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 Relax Folks: The CDC, VUMC, Johns Hopkins Are All *DONE*
Tedstriker1809 39 posts, incept 2020-05-15
2021-05-03 13:38:28

Here's a good, accessible overview of the Swine Flu and its vaccination problems.

What is fascinating is are the numerous parallels with COVID.

"Within 10 months, nearly 25% of the US population, or 45 million citizens, was vaccinated, but serious problems persisted throughout the process (2). Due to the urgency of creating new immunizations for a novel virus, the government used an attenuated live virus for the vaccine instead of a inactivated or killed form, increasing the probability of adverse side effects among susceptible groups of people receiving the vaccination. Furthermore, prominent American scientists and health professionals began questioning the campaigns large expense and its drain on scarce public health resources (2).

With President Fords reelection campaign looming on the horizon, the campaign increasingly appeared politically motivated. The rationale for mass vaccination seemed to stem from only the barest of biological reasoning it turned out that the flu wasnt even related to the virus that caused the grisly 1918 epidemic and, indeed, those who were infected with the flu only suffered from a mild illness while the vaccine, for the reasons stated above, resulted in over four-hundred and fifty people developing the paralyzing Guillain-Barr syndrome."

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and yu have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them" -- Frederick Douglass
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