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 The Biggest Mistake We've Ever Made
Tickerguy 204k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2021-04-04 12:16:18

While the risk of autoimmune trouble from conventional adjuvants is well-known it's also rare. Not vanishingly so, but rare nonetheless, and far more-so than the risk of permanent disability or death from the vaccinated-against disease in a healthy person. Therefore, on the math, most of the modern vaccines are reasonable risks -- but should NEVER be mandated for that exact reason; they are not, as is true for ALL drugs, completely safe.

As I've pointed out repeatedly my daughter got (at my behest) nearly all of the "recommended" vaccines for this very reason. Chicken pox is one I would have refused EXCEPT every other douchebag parent has said "yes" to it. Chicken pox has roughly the same risk profile in a kid as does Covid-19. It's not worth it. HOWEVER, Chicken Pox is about 25x as dangerous if you don't get it until you're an adult. At 25x the risk the shot, which is extremely safe, is worth the risk. Incidentally the number of deaths associated with said Chicken Pox vaccine over the last year numbers something like TWO.

Yes, TWO, and ******n near every kid born in America today is given it. Statistically speaking neither the virus or vaccine kills any kids but, on the data, the vaccine is less dangerous (by about an order of magnitude) than the virus in a child, so IMHO it's a "sure, go ahead" sort of thing since the risk if you're older is a LOT higher.

Measles and mumps are the same thing; both can cause serious damage. The vaccines are materially safe, by more than an order of magnitude, and thus are a good risk. That doesn't someone doesn't get hammered by the shot; they do, once in a while.

How many are "once in a while"? For ALL of the MMR vaccines given last year the total number of associated deaths number..... SIX.


"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."
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