Shut Down Covid Right Now
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2020-12-07 18:08 by Karl Denninger
in Covid-19 , 3776 references Ignore this thread
Shut Down Covid Right Now *
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Folks, it's pretty simple.

At the start of this thing back in March and April I pointed out that if you cut the vectors off for this (or any other) disease it stops being a problem.  I was hellbent on going after the people working in hospitals and nursing homes for this reason, since not only were they a major vector but they were giving the virus to vulnerable people that it was far more-likely to kill as well.

Nobody listened.

Well, months have gone by and now we have more data.  So let's use it.

FACT: The only STATISTICALLY material transmission vectors for Covid-19 are nosocomial (by definition every transmission into a nursing home is that) and household.

The CDC in fact says that a majority (given the current Rt estimates) of transmission happens in households.

In fact here's the MMWR paper on it:

For this analysis, 101 households (including 101 index patients and 191 household members) were enrolled and completed ≥7 days of follow-up. .... Among all household members, 102 had nasal swabs or saliva specimens in which SARS-CoV-2 was detected by RT-PCR during the first 7 days of follow-up, for a secondary infection rate of 53% (95% CI = 46%–60%) (Table 2). Secondary infection rates based only on nasal swab specimens yielded similar results (47%, 95% CI = 40%–54%). 

If you have it you will sustain community transmission statistically within your own household alone.  That is, one person gets it for each person who has it, which means no matter how many masks you force people to wear, no matter how many schools you close and no matter how many restaurants and bars you shutter THIS WILL NEVER STOP UNTIL HERD IMMUNITY IS REACHED.  If you slow it down for a bit as soon as you relax anything it comes roaring back because as soon as it gets into a house it finds enough people to keep virusing.

This marks every bit of sanction on businesses, schools and mask orders in public places worthless by simple mathematics.  You cannot maintain those public constraints forever but even if you could it does not matter as transmission in households is sufficient standing alone to keep the virus spreading in the community.

But... this also means that if you shut both of those vectors down so that transmission through them effectively ceases then nothing else matters the in other direction either (masks, shutdowns, capacity limits, etc) because all of those other vectors together are insufficient to maintain transmission (Rt) over 1.0 and as a result it's over.

We know how to do it.  Right now.  Today.  For pennies.


Here's the data:


Got it folks?  This is health care workers using standard PPE as control, and the trial group added Ivermectin and carrageenan (snorted, basically; it's a cheap food additive but is not probably actually active.  Won't hurt you though -- it's an extract from a species of red seaweed)

Zero infections occurred in the trial group.


That's ONE HUNDRED percent effective .vs. 11% who got infected using MASKS without the Ivermectin -- these are health care workers who have been trained to maintain protocol which nobody in the general public has been or will.

Adverse events in the trial group from taking the drug?  ZERO.

That's right -- not one adverse event.  Unlike the vaccines which are reported to be very uncomfortable -- and we hope there's nothing nasty that surfaces when we start using them on a mass basis.  Do remember that this drug in particular has had billions of doses dispensed and consumed -- not a few tens of thousands.

So how do you cut Covid off?


All health care workers are offered the protocol after personal medical advice.

All nursing home and other high-risk persons are offered this protocol under personal medical advice.  Ivermectin is extremely cheap, about a buck a pill if that, unbelievably safe and not a daily pill, in this use it's once a month.

If you test positive you are handed a pill for yourself and each member of your household with instructions to eat them immediately again, under personal medical advice rendered to you and your household members.  That both treats you and provides a high degree of protection for everyone else in the house from getting it from you.

The Egyptian study showed 80% effectiveness as prophylaxis for Ivermectin among household members of confirmed infected persons.

It also cut the early use mortality rate from 4% to ZERO.

The expected results of oral Ivermectin distribution to at-risk, health care, and everyone in the household of someone diagnosed including the patient?

80% prevention of contagion to other members of the household.

80% reduction of transmission to at-risk people.

Nearly 100% reduction in death for those who are given the drug early.  Yes, it won't work for everyone I'm sure.  But if it's 90% that's a hell of a lot better than we have now, and the Egyptian data says that 99% of those who you intervene early with never need a hospital.  In other words the entire hospital "overload" problem disappears immediately.

In addition the Rt, effective transmission rate, is dampened by approximately 0.5 which is enough to drop it under 1.0 everywhere in the United States.  There is no need for masks, for business or school closures or capacity limits of any sort because the primary vectors are eliminated and transmission cannot be maintained.

Do this and the entire "pandemic" is over in ONE WEEK.



The two primary vectors are cut off and that's the end of it.  Those who get it are, with a high degree of reliability, treated and recover at home.  Statistically nobody goes to the hospital and nobody dies.

Statistically zero people who are not today infected need to die from this point forward.


Further, if you're one of the people who wishes to claim this is "unproved" no it isn't.  As documented in Senate testimony it has been proved in multiple parts of multiple nations which adopted this regime and saw the infection and death rate immediately collapse against other parts of the same region or nation.  Never mind that there is effectively zero risk to adopting this strategy; if some county or state takes this step and it does not work you will know within a week and you've harmed nobody.  But if it does work you also will know within one week as the change will be immediately evident and continue.

Note that this is not simply the ranting of some Internet wunderkind; it is in fact the protocol recommended by EVMS (edited 9/18/2021 -- now pointing at FLCCC as EVMS went "woke"), originally developed as potentially effective by a medical group in Broward FL six months ago and used in multiple other nations and portions of nations which is how all this data has been generated.

I remind you we've known that Ivermectin works since June, so everyone in the political, medical and so-called "science" communities who have sat on their ass and screamed about MAAAASSSSSSSKKKKSSSS for the last five months instead, sending people home with nothing until they're choking to death are in fact murderous bastards.

We've known how to cut this bug off at the knees by making it unable to infect another person, on average, for each person infected for nearly six months and every one of those assholes willfully and intentionally ignored this in favor of "vaccines" and WORTHLESS mask orders.

Cut the bullshit folks.

Willful ignorance is not an excuse.


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