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 Here It Comes
Baboon 25 posts, incept 2021-07-13
2021-07-22 20:02:00

@Mannfm11 - great post, I will reply properly tomorrow as I have a few hypotheses you might want to chew on.

Bed time for me here but I will say this: I've done quite a bit of research into the majority shareholders of Big Tech, the MSM, Big Pharma, the new Genome Sequencing companies that appear to be illegally using the PCR tests without consent or knowledge and on and on.

Who keeps coming up? Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street. Who is implementing the Great Reset, paying 30-50% above asking price for entire residential blocks (presumably to destroy the middle class)? Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street.

Who is pushing woke corporate boardrooms in America? Blackrock. Who is the biggest majority shareholder in Blackrock? Vanguard. Who is the biggest majority shareholder in State Street? Vanguard.

Who owns Vanguard? Well they claim to be owned by the investors in their funds, so they are technically a private company. But doesn't it seem odd that their ownership structure is completely opaque when they have AUM of $7.8 trillion - more than the GDP of Germany and the UK combined? If they were a listed company in an overheated stock market, that might be credible, but I smell a rat here.

Check for yourself on Yahoo! Finance. These guys (together with Blackrock and State Street) are working in tandem and when combined, it would be easy to see how they could pressure companies and bend them to their will. As for the lobbying power they have... (although I think that there is a lot of what Epstein was doing involved as well as you stated).

Just some random examples: (one of the companies illegally using PCR tests for genome sequencing, at least in the UK)

It's worth spending some time trying this for yourself. It's insane actually.

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