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 Shut Down Covid Right Now
Tonythetiger 1k posts, incept 2019-01-27
2020-12-09 09:37:13

With all due respect Karl, I think you might be underestimating the ingenuity of scammers to make a buck or three via twisting the arms of passengers who want or need to travel via airlines. Your application of factual logic may not apply to a political situation.

Anyone want to take a guess at whether or not the AA testing organization is associated with someone having connections to those controlling the Covid narrative? It wouldn't surprise me one bit to see some committee chair in DC funnel taxpayer money to AA so that his wife's second cousin can skim a few million off the travelling public for 'required' testing.

I completely agree that as a financial business model the airlines are screwed, but if they can be leveraged to line the pockets of the powerful with cash at taxpayer expense then I suspect it is very likely that a way will be found to keep them in operation.

If nothing else, airline travel will be another carrot dangled to persuade the public to get vaccinated. That's the next stage of the program, IMHO.

"The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote." - Ambassador Kosh
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