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 Here It Comes
Baboon 25 posts, incept 2021-07-13
2021-07-22 20:02:35

@Drole - "that really doesn't explain how or why every country is following the madness"

There appears to be a huge amount of collusion between nation states and politicians. The last G7 gives many clues.

It appears to be coordination between Five Eyes, "Six Eyes" (Five Eyes+Israel) and NATO countries, with the US, France and the UK out in front.

For example, there was a meeting in 2017 between a delegation of bureaucrats from France and the UK, with an emphasis on the French sharing behavioural psychology techniques in regards to health that they had seemingly perfected. They actually met again this week - they are called (amazingly!) SIN.

Look what they were working on in 2019: Genomics, health data and applying behavioural science and social sciences in health

That's an official UK Government website link. No conspiracy required. Oh and who was at that meeting? Chris Whitty (the UK equivalent of Fauci). Just another of those darned coincidences.

I have a video I'm working on where I have very specific evidence from police whisteblowers in the Netherlands claiming tactics over the last year and a half that we have video evidence of UK police using themselves. This includes UK police officers at recent protests off their face on amphetamines. Who ever heard of cops on Class A drugs whilst on duty? This is nuts. But again, it's happening and is international.

The last point: how strange that the governments of Greece and France would declare the use of a "health pass" to engage in normal life on the same day. It couldn't possibly be that the Greeks and French are the most likely people in Europe to kick off against it, so it's a litmus test of what "they" can do elsewhere, could it?

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