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 Here It Comes
Drole 144 posts, incept 2015-11-17
2021-07-22 18:33:45

Like many of you, I have been stunned by the number of acquaintances and friends who have gone in for vexxing themselves and their children. Last summer, I honestly thought that folks like those of us here plus the hippie-all-organic types would suddenly end up on the same side.... against the vexx.

Perhaps I live in a bubble, but I only know two people in the area I live who have tested positive, and those happened about a month ago. So this has been a year and a half of just utter nonsense.

My risk exposure to a mandate is acceptable at this point. I have no employer so I can't be mandated to vexx there. I have visited doctors (for me) for one concern in the last 5 years and have no ongoing medical/drug needs so no immediate vexxing needed there. I do have some risk in that I am a resident and not citizen where I live, but I just received a two-year extension, so I (think I) have some time there. I visited my family a couple of months ago as I know my chances to travel freely in the near-future will be restricted. Big events and the like not something I attend often. Groceries. Need groceries.

And I have minor kids. And back in February I had a bit of an attack wondering why I should fight this bc fighting it means everything gets taken away from them. (With the new info coming out now on the effects of the vexx --obviously alive and healthy is better than vexxing). But f***, just this week I've started filling out the paperwork needed to homeschool because I fear the vexx will become required for them to attend school and I want to be ready if that happens. One kid practices a sport. I fear that will have to be given up or be vexxed. Imagine what it is like to practice 3-5 times a week and never be permitted to compete bc ya know, its just too dangerous to put a group of very healthy and fit kids together. That whole compete-against-yourself thing just doesn't motivate the same way. So yeah, its one thing for all of us to say piss off and walk away from something. But it really sucks doing it to your kids. Some of these things are experiences they will never be able to have later bc they will age out of the opportunity.

In the tinfoil department, the global reach of this is truly amazing, So while I read your theories of this being tied to the US election or Trump or Q or whatever....that really doesn't explain how or why every country is following the madness. In my (naive and hopeful) mind, I hold hope that if just one country called bullshit loudly, clearly and consistently, they would win. I want to live around people who want to live in reality. (My bubble is fine, but it is only a bubble and not in charge).

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