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 Relax Folks: The CDC, VUMC, Johns Hopkins Are All *DONE*
Raven 18k posts, incept 2017-06-27
2021-05-05 08:54:24

@Blackcrow -- yes, know and agree regarding the state budgets and Medicaid. This is simply the least bad of all options for some people. The expansion program is not going to be repealed easily and will exist for a long time even if as some broke, dysfunctional form.

Ultimately i expect the disability program to be burdened by this after the pseudo conservatives play their games that it is in people's heads or that the sick are lying to get on welfare. After that crowd gets done with it, there will be a massive revelation online and a few years later in the media where everyone who knows how to CTRL-S digs out all of the articles that people like Karl wrote during the live crisis.

Even before the internet became public, this has been the general pattern for these types of things. Ultimately the injured get some acknowledgement in concert with a coverup where everyone knows what happened but do nothing consequential to those responsible, the injured lose over two decades of life to misery and non-productivity, get a little cash and some support and spend the remainder of their days with third rate doctors on the disability that is finally approved for them. It is a self-healing system that attempts to drag things out until people are dead, give up, find ways to manage and the public loses interest.

And, sadly, life goes on.

A little something from my spiritual traditions: What injustice one allows to happen to another ultimately happens to all.

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