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 Here It Comes
Susanlauren 1k posts, incept 2021-05-01
2021-07-22 11:35:20

I don't know what more can be said at this point. Karl is preaching to the choir at Market Ticker. Folks have made up their minds and that is that. People who have made the decision to get vaxxed cannot undo that decision. Who knows if the damage can be mitigated.

The people I know who took the jabb are walking around seemingly without a care in the world. They think they are protected - and don't try to tell them otherwise. End of subject. These folks are mad at those who refuse the jabb.

The vaxx is bad on so many different levels. If it isn't an immediate adverse reaction, then maybe the damage emerges a few months down the road with cardiac, neurological or clotting disorders. Or maybe OAS or ADE or prion related illness or auto immune diseases or cancer.

Take your pick. How may of those 150 million Americans will be alive in one year? three years? five years? ten years? How many will be sterile? How many will be permanently disabled?

And how is all of this going to impact the survivors? Supply chain disruption? Adverse impact on food production and supply? Loss of critical workers in skilled trades and professions? Collapse of the health care system? Orphans?

It seems to me that these idiots have unleashed a modern day plague - not from the virus itself but from the supposed treatment for the virus. Buckle up folks. We are in completely uncharted territory.
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