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 Relax Folks: The CDC, VUMC, Johns Hopkins Are All *DONE*
Billhrny 229 posts, incept 2019-06-19
2021-05-03 14:39:29

@FDprefect - You're awesome.

@Nadavegan - Yes, I am aware of what protections people are supposed to have while a vaccine is under an EUA.

My company responded with the decision from the EEOC that seemed to negate that and said employers could require a vaccine under an EUA. BUT, and this is a big BUT - the state of California put out an analysis of this (Which you can still get online), that said that people still have statutory protections from EUA vaccine mandates under the FDA FD&C Act. They also say that the EEOC did not have the authority to essentially override the FDA.

Behind the scenes, I have been told by contacts that I have in senior management at other companies, that just about everyone is waiting for the lawsuits to be filed (essentially when they first person to get fired for refusing it) before taking action....right now everyone is in limbo. They don't want to seem like they are anti-vax, especially in the DC area, so they have to play along until the courts say to stop it. Unfortunately someone will have to get fired and bring suit for this to be settled.

Companies and funded organizations that are in bed with the government, from the DoD to CDC to FDA and onwards, must appear to sign along with the GIN. And yes, GIN is an acronym I have become familiar with while in DC...Gated Institutional Narrative = GIN...and these beltway bandits take this seriously. Go against the GIN and you lose status...and possibly funding.

Right now the GIN in the beltway is "The vaccine is safe and effective and everyone should be vaccinated. Those that say the vaccine is dangerous or not effective is peddling conspiracy theories. Those that say there are alternate treatments that work are loonies or just plain stupid."

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