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 Relax Folks: The CDC, VUMC, Johns Hopkins Are All *DONE*
Mannfm11 9k posts, incept 2009-02-28
2021-05-03 13:29:36

I think we start out with a class action suit against Facebook and Twitter, for censoring anti vaccine reports. Zuckerberg and Jack need to be stripped of every dime. Next is Bill Gates, who should be sued, stripped of his assets and shot one morning at sunrise.

Next is fake doctor, Fauci and his old lady. A chainsaw and meat cleaver should be used on this guy, the parts stacked in the street, covered with firewood, burned and the ashes flushed down the nearest shitter.

I have a tenant who works for a local chain owned by Safeway. Against her best judgement, took the vaccine at the demand of the employer. The second shot has her on her ass. They gave her $100 as an inducement. She knows what I think.

I take dance lessons, because I got sucked in and found it a challenge. We are in a fucked up world, because people no longer dance in bars. That is beside the point. The point is, they had an event somewhere and 3 women were talking about the vaccine and asked me, if I had taken a vaccine or was going to sign up. I told them I hadn't lost my mind, yet. Based on known statistics, some of them had a better chance of dying on the trip home than from CV19. Another guy, aged 70 asked me if I had taken my shots yet. I told him I had a 45 auto and that would be the only shots I would be taking. Of course, I got the look like I had lost my mind. There is no understanding of the risks of taking this crap, versus the benefits. I suspect Bob probably had a break even return, being 70, but he looks pretty healthy.

I have a black female tenant and her son would came down with the crap at New Years. They went to the hospital and came back home. I told her, whatever you do, don't let them put you in the hospital. She said someone at the hospital told her that her chances of coming out alive were very slim, so I didn't get an argument.

I hate to sound like a nut, but we are paying a lot of bureaucrats and companies to commit genocide on the American population. Americans need to quit looking at their hemorrhoids' and start paying attention. I haven't seen one thing out of the Biden administration that isn't geared to destroy the American people. Congress is on a looting campaign unrecognized at any time in the past. Fauci and company have been elevated to sainthood, while killing tens of thousands, maybe tens of millions. We have a climate bureaucracy that has intentionally twisted data to create what they are now calling a climate crisis. Lies and damn lies and damn liars. Biden has us on a path to squander an entire generation of capital down a black hole we will never escape. By 2030, the USA will have a living standard akin to Peru, not enough electricity to power the lights, much less the autos and water utilities that no longer work.

Then we have Gates, himself. People need to wake up the fact Gates believes 90% of us need to go. The idea to vaccinate the world and a 90% genocide do not compute. Once the richest man in the world, Gates is now the most dangerous, making Stalin, Mao and Hitler look like rank amateurs.

Then we have cancel culture. These people are pushing the USA to civil war. I have Fox Business going, because I like to watch the numbers and they just had a report of the left making up a white supremacy symbol and launching a campaign against anyone who happens to have their hand in that shape. A utility worker had his hand out the window, cracking his knuckles and his hand was in that shape. He was photographed and fired, by some cancel culture creep. Where are the attacks by white supremacists they keep talking about? Right out of the government. Made up bullshit. Keep a list.

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.---John Kenneth Galbraith
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