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 Relax Folks: The CDC, VUMC, Johns Hopkins Are All *DONE*
Winston2020 461 posts, incept 2020-03-29
2021-05-03 14:53:18

Any bets on how long it takes for the S1 protein hazard to hit the news based upon the American Pravda levels of censorship in the US now?

And I'll say once again that it is not conceivable for me to believe that given the degree to which clotting is the most important pathology related to COVID-19 that no one in the pursuit to find why that was so never thought to put the spike protein in a test tube of whole blood, especially the vaccine producers who were designing substances to cause the creation of that in the whole blood found in the human blood stream.

My guess is that they knew about this, but since the spike protein was IDed as the quickest and most obvious path to something that would arouse the immune system, they took that route because if you have a bad reaction to the S1 protein alone when it is a transient in your system, you'd have a far worse reaction when the actual virus was not only exploding cells, but producing large and continuous doses of S1 protein in the process of reproducing itself.

So, it was a lesser of two evils and they lied.

BTW, note how they only admit to the extremely rare clotting disorders because they can't be explained away like someone dropping dead from a stroke or heart attack a week or two after being vaccinated.
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