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 Relax Folks: The CDC, VUMC, Johns Hopkins Are All *DONE*
Abelardlindsey 2k posts, incept 2021-03-26
2021-05-03 16:19:10

Further, the EEOC did NOT say any such thing. What they said is that someone who presents a particularized risk to the public or other employees can be excluded without violating the ADA.

Thus you can exclude someone who is actively ill, but not someone susceptible, because the latter is not particularized risk. Never mind that having the stab does NOT prove you can't get the virus, and they know that too.

This is good to know as I was not aware of this before. You certainly would not learn this from any MSM story about this. I wonder if this can be used if the airlines try to keep unvaccinated people off the planes. I actually don't think they will do this. But knowledge to fight back with is always a good thing.

The EU is preparing to go full-on for the vaccine passport thing. Of course, the Europeans have always been of fascist/collectivist bent compared to Americans. Iny how, I don't have to go to Europe anytime in the foreseeable future. None of the Asian countries appear to be going this route (a place I AM more likely to visit than Europe).

With regards to how people treat medicine, I noticed the same thing. People who are technically competent in engineering and other fields seem to switch off their brains when it comes to medical stuff. This makes me think that my friend is correct in saying that most people treat medicine like a religion, with the health "experts" and MD's being priests. He calls it the medical state religion. Of course this is totally irrational. But this seems to be the way it is for most people.

I think the reason why I've never been attracted to the medical religion is because I have been interested in anti-aging life extension since I was in college (mid 80's) and have been involved in the cryonics milieu. I view medicine as bio-engineering. Molecular biology and bio-engineering are to my body the same way that aerodynamics, metallurgy, and the like are for aircraft design and solid-state physics and thin-film materials science is for semiconductor chip fabrication. Needless to say, most people do not share my world-view on these matters.

Its all in the mitochondria.

Its the future're not.
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