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 We Must Run This To The Ground
Raven 18k posts, incept 2017-06-27
2020-05-16 09:55:10

it is so interesting that people see the decoupling as insurmountable.

whether it be the Japanese, Chinese or Mexicans in the past developing people were brought up to speed to manufacture relatively complex good. The natural personality of the Japanese meant that they would achieve high standards of quality, the Chinese are a mixed bag depending upon the area and supervision and the Mexicans are probably very similar to the Chinese. A lot of assembly lines are run in Mexico from appliances to automobiles. Even Lenovo built their very high quality ThinkPads there for a while without major issues.

The above means that there is nothing stopping us from treating some of our broken, poor and vast unemployed areas as developing markets with the added benefit that a lot of municipal infrastructure is already in place even if somewhat run down and in need of maintenance.

i have driven through some of the old industrial towns of the Mid West, Northeast, etc. They have solid industrial buildings still in place, wide concrete roads and boulevards with sidewalks and complete rain and sanitary sewer systems. Their electrical grids, even when abandoned are still in place. All of this mid to late twentieth century technology is very high quality and built to last. Much of it can simply be turned on like a switch after audit and deferred maintenance is addressed. There are complete water systems and housing in place.

In the out-border developing world where we sent our industry the corporate interests had to build from scratch a lot of what we have right here, yet they considered it profitable risk.

We need to declare areas with the potential to be in border developing world style opportunities and declare them as some sort of economic prosperity zones. This will require relaxing some of the "rules" with regard to wage, employment law and taxation with permanency of factors so that businesses and individuals do not concern themselves with getting hit with the current book after investing and risking resources and time and effort.

This is speaking about something grand where things like monopolistic practices including monopolistic unions are banned. Welfare cannot exist to any degree in border of these areas save for perhaps emergency medical care. There can be nothing other than reasonable environmental and employment laws. No minimum wages, no quotas for special groups. Laws that are accepted are either enforced or readdressed. No property and uses taxes ever.

This is a proposition for a grand experiment and set of actions which will openly compete with areas living under the current system. It could save us and have a lot of equipment and expertise brought back here.

We will let our potential salvation continue to rust away. It s right under our noses.

It will never happen.

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