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 There Are THREE Studies; All Showing Serious Harms
Neonsignal 90 posts, incept 2021-03-24
2021-05-02 17:03:18

The difference between free floating spikes and spikes expressed on the membrane of cells (that are fixed in one location and not free-floating) would be that it's less likely that the spikes would travel through the body to bind to things in a similar way to the real virus.

Pathologies around the spike binding to ACE2 would be less common, but pathologies around clotting from blood contacting the spikes on epithelial walls would still be a major problem.

IOW - the lipid particles might end up in the lung and express the spike, but that's not the same as lots of spikes being ejected back to the bloodstream, and having it bind to an ACE2 receptor somewhere. At least I'm assuming that a spike expressed on the membrane is less likely to find an ACE2 receptor near enough to bind to? Or maybe I am missing something. I'm not an expert on this by any means :(
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