788 posts, incept 2019-10-10
2020-09-01 14:05:20
"Draining the swamp" in Trump's world is flooding it with 4.1 trillion dollars....
Don't need much more proof than that right there to know this dude is simply the Republican's Obama.
Anyone remember when Ron Paul was invited to the Republican convention? Me neither, but Trump was, told me all I needed to know right there and then about how much "Change" was going to happen from this "Outsider". None.
Trump is simply Bush Junior, on steroids.
Hillary is still free and will continue to be free even if Trump is elected again.
All this looting and rioting is going to do is usher in a new police state, what you are seeing is both sides pushing this into their political tyranny, with COVID being used to usher in a new layer of US citizen based surveillance.
The new guard is just like the old guard.
Congratulations Republicans, you look and act just like Democrats now worshipping your orange jesus. And Democrats, now you act just like Republicans with your hatred towards a president you didn't elect.
Who knew people would be so easy to play!
Oh ****, a bunch of rich power hungry *******s in DC knew!!
Put a fork in it, it's over...if the two parties don't destroy us first, the inflation tsunami will.
The spending must continue, until it can't.