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 Satanic Alternatives - America Does Not Deserve To Survive
Invisiblesun 951 posts, incept 2020-04-08
2020-09-01 19:53:09


We now know Covid is a massive scam. It is a "flu" virus that was manipulated by fraudulent testing to be presented as five to six times worse than it actually was. The US PCR ran 37 to 40 cycles. Germany ran 30 cycles. The difference? The USA & France & Italy & UK show a Covid death rate six times worse than Germany.

Remember the president of Tanzania? He tested the test and said it was junk. He was smart.

We have truly experienced the greatest crime in the history of the world. Who is in on it? Bill Gates? Fauci? Those mandating the best requirements had to know. What they have done is an act of war and a crime against humanity. And we know they won't even face indictment.

Satan is laughing.

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