcement a couple months ago, so he and nearly all the other employees had quit wearing them. Now, after being free-faced for months, he's just NOT going back to the face diaper. And there's NO WAY he'll consider getting vaxed.

I am so thankful to God that my son has his head on straight. He hasn't done even a tiny fraction of the research I've done, but he KNOWS what's what. Good instincts. He looks at the people PUSHING these jabs, and instinctively just runs the other way.

He's not interested in the details (which I of course am more than ready to give him!), but somehow he's just sort of figured out on his own that something very evil is going on with this whole thing.

I should probably mention that he dropped out of university a couple years ago, in part because he just couldn't stand the woke SJW bullshit any longer. (He was in the humanities.) Now he's going to a technical college to learn a REAL trade.

He's had a good internal bullshit detector from an early age.
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