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 Relax Folks: The CDC, VUMC, Johns Hopkins Are All *DONE*
Asimov 152k posts, incept 2007-08-26
2021-05-03 20:01:42

Inspectrcalahan: There are no liver toxicity reports on ivermectin. It's LDL50 in mice is somewhere around 25mg per kg which is something like 1000x the normal dose. A 180lb man would need to eat somewhere north of four POUNDS of it to get to the range where 50% of people would die from it. It's handed out by untrained people in africa like candy because it's so safe.

There is one - yes ONE - report of a drug interaction between it and wafarin, so it's not recommended to take the two together. There are no other known interactions.

Your doctor is full of shit, repeating what he's heard in one of the two medias (either MSM or social.)

Here are tox reports from

There are several toxicological reports of ivermectin in different species. The lethal dose 50 (LD50) reported in mice [19] is 25 mg/kg administered orally, whose human equivalent dose (HED) is 2.02 mg/kg. The LD50 increases up to 30 mg/kg when this compound is administered intraperitoneally in mice (HED 2.43 mg/kg). For rats the average lethal dose is 50 mg/kg orally (HED 8.01 mg/kg) and 55 mg/kg intraperitoneally (HED 8.91 mg/kg). In rabbits it is 406 mg/kg in topical application, while in dogs it is 80 mg/kg administered orally (HED 43.24 mg/kg) [20]. Clearly, it seems that the higher the phylogenetic scale the lower toxicity by ivermectin. These data are in accord with the findings in a review paper on avermectins poisoning (14 on suicidal attempt). In this retrospective review, among 18 patients exposed to abamectin and one to ivermectin, 15 were poisoned by oral ingestion. Four were asymptomatic and 8 had minor symptoms with a mean ingestion of 23 mg/kg (range in 4.2-67 mg/kg). Seven patients manifested severe symptoms, such as coma (seven), aspiration with respiratory failure (four), and hypotension (three), after a mean ingestion of 100.7 mg/kg avermectin (15.4 mg/kg for ivermectin and 114.9 mg/kg for abamectin). All 7 seven patients received intensive supportive care; 1 patient died 18 days later as a result of multiple organ failure [21].

So... show him that.

It's justifiably immoral to deal morally with an immoral entity.

C'est la vie. Festina lente.
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