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Ed note: Please see the bottom; error on row pickup from Statista has been corrected as of 14:35 ET 11/14.
If you recall back in February when Covid19 first started and I was splitting my coverage between impeachment and the virus I noted several dislocation-style events in the claimed Wuhan data coming out of China. I noted that these events were statistical impossibilities for a virus and indicated that China was lying. One can infer the reason for said lying, but you can't prove it.
But that it was happening was clear. After the third or fourth one I simply gave up and stopped reporting on the "cases" because the data was clearly being tampered with and reporting on something you know is bullshit is the very definition of fake news.
Through the late spring and into the summer a very clean formulaic view of this disease became apparent, and pieces of what were conjecture were conclusively validated. Basic epidemiology tells you that herd suppression happens at 1- (1/R0); this is the point at which, statistically-speaking, each infected person fails to find a new victim during their infectious window. This does not mean the disease disappears, but it does mean that the sort of spike we have seen repeatedly cannot happen any more.
For an R0 of 3.0 this is ~66%, and for a R0 of 2.5 (the current CDC estimate) this occurs at 60%. For all intents and purposes these are statistical best friends, since R0 is always an estimate with a confidence interval -- which, you'll note, nobody publishes. Gee, I wonder why?
We know that pre-existing immunity, likely due to exposure to some other coronavirus, exists in the population. Fauci keeps denying it but there is not one study that shows this number is zero. In fact every single one of these studies has come back with values between 30-50%. These are small studies because this sort of testing is expensive and slow, so a large-scale survey is impractical both in terms of time and money -- but the results are what they are. As a result this means that somewhere between 35% and 15% of the population has to "get" Covid-19 in a given area before suppression is reached.
Again, this does not mean that the virus "disappears"; it does, however, mean that the threat of overload in hospitals and similar is over.
At the start of this mess I talked about serological surveys, which are an essential part of understanding how a virus has spread and where you are, particularly where some infections are of low or no symptoms in the infected person and thus will not be caught by testing those who seek care. These tests are worthless as a diagnostic as they tell whether you had the disease, not whether you have it. But they're ridiculously cheap and very fast; an IgG linear paper chromatography test costs under $2 and reads in 10 minutes, requiring only a simple finger-stick much as does a blood sugar check for diabetes. When this bug started here in the US there were a handful of these surveys run in various places, including out in Colorado. This ceased over the summer; I am aware of ZERO of them being run on populations since that time.
But... in other places they have been run. Including Japan. As I noted recently Tokyo appears to have nearly 50% seroprevalence. When they reached the low 40% threshold which is exactly where it should be if their pre-existing immunity is on the lower end of the range case counts fell apart. This is clearly population immunity suppression and validates both pre-existing immunity and that the R0 estimates are pretty-much bang-on.
Why did they stop doing these surveys in the US?
A reasonable hypothesis is that public health officials, including both state and federal (such as Fauci, Vanderbilt, Harvard, etc) knew the PCR testing was fraudulent and that serological surveys, which are extremely cheap, fast and easy, would expose the fraud. So they stopped doing them.
That was a hypothesis that gained credence when we had "bubbles" in various sports which were supported by random testing; we have seen sporadic reports of "positives" that were later proved false by re-test. But that this occasionally happens with a single test does not tell you how prevalent it is, and note that nowhere did anyone publish a denominator; that is, "Football team X took 50 tests, got five positives and all five were negative on re-test." That would imply the error rate was 10%. That's horrible, by the way, because it means if you have an alleged "10% positivity rate" in a population the actual positive rate may well be anywhere between ZERO AND TWENTY PERCENT and there is utterly no way to know where in that confidence interval it is!
But then yesterday Elon Musk showed up. He wants to be in the NASA control room, a very reasonable desire, when his Dragon capsule is launched with real people in it. NASA requires a negative Covid test to be there. That seems somewhat reasonable too; this is a high-security area and the people in there are very important to NASA, so if they want a swab up your nose, well, here it comes.
He popped positive. No soup for you, sir, says NASA!
Except.... Musk is richer than God and he also doesn't give a shit about shoving government bullshit right up their ass. So he demanded a re-test, right there, right now. I assume he offered to pay for it too; the privilege of not caring about money helps in a situation like this, you see.
And, because he's not stupid and, as I said, he's perfectly happy to shove bullshit up their ass, he didn't just do this once.
He did it three more times. All on the same day, same nurse, in sequence.
He got two positive and two negative results.
Now Musk is either positive or negative, obviously. But whichever way it is he just dropped a nuclear weapon in the middle of the Covid19 testing industry and blew it to beyond the orbit of Mars. Exactly nobody in the media is reporting that, but that's what he did -- conclusively.
You see, Musk proved that the error rate is not 2%, 5% or even 10%.
Elon Musk conclusively proved that the test is nothing more than a coin toss that has no relationship to the actual state of a person being tested. It is purely a scare-mongering tool to return big numbers and thus drive more $100 million day collections of money by the testing companies for a literal worthless test that is not diagnostic of anything.
In any reasonable legal environment such a result would lead to the instant revocation of authorization by the FDA for all such testing as Elon has now proved that said testing is literally worthless. It doesn't have an error band it is nothing more than a criminal racket exactly as would be some preacher collecting money in exchange for prayers that, he says, will make someone's "Gay" go away.
I had every reason to believe, given the crazy CT settings of these tests (typically 40) and the fact that no viral cultures have been successful in other than ICU patients with a CT over 35 -- even Fauci himself has said that CT values over 35 do not represent actual infections -- we know we were reading a materially high percentage of people who were not actually both infected and able to, or would become able to, transmit the virus as "positive.
But I had no idea that in any situation you'd have results that were a literal coin-toss and that would be proved up.
So why have there been zero serological survey done since late Spring?
It's simple: If they kept running them they'd have proved months ago that the testing we're doing by RT-PCR has no relationship to actual infections and is nothing more than a scare-mongering technique that is siphoning off $100 million a day, supporting by printing big false numbers and now "warnings" by fuckheads like Fauci that "you better listen" while we cancel both Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Well fuck you Fauci, Birx, Lightfoot, Cuomo and the rest. You just got fucked up the ass by Elon Musk who was willing to drop a grand for the purpose of disproving your bullshit -- with irrefutable results displayed to the public -- and your little scam that destroyed income and lives has been blown to bits.
We're seeing this all across the various states where utterly-implausible "positive" numbers are racking up by the day. Note that Japan has proved that if you do not interdict infections in young people by doing things like closing schools and such you get nearly 100 infections or even more for each legitimate positive illness. Think I'm crazy? Look up Japan's positive test count and the results from Tokyo and tell me how many people had the bug .vs. how many are reported "positive"! It's more than 100:1. Further, would anyone be excited if our national daily death count was about 30? Remember, Japan has about one third our population and yet despite their alleged "mask compliance" it did exactly nothing to stop half the people in Tokyo from becoming infected anyway!
So the 10:1 CDC figure isn't a "guess", it's wrong. Their new "best estimate" at 4:1 isn't a guess either. Both were and remain frauds created out of whole cloth by reporting "positives" that really aren't.
This is not just an academic exercise; every single one of those "positives" results in a quarantine order against a person, which not only restricts their freedom it cuts off their income. But whether that person actually is positive, in the absence of definitive symptoms (e.g. loss of taste or smell) is a literal coin-toss.
I guess I shouldn't have been shocked by this, given the depth of depravity in the medical system and its "up yours" refusal to follow 15 USC Chapter 1 for the last 30 years, backed by a refusal of the government to prosecute that.
But what came with that in the context of Covid19 is that I cannot compute actual seroconversion estimates from the positive test figures any longer because the "test" figures are literally worthless. A couple of months ago I stopped reporting these and expected thresholds as I suspected shenanigans with the "test positive" figures, but couldn't prove it.
Now it's proved, which means that other than hospitalizations (and maybe deaths -- those are polluted too, as "magically" death-by-influenza has basically disappeared) I have no way to know what the actual prevalence is of Covid in a given community and without some sort of baseline, which can only be reliably determined with serological surveys which are not being done, neither I or any of the so-called experts have any idea exactly where the population of a given area is in regard to herd suppression.
Further, the continued screaming about "masks" is flat-out stupid. There is no evidence they work; in all of the states and other areas that implemented them, including mine, continuing case spikes occur. Or did they? Nobody knows because the tests are worthless. But the claimed test numbers say, if you believe them, that masks are worthless.
In short our so-called "authorities" have deliberately destroyed the data integrity required for both them and everyone else to make decisions and justify said decisions based on science. That this has been going on for months and has not been corrected, and those authorities have much more granular and rapidly-updated data than I do, proves that this is intentional.
So trying to figure out suppression rates has become worthless as the government and health care system have intentionally made any honest analysis impossible. This leaves us with one more strategy in the toolbox, and since the governments and health authorities are the ones who have both implemented "mandates" and destroyed data integrity on purpose we have no choice but to follow that last option and force them to do so by whatever means are necessary -- and yes, I mean exactly that.
Note that exactly zero of this is my information; it is The CDC's current best estimate of facts.
And the population segregation data is found here, which is "best available" since the 2020 Census tables are not yet done.
They show the following:
From the table if we infected every single one of these 190 million Americans we would take (60,570,000 * 0.00003) + (129,610,000 * 0.0002) or 1,817 (0-19) + 25,922 (20-49) casualties or a total of under 30,000 dead people.
But -- we would have 58% immunity across the population and it would be over. However, given what we know about T-cell reactivity -- that there is 30-50% existing immunity it works differently.
At the most-pessimistic estimate of 30% pre-existing immunity from other coronaviruses, which is the lower boundary of all the studies done on populations world-wide thus far (50% is the high end, incidentally) we get:
60.57 * .30 = 18.17 million of the under 20 are already immune; we can only manage to infect 42.4 million.
129.61 * .30 = 38.9 million of those between 20-49 are already immune; we can only manage to infect 90.7 million.
The same 30% applies to the ~120 million older Americans as it does for everyone else, so to this "firebreak" we add 30% of everyone older, which is roughly 120 million * .3 = ~36 million older people who are immune already as well.
If we were to deliberately infect all of the susceptible people in those two "least likely to die" cohort we would take not 30,000 casualties (the presumption in an IFR is that you can be infected) but rather (42,400,000 * 0.00003) + (90,700,000 * 0.0002) = 1,272 + 18,140 or just under 20,000 casualties in total.
We would have ~70% penetration, that is, herd immunity, in the population.
This exceeds even the most-pessimistic rate which is 60% for the CDC's "best estimate" R0 of 2.5.
We would already be well into suppression, which means the current spikes would not happen at all.
Some people over 50 are eventually going to either get it one-at-a-time or be immunized, and they die at a rate of .0005 (0.05%) which is 25 times greater and sort-of sucks. God forbid people 70+ get it; they die 5.4% of the time, which really sucks.
And by the way -- this presumes we still kill people on purpose who get it by sending them home with no treatment on initial symptoms. We know that's stupid and yet there are multiple individuals in this immediate area with dead loved ones who all report that "do nothing" was what happened until the victim had one foot in the coffin. That's nuts considering that we have a wide variety of safe medications, all of which may work and exactly zero of which are being routinely offered to people who are obviously symptomatic.
But leaving the stupidity of refusal-to-treat aside these statistics mean we must demand that:
In other words we leave people under the age of 50 alone and rescind all mask and "distancing" orders immediately because we will accept roughly 20,000 deaths but in doing so we protect everyone who is older. Those who are older are urged to stay away, to wear N95s or better when out in public as those might provide protection (nothing less does or will) and to keep away from the people who are living their normal lives.
In other words instead of repeatedly tolerating lies by the Federal Government, Governors, Mayors and a plethora of so-called "expert" who are presumed to be able to do algebra and, by listening to them we have over 220,000 people who are dead we tell everyone the truth and let all rational adults decide for themselves with the result that many fewer than 20,000 additional people (since some who would have by doing this already have gone to meet God) die -- and it's over.
In fact were we to do this today the number of additional deaths would likely be fewer than 10,000 IN TOTAL given that some base of immunity due to infection already exists.
Those under 18 are at no particular risk anyway so there is no "save the children" argument you can make; any such attempt is fraud.
With $2 10 minute IgG tests over the counter anyone in a mixed household with seriously comorbid and/or elderly people can know if all residents in the household are safe. If all the younger persons are safe then the older person(s) are at no material elevated risk provided they stay home. If this is not the case then those households can take whatever steps they deem appropriate; perhaps the kids go live with an aunt, uncle, or neighbor friend (who everyone trusts) until the kids seroconvert, which they will. This will resolve within a few months on its own as all the younger people will seroconvert and become safe.
If an older person had the virus and didn't know that same IgG test will tell them that it's safe for them to be out and about as normal too. There is utterly no reason for us not to make that knowledge widely available to anyone who wants it for no more than the cost of a cup of coffee.
Folks, I had my daughter in my early 30s. By the time I reached 50 she was of age! This is true for most, but not all parents. There is exactly no reason for the vast majority of kids, young adults and parents who have dependents still forcibly present due to their age to do anything to inhibit this virus from infecting them. THEY ARE VERY UNLIKELY TO BE SERIOUSLY HARMED and they will build immunity in the population. For those who are not in that situation we must make available on an individual basis the capability of determining individual risk in any given housing unit at near-zero cost.
Thus ends, immediately and permanently, the risk of Granny "at home" dying while immunity builds the remainder of the distance to suppression with near-zero additional deaths.
The problem continues to be hospitals and nursing homes in that we are still seeing roughly 40% of the deaths coming from nursing homes, yet nursing home residents are less than 1% of the population of the country. That's outrageous, particularly given that we know damn well how to stop nearly all of those infections and deaths.
Here is how you keep the infection away from those 50+ to the maximum possible extent for however long it takes.
Absolutely no cross-contamination sources are allowed. If you cannot have separate wings with separate laundry facilities, maintenance staff, food supply, etc. then the entire facility has to be designated as either seroconverted or not. Some care homes have separate buildings or can otherwise be successfully split, as can some hospitals -- but by no means all of them. We must stop accepting the idea that non-seroconverted seniors will be exposed in these homes and hospitals. It's mass-manslaughter and we've known how to prevent that bullshit from happening for 100 years. I'm tired of excuses and people who keep allowing this need to be held to account for Murder 2, depraved homicide, because that's exactly what it is.
This is the precise sanitarium model I have advocated for since this started becoming a problem in March and April.
It instantly stops nosocomial transmission into nursing homes and hospital patients, all of whom are at significantly elevated risk. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE DEATHS IN A NURSING HOME WAS A NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION. We take over 100,000 of those a year and rather than stop it we let these assholes who we parade around as "heroes" rack up another 100,000 on top of the usual toll this year alone. That's outrageous.
Doing the above will immediately collapse the death rate while the immunity level rises to suppression across the US.
Now if and when one or more vaccines are available priority should be given to those in these high risk groups, starting with those over 70 years of age. It should be explained that as a lightly tested vaccine with unknown long-term safety this is a gamble; if there is an ADE or immune dysregulation reaction you're screwed but for those in a very high risk category that risk is likely worth it. Upon vaccination and the expiration of the time involved you are seroconverted and will so-prove by IgG test, so you become eligible to live and work in the non-seroconverted areas without constraint or waiver.
This also means we wind up with no need to vaccinate the majority of the population; only those over 50, ultimately have any reason to take it at all, and realistically those without material comorbidities have no reason to take it prior to age 70 or thereabouts. But, as people age the risk of said comorbidities goes up, so their individual desire will vary.
Any government or "public health" official that refuses to go down this road immediately must be boxed up and sent to The Hauge for trial as a genocidal maniac who has participated in the murder of over 200,000 Americans thus far -- and punished accordingly.
After all buzzards and worms need to eat too.
I'm done with this bullshit folks.
Ed 14:27: Error from Statistia on the age bracket pickup corrected; it makes the math even more-compelling, not less. In fact what it says is "infect everyone who can be under 50 on purpose and fewer than 20,000 die -- and the game's over as we have population immunity. Granny didn't need to die -- our government killed her."
I thought I'd seen insane in 2008, and then again in 2012 and 2016.
In 2008 we elected a Black Man as President who had exactly zero qualifications to be in that office and, by the black letter of the Constitution, was ineligible. On the manifest weight of the evidence he bought, with other people's money, his Senate and Illinois Senate seat. In other words he bribed his way into office with other people's money, which means that it was not his ideas being put forward, it was whoever funded him. It matters not whether he presented a fraudulent birth certificate which, by the way, the evidence is that he did. This is the same man who (like Senator Warren) claimed to be something he was not whenever it suited him, including to get preferential treatment in college. Then he sealed the records that would prove all of this one way or another, a blatantly and outrageously illegal act available to no common person, and we let him get away with that too. Leave the rest aside because it doesn't matter. You are selecting who you would like to be the person who, if they're going to lie, will do so in the best interest of the United States population not their personal best interest.
In 2012, after he gave away several trillion of your dollars to the industry that has been violating US Anti-Trust law (15 USC Chapter 1) for decades, got sued over it twice, lost both cases at the Supreme Court and yet has not been prosecuted once nor has any of it been stopped, we re-elected that same asshole for another four years.
I don't recall anyone who got assaulted or their business burned over any of that, however -- and make no mistake as millions of Americans were in fact victimized and continue to be screwed by said medical monster on a daily basis. Where was the burning of businesses and looting the local Nike store? Today people do that when someone draws a knife. advances on police for several hundred yards refusing to drop it and then charges one of the cops with said knife and gets (justifiably!) shot.
In 2016 one of the chief architects of that theft by the medical industry ran for office against a bullshitting Commercial Real Estate developer who, like basically all of them, strong-arms people and structures things so that he can blow up anything that's not working without winding up penniless in the street. I don't fault him for doing it, by the way, including the shenanigans with Deutsche Bank and the Chicago Trump Tower, on which there is plenty of documentation. Why not? Because this was not either party's first rodeo and they both entered into those transactions willingly; Deutsche Bank knew how Trump behaved (Atlantic City anyone?) and Trump knew how Deutsche Bank behaved too. Never mind that Black Jesus could have had his DOJ take Deutsche Bank out back and shoot them in the corporate head for their role in the housing bubble blow-up and resulting mass-foreclosures with fraudulent chains of title which they "reconstructed" (that's not legal, by the way) after they (and many other financial institutions) literally destroyed the originals on purpose so as to make impossible real audits of what paperwork borrowers submitted and what the banks made up before securitizing the paper. Do you really believe that an industry that has for several hundred years relied on hard, documentary records to enforce recourse suddenly got "sloppy" or did they do it on purpose to evade a criminal standard of proof after they knowingly sold trash to others as alleged "good investments" and by doing so ruined the global economy? But no! Black Jesus didn't blackball that foreign corporation for their part in screwing Americans blind; in point of fact he took one of the chief "see no evil, hear no evil, stop no evil" architects of that bullshit from the NY Fed (Geithner) and made him Treasury Secretary.
You want to bitch about Trump and his financial shenanigans? Point your ire at Black Jesus who made possible every last bit of it not only continuing but ramping up on the day he took the Oath of Office when he had every legal right to stop all of it by destroying the bank responsible for not only that specific load of bullshit but a huge part of the 2008 blowup. Again: Barack Obama intentionally refused to do so and let literally all of the crooks, which number in the thousands, walk away scot free and many of them not only kept plenty of stolen money but Obama and his administration bailed them out and gave them even more money -- your money. While you're at it point your ire at Nancy Piglosi and ChuckyBoy Schumer too, both of whom are still in office and between them wrote and passed the tax law changes which GAVE Trump a perfectly-legal retroactive $70 million refund from the IRS.
If you demand that no bank may have an armed guard nor any cameras and the cops may not show up if the burglar alarm goes off there would be a line out the front door of every bank in the nation and virtually everyone in line would be both packing a pistol and brandishing a hold-up note. Duh!
Now, running against said CRE huckster and self-promoter we have an obviously mentally-compromised old man who doesn't even know who the President is or what State he's "campaigning in", with his wife telling him it's not Bush while on camera. He's had at least three strokes that have been admitted to. His son was thrown out of the military for failing a drug test and rather than get his crap together he not only apparently continues to abuse hard drugs but has a thing for walking around naked in front of under-age girls in his extended family. What has his family done about this? Nothing, despite irrefutable evidence they know about it they've tried to cover it up and allow said young woman to be screwed, perhaps literally, rather than send the cops over to apply a little Graybar Motel reformation to his "lifestyle." Never mind nearly-irrefutable evidence that he's been taking bribes from a Communist nation that was the source of Covid19 either through rank recklessness, filthy 3rd century "wet market" practices or perhaps even something worse while Joe, the candidate, appears to have at least known all about it and might have personally profited from it.
That's right -- we have a man running for President who, the evidence says, screwed his own fucked-up kid by turning him into a money mule peddling influence in multiple foreign nations, all of which by the way is extraordinarily illegal.
Junkies will do all sorts of unlawful things because their mind is basically gone; the drugs are all they give a crap about. Having seen it in my own family I know damn well what happens and exploiting it, which the evidence says Joe Biden did with the full knowledge and support of his immediate family including his wife is Dante's 9th Circle of Hell level evil.
Do I need to remind you that this particular foreign nation, beyond being Communists, also enjoys running literal concentration camps in their own country, never mind using near-literal slave labor and wild-eyed intellectual property theft as competitive weapons against us?
You don't think this is a singular instance, do you? What, Ukraine and China is not enough? How about right here in America? Is the Biden family a corrupt, serial criminal enterprise? If you'll exploit your own junkie son how about trying to scam other businesspeople across the country? And when they sue you? At random threatening mail with blood-soaked foreign currency shows up at their house? Really?
Shall we talk about Covid19 a bit in respect to both of these clowns? We knew in March that this virus was much more deadly to seniors than others, and that among young people it rarely killed anyone. In fact, if you're young dying is so rare that among those under 19 only three in one hundred thousand who get it die. This age cohort comprises 28.6% of the American population of roughly 330 million, or about 94 million people.
If we deliberately infected all of them a grand total of 2,831 kids would be dead but we would have population immunity and the threat of logarithmic spikes in cases would have been over months ago.
More to the point your Grandmother would still be alive.
Instead we closed schools, bars, raves, threaten kids who are in college and go to a kegger, break up parties and even arrest the people going to them while issuing "mask and distancing" orders, all of which are designed to and do decrease social interaction between the very group of people who the virus, statistically-speaking, cannot kill. And our media grabs the handful -- literal handful -- of young people who have succumbed and plasters them all over social media and the news to stir up fear and further intentionally shift infections to older people -- which damn well ought to get them indicted.
But never forget that Donald J Fucking TRUMP made all of that possible and stuck his Presidential Seal on it by putting Fauci, Birx, Redfield and everyone else involved on his so-called "Task Force" and he directly empowered all of it by signing Executive Orders and paying the states to take actions that disproportionately shift infections from young people to old people. I remind you that he has reversed exactly zero of these orders nor has he disbanded anything or fired anyone despite his very own CDC publishing the data above proving that what we did caused 200,000 people to be dead and millions to be unemployed.
Then Trump went even further, along with the states, and in several states sat back and let Governors deliberately force infected people into high-risk conjugal living situations (nursing homes) where the risk of dying was 1,800 times higher than for that school-age kid.
If you or I did something intentional that multiplied our risk of killing someone by 1,800 times, and tens of thousands of people did die as a consequence, we'd get the Federal Needle for it -- and deserve it too. There would be a ticker tape parade for the cops who caught you and strapped your ass in on the gurney.
Well, Governors Cuomo, Witmer, Wolf and others?
Oh, and let's not leave off Governors DeSatan, Lee and myriad others. In fact would you please identify one Governor who did not close schools and discourage young people to go out and do what young people do? Governor Noem may not have instituted a mask mandate but she did shut down the schools and scared the kids, so throw her ass on the gurney and give her the federal needle too because she caused a large number of those who have died in her state to expire just like all of the rest.
We are talking about comparative manslaughter totals here folks because all of these assholes are guilty of the crime.
Every one of them.
Where is Mr. Law And Order and why aren't all of those assholes sitting on death row right now?
How about Biden and Covid19? He has no more recognition of the mathematical facts than Trump does, or doesn't care. He'd go even further through arm-twisting to issue more lockdowns and mandates. He has said so publicly, and when a politician tells you that he intends to kill your Grandmother you damn well better believe him. Given the level of cognition Biden has I'll go along with an insanity defense for him -- provided he gets a permanent Rubber Room assignment along with his Cum Dumpster running mate and Piglosi. Otherwise they can all be strapped to a gurney and get the needle for mass-manslaughter as well.
Don't even get me started about people like Vanderbilt's John Graves who just put forward another lie about "masks." He knows he's lying too, because the data he is using is what I'm using from the same source, the Tennessee Department of Health -- and he's deliberately ignoring anything that doesn't fit his thesis. Like these four counties, all next door to each other and collaring Knoxville. One has a mandate and has had since early July the other three do not. Which one, from this data, has the mandate? Did it do anything?
When do we start locking up those who run notorious, public frauds and generate more than 200,000 corpses as a direct and foreseeable consequence? These motherfuckers killed more people in nine months than four Vietnams! When does someone with a pair of balls lease dozens of Cat D8s and turn them over to pissed-off Americans so they can level so-called "institutions of higher learning" and "policy organizations" like IHME that put out deliberate, rank lies and cause people to die by the tens of thousands as a consequence?
Said pissed-off Americans can practice their bulldozer-driving with the same sort of accuracy that our so-called "medical universities" practice when it comes to public health.
Knox County has UT and has made a lot of noise about breaking up keggers and stopping college kids from doing what college kids do. Said college kids (and plenty of school-age kids too) have gotten Covid. Guess how many went to the hospital, say much less died thus far? As far as I'm able to determine the number is zero. Is this surprising when the CDC's claimed fatality rate for that cohort is 0.00003 and 0.0002? May I remind you that 0.0002 is an expected death rate of two in ten thousand and that Knox County has reported roughly 12,000 cases in total; they've yet to reach 5,000 college student cases yet, so that none have died is unremarkable. You're much more-likely to be killed in a car wreck at that age, probably associated with drinking, or through violence (e.g. gunshot) than by Covid19. In fact I'll bet at least one student there has this year by now.
Incidentally there is a massive scam going on with so-called "positive" Covid19 tests. If you're allegedly positive and have no symptoms consistent with Covid19 wait 2 weeks and find a place to get a paper chromatography IgG antibody test; the actual cost of these tests is $2 (I have a few left), they require a finger-stick drop of blood like a blood glucose test diabetics take several times a day and return results within 10 minutes. If you were actually infected (symptomatic or not) you'll have IgG antibodies and the test will be positive. If you don't have IgG antibodies then the original PCR test results were false; if you were quarantined and inconvenienced or, even worse, lost income sue the hell out of everyone involved including your local County officials, your Mayor and the labs responsible -- and make sure you name them in their personal capacities. The inserts in the PCR tests specifically state they cannot distinguish between live, infectious virus and not and have very high false-positive rates especially for CT values over 32, which all the states are currently using. False imprisonment is both a felony crime and a serious civil tort. Make every one of the rat bastards involved pay for it.
You think this article is all bullshit and a fantasy-laden rant by some dude who just used to run an Internet company? Look at Japan then come back here and grovel for forgiveness. Japan did exactly what I have advocated since March and what we should have done -- no mandates but they told people to be adults, and people did what people do there. Japan is a nation where they actually wash their hands, don't "welcome" tens of millions of turd-world invaders and then bless them by forgiving every lawless act, including but certainly not limited to raping and killing A Girl in Iowa. (You do remember her and how fast that evaporated from the news, right?) Yes, lots of people wear masks; it's a cultural thing if you think you might have a bug -- you mark yourself as biologically dangerous. Such does not stop influenza deaths, by the way -- Japan has twice our flu fatality rate per 100,000 people.
Did all those masks stop Covid19? Nope. A fairly-recent serological survey strongly suggests 50% of those in Tokyo have had the bug! That means that well over 100 people got Covid19 in Japan for every person who they count as a "case" -- and the virus harmed almost none of them.
If we had done here what they did there we would have about 5,000 dead Americans and the threat of overload of hospitals and similar would be long over. We'd have never lost our normal way of life and nearly all of the 200,000+ who have died would still be alive.
But there would have been no industry created to sell tests and headstones, never mind the several trillion dollars given away to this constituency and that with only a tiny bit of it going to actual individuals. Then there is the nascent industry forming right now under the government's protective wing which will use fear ginned up from lies to sell annual shots of a vaccine that will be unproved for years and will provide them a permanent revenue stream for a product of dubious value at best.
In point of fact some of my earlier estimates were that in China and other "initially infected" nations there were somewhere between 100 and 300 asymptomatic infections for each "case" reported. These would have naturally skewed toward younger people by a huge percentage and if we had let it happen this would be over.
Do remember that I have been calling bullshit on all of this since the so-called "15 days to slow the spread", arguing, now proved correctly-so, that this was an intentional lie. This entire nation should have risen in revolt immediately on the first day of April. Had we done so most of those dead would be alive today.
Young people by definition are more-social and have more "exposures" than old people. The average 10 year old kid in school takes dozens of exposures to other kids before he gets to school while riding the bus and then takes a couple hundred more between being in class, the lunch room, gym class and recess. The average college student takes a hundred or more exposures between their Friday classes and the chow hall and then goes to a kegger Friday night and takes a couple hundred more in the hope of having a really, really intimate exposure risk by taking a cute girl home with him that night.
Your average dude like me in middle to early older ages takes a half-dozen exposures a day because I go to the pub and have a beer or two. The average Granny takes 2 or 3 exposures because she might play bridge with three friends or needs to stop at the grocery store.
ALL constraints -- from lockdowns to mask orders to closed businesses to banning college keggers, raves and concerts along with any other sort of restriction on social interaction shifts cases from those who are naturally more interactive with other people in a "more dirty" and at closer range (the extreme is of course a passel of toddlers playing in a sandbox or at a daycare!) to older, more-morbid individuals. 60 year old people do not go into the mosh pit, say much less attend a rave in the first place. 22 year old young adults do. Ditto for nightclubs and packed-to-the-walls bars. Even more-stupid is any sort of "protective measure" in schools like closing them, mandating masks, closing lunch rooms, erecting plexiglass on the desks and banning recess. This is closely-followed in stupidity by mandating masks in the general public because it inhibits the much-closer social interaction that young people engage in much more-frequently than older people and in addition for shift workers and school kids by mandating masks be worn for hours at a time you are increasing the risk of severe bacterial infections.
I remind you that bacterial pneumonia does kill young kids unlike Covid19, which rarely does.
With a virus that kills 3 in 100,000 kids but 5 in 100 grannies who do you want to take the cases that must occur to reach population suppression? You do realize that the "flatten the curve" mantra does not change the number of cases, only the time during which they are taken, right? All we can do is put forward policy measures that shift who takes those cases, not whether they are taken at all. You're insane to do anything that inhibits, blocks or otherwise tampers with infections of those who are very, very unlikely to be harmed by getting this bug; every single person who gets it and survives becomes a firebreak that prevents others from having it transmitted to them.
All of those alleged "mitigations" do not mitigate anything -- they in fact kill grandmothers by the busload because every single case that a kid doesn't take inevitably gets taken by his grandmother and she dies at a rate of 5 in 100 while the kid dies at a rate of 3 in 100,000.
The "mitigations" do not just incrementally increase death -- they result in an exponential explosion of death. We have suffered several dozen times as many dead people as should have died by direct and provable consequence of these policies.
I can read. Why is that you can't? Why is it that you allow the media, social media mavens and others to peddle flat-out bullshit to you on a daily basis for more than six months? Did America suddenly become 99.9% illiterate along with being innumerate? It certainly appears that way.
Your mother, if you were born before about 1990, knew all of this. There was an endemic virus that was 25 times more dangerous in older people than in children. In children it had a fatality rate not far off from Covid19; a low single-digit rate per 100,000 cases. Your mother took you over to the neighbor kid's house that had said virus and infected you on purpose because by doing so she protected those adults in the community that had not had it, even though there was a very small but non-zero risk you might die.
The virus is called varicella and the disease Chicken Pox. I was intentionally infected when I was young, as were most other kids -- by our mothers, every one of them capable of basic arithmetic and not interested in killing their mother, unlike Fauci, Birx, the entire faculty of Vanderbilt, Governor Bill Lee, Mayor Larry Waters and both Donald Trump and Joe Biden. I remind you that every single one of those people is old enough to know goddamned well that I'm right and their mother did the right thing when she took them across the street to get the little red dots on their faces and a nasty little fever for a week. Yes, today we have a vaccine -- a fully-tested and validated vaccine. Then we did not, just as today with Covid we do not.
Nobody hid in their house, closed schools for months, closed bars and restaurants, cancelled concerts, banned funerals, weddings, church services and other gatherings -- or wore a mask. It was part of life, we all knew it, and if we didn't get the bug "naturally" by the time we were approaching a double-digit age our mother waited until some other kid in the neighborhood had it and over there we went to play, and just like magic, gee, what do you think happened?
Covid19's risk among older people is not 25 times higher -- it's over 1,000 times higher. If the risk to children was acceptable until we had a vaccine 20 years ago to protect older people from a 25 times higher risk why isn't it now when the risk is 1,000 times higher or greater?
"Wear a mask" you say?
You killed your neighbor's grandmother with your mask, school closure and "scare everyone" bullshit while Jeff Bezos made another billion by exploiting that fear, asshole. Never mind the testing labs are making $100 a crack for worthless tests while you can't get the CT number they're using and they appear to have been tampering with that number over time too, which is almost-certainly producing a huge number of false positives. This is in their best interest because it generates more fear, more tests and thus more business. If it winds up forcing you to quarantine for 10 days when you're not really infected that's just tough crap for you along with $100 from all of your friends you're so "kind" to name when the nice government goon comes around. Of course you cooperate with said jackass instead of telling him to go fuck a goat -- right? If the labs had to pay your salary and living expenses for two weeks every time they reported a false positive you could prove with a 2-week later negative antibody test they'd stop that shit instantly so why hasn't the government mandated that be done?
You know the answer as well as I do.
All you screaming fools are lucky my mother wasn't killed by this bullshit -- she died a couple of years ago of colon cancer -- or I'd shove your mask so far up your ass you'd taste it.
What "choice" am I supposed to make this coming Tuesday? I never vote early unless I'm going to be out of town and know it. Why? Because through my life I've seen countless political candidates blow up in the last days of an election, either personally for me by taking a position I cannot vote for or through something so heinous that you might as well list Beelzebub on the ticket instead of their name. Biden has had that happen here and yet Rah-Rah Orange Man BAD so he's still on the ticket and people still think he's going to win too and by the way, Pelosi, Schumer, Hillary and the rest of the Democrat machinery all knew about his and his family's bullshit four years ago. How many of them are also on the take?
The last thing I'd like to point out is that going all the way back to the 1990s I have talked about how the government medical system is going to blow up and when it does it will hose the economy and everyone in the United States. I've written countless articles over the last decade on why you must do everything in your power to never need a single medical service because if you do you will be either dispossessed of everything you have or be denied it and die. I personally decided to quit being a fat-ass nearly 10 years ago because after Black Jesus was elected and rammed through yet another giveaway to the extortionate and felonious "medical system" in this nation it became quite clear that there was a zero probability that if I became reliant on it everything would be ok -- I would instead die slowly and horribly. Since there were things I could do that would materially change those odds, including getting rid of the extra 60lbs I was carting around, I did them. In addition to reducing the risk of needing said criminally-corrupt enterprises I'm enjoying things in my life on a daily basis that I was flatly incapable of 10 years ago.
Many people think I'm crazy. I assure you I'm not. Medicare and Medicaid have had even more damage done to them by this intentional circus of death caused by our politicians and academics who profit mightily from all of it.
In 2009 I pointed out that the reason Obamacare was rammed through was that the Medical Industry had reached the limit of being able to scam people; there simply wasn't enough money to keep paying for it and the entire edifice was teetering on the edge of collapse. Obamacare was an attempt to prevent that collapse, which would not have stopped you from being treated, but it would have put an immediate and permanent end to ripping you off wholesale.
Covid19 is just another in a long line of examples. At $100/crack you do the math on the number of tests from the Hopkins or Covid Tracking Project site to tell me how many dollars have been stolen. Leave aside everything else, such as remdesivir (large study showed it worthless, but it just got approved at $3,000/crack by the FDA!) and more and just look at the test numbers. A test that does not come back immediately, within an hour or so, is worthless to both you as a patient to interdict viral replication and from a standpoint of trying to stop transmission through tracing. Forward tracing of contacts with a virus that is not universally transmitted in some sort of linear way, which we know is the case for Covid19, is worthless; you have to trace backward and find the person who infected you, not who you might have infected when 9 times out of 10 the answer to the latter question is NOBODY!
Why? Because with a stochastic disease a backward trace is compact since it seeks only one person and whoever gave it to you is probably still giving it to other people too so finding them actually does something to slow down transmission almost 100% of the time. On the other hand forward tracing expends an enormous amount of resource since it is an exponentially-expanding problem and usually finds nothing. All of the so-called experts know this; again, it's simple High School level math.
And Japan proved it works because that's exactly what they did -- but they did not stop transmission; in fact they built immunity and thus most of the Grannies are still alive.
They just stopped the death.
The entire reason we cannot test and trace our way to a reduction in infections among those who the virus can kill while leaving everyone else alone is that we have allowed the government and medical businesses to intentionally design a testing and tracing protocol that is mathematically guaranteed to fail to do anything useful but makes everyone involved tens of millions of dollars a day. They've stolen every single penny of the money spent on it while governors, mayors and the general public cheered it on while intentionally skewing infections into people who the virus can and does kill. That's the behavior of monsters and you've sat back and let them do it or even worse, cheered it on despite having overwhelming evidence stuck in your face on a daily basis that this is exactly what is going on.
So tell me why we're doing any of this again? Why are you putting up with it? Why hasn't the American public woken up and told every one of these evil rat bastards that they will stop it now or they will be forced to stop by whatever means are necessary?
What choice am I really being presented with this coming Tuesday?
Being violated by a Donkey or an Elephant?
Where's the option to not get it up the ass at all?
The UCLA team created maps of movement and found that on average each nursing home is connected to seven others through staff movement. Limiting nursing home employees to one facility could mean fewer COVID-19 infections — but that would hurt the workforce of people who say they work multiple jobs because of low wages.
Can we stop with the cock-n-bull story about Covid being about human life and suffering?
More than 84,000 residents and staff of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities have died from COVID-19 across the U.S., representing 40% of all coronavirus fatalities in the country, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation's most recent analysis. (Kaiser Health News is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)
By the way, nursing homes have about 0.5% of the population of the United States. So on a ratable basis being in a nursing home means you are eighty times more likely to die from Covid than you should be based on your population representation. And by the way, that's not adjusted for life expectancy; on a per-month basis you're not eighty times more likely to die from Covid, it is something like 10,000 times more likely Covid will kill you if you're in a nursing home on a month-by-month basis!
What is the multiplier if I drive with a BAC over 0.1%? 0.08 is legally intoxicated, but nearly everyone who is involved in a fatal accident or is arrested for DUI has a level well north of 0.1. The median in one study I read said it was 0.15. Having a little portable breathalyzer that I keep in my car to not drive while intoxicated, and having given one to my daughter when she turned 21 for the same reason, I can tell you with a high degree of certainty that 0.15 is fucking smashed.
But -- I bet if I was to drive with a 0.15 BAC I would be less than EIGHTY TIMES more likely to cause or be in an injury (or death) accident than while driving sober. Far more likely than if sober? Sure. But the statistics are clear; alcohol is involved in a very significant percentage of fatal car accidents but by no means is it statistically all of them, which is what this data substantiates.
I remind you that I wrote on this back in March and April, when the pattern became clear. If we wanted to stop Covid from killing people the most-effective means to do so was to rent RVs or FEMA-style trailers and put them in the parking lots of nursing homes, locking the employees on the property and paying them whatever amount of money it took to convince them to do so and not quit.
We knew in March that Covid was in feces and 40% of the nursing home residents are incontinent. It is impossible to prevent the bug from spreading once it gets in there unless you have extraordinary infection control that extends to all clothing, bedding and other items in the room that can be potentially cross-contaminated. That is nearly impossible in shared rooms where one of the residents is incontinent, and the ventilation systems and bathrooms make it even worse since any aerosolized feces is going to get all over the bathroom and inevitably infect the other resident.
Exactly zero nursing homes in the United States are set up to deal with this, and there is no reasonable way to change that on a short-term basis, nor can you realistically do it at all for the money available. Never mind that the median life expectancy for someone who is admitted to one of these places is six months. Yes, some people live in them for years, but the median is six months.
She doesn't want to work at multiple nursing homes, but her rent is $2,200 a month, and her low pay and limited hours at each nursing home make multiple jobs a necessity.
"I don't want to get sick. But we need to work. We need to eat, we need to pay rent. That's just how it is," Tapia says.
So rather than face reality -- that we, the people created this system, we funded it, we built warehouses where we shovel old people who we don't like very much and don't want to deal with, and did so at a price where a living wage cannot be made by working at one single location and, God Forbid, staying in a trailer for the next six months and then we shut down schools, we closed businesses, we closed bars, we canceled concerts and destroyed people's lives after we created the conditions in which this alleged "pandemic" would kill medically brittle people on purpose and for profit.
Of course what do they all say? "Increase access to PPE", right?
Nice try, no donut.
The problem is structural and so the lawyers and policy wonks can't solve it without structural changes, which are not going to happen in the short term because they can't, and they won't happen in the long term either, because Covid will be over.
But folks, this is a math problem when you get down to it.
And it's also a fact that we knew all of this and I reported on it when Kirkland happened, and it was obvious what was going to happen if we did not take care of it immediately. I so noted.
Well, rather than take care of it we closed the nation, we're still screaming about masks which do exactly nothing and in fact make it worse.
Because to reach suppression of the virus you need a sufficient part of the population to have immunity. Immunity can only be acquired three ways:
1. You can get the bug and survive.
2. You can get vaccinated and the vaccine doesn't hurt you.
3. You're already partially or entirely immune due to cross-reaction with other viruses.
We know a material amount of #3 exists in the population but there is no cheap and fast test for it. It can be tested but it's both slow and expensive, and thus mass-surveillance is impractical. At present there is no #2 either, and while so-called "Warp Speed" vaccines will show up sometime toward the end of the year it will be years before we truly know they're safe and how effective, and in any event distribution will not be widespread before the summer of 2021. If you're healthy you're insane to take any vaccine until full safety information is available, peer-reviewed and published. That will be years from now.
That leaves infection.
Any mitigation that reduces the number of infections contracted by people who the virus almost-never actually harms dramatically increases the total number of people who die because it skews the ratio of medically-brittle people higher in the total case count. It's basic math: Ax + By = C. If you reduce "Ax" then "By" MUST INCREASE. You learned this in first-year Algebra.
If you were born prior to the 1990s you know damn well how to deal with a virus that has far less lethality split than Covid19 -- because your mother did, and so did her mother, and so did hers.
The spread between chicken pox causing serious illness or death is about 4:1 between children and adults. That is, your mother intentionally took you across the street to play with the kid who had it, infecting you on purpose because while there was risk you would get very sick or even die from doing that if you got the bug when you were an adult the risk was four times higher that you'd have a very bad time.
Covid19 doesn't have a 4:1 ratio between young people and old people.
It has a 100:1 or more ratio and among those under 15 compared against those over 65 it's more like a 10,000:1 or more ratio!
Your mother and every single Doctor knew damn well what the right thing to do was and so you went next door when the kid there had it and played with him or her. I did. I got it. I recovered like nearly everyone else does. And I'm perfectly safe to go help someone else who has it for that reason.
Today we stick your kid with a needle instead. Is that superior? Probably. But that vaccine has more than two decades of use and took a hell of a long time to prove it was safe and effective. It's likely a good trade-off, especially because the option to take your kid next door no longer exists as in all probability the kid next door got vaccinated, and thus the cases that do happen are more likely to happen to you as an adult.
But there is no Covid vaccine today.
Every single infection taken by someone who the virus cannot hurt is a public good; it increases the amount of immunity in the population and reduces the risk of spread to others because an infected person who comes into contact with another previously-infected person cannot give the bug to them as they're immune.
My mother did not just take me across the street because I was at higher risk if I didn't get Chicken Pox until I was 20, 30 or 50. She also did it because everyone else in the damned country was also at higher risk if I was not immune, and I'd become immune by getting it.
We killed close to a hundred thousand people, and quite-probably as many as 80% of those who have died thus far through mask orders, "social distancing", closing schools and now we are throwing college-age kids out of college for doing what is in the best interest of everyone in the community -- being college-age kids, going to the kegger and getting the virus because it is extraordinarily unlikely they will be seriously harmed by that but every infection they take is one your grandmother, who is 100x more likely to die, does not have to take.
This is a math problem and we handled it properly and with our heads held high when it came to Chicken Pox, which I remind you did kill people from time to time, including occasionally a kid.
Let's put some numbers to this. We have had an alleged 200,000, more or less, Americans die allegedly "from" Covid. We know that number is bullshit, because included in that figure is documented proof that thousands who wrecked their motorcycle and died, or ODd, or committed suicide, are considered "Covid" deaths. So says the CDC. But let's ignore that for a minute and just take at face value 200,000 dead Americans, even though we know that number is crap.
What percentage of Americans are over 65? About 13% nationally, with many counties (including mine) at roughly 20%.
There are a grand total of 13 people under the age of 15 who the CDC says died "with" COVID19 out of the whole. THIRTEEN.
Out of those under 45 there are a grand total of 2,746 or approximately 1.5% of the total who have died. Most of those were likely people with serious underlying conditions who got Covid at a very bad time (e.g. while undergoing cancer treatment and thus had a trashed immune system.)
Since the current CFR (among symptomatic cases) is about 1.5% in the Untied States this means if you get Covid19 and are under the age of 45 your odds of being ok is 99.98%.
If you are under 15 your odds of being ok are 99.99992%.
In other words if we intentionally infected every person under the age of 15 we would expect to see a grand total of 52 dead kids across the entire United States.
And we would achieve nearly 60 million infections, all of which confer immunity and which is about 18% of the population.
Given cross-reaction immunity we would have stopped this bug with 52 dead kids.
From the point that we achieved that community spread to everyone else would be a sporadic and "once in a while" thing; widespread infection and death would be impossible because there would not be enough other people to get sick.
We murdered your Grandmother and Father and we're still doing it because instead of encouraging kids to be kids with open schools, open playgrounds, having them all congregate together and "share the love" where it is wildly improbable that anything bad will happen we instead closed schools, demanded they wear masks, put up dividers and worse, closed raves, kicked kids out of college for having keggers and similar.
We should be holding raves, complete with mosh pits and free-flowing kegs of beer for anyone of college age up to about 30 every single Friday night. We should not put up dividers and close schools we should instead put all the desks together and mandate every kid hug every other kid in the building every single day. If the teachers are scared because they ate themselves into a 400lb mass of diabetes then FIRE THEM ALL and replace them with young adults who are healthy and at not much more risk than the kids.
Your screaming school teachers killed your grandmother.
Your governor who forbade young people from being young people and being in immediate personal contact with each other killed your grandmother.
Your Mayor who mandated "masks" and "social distancing" killed your grandmother.
Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and Donald Trump killed your grandmother.
So did Anthony Fauci.
Every goddamned one of these people was taken across the street when they were kids, as was I, to get Chicken Pox! On purpose. And every single one of them knows why that was done.
This is math problem and every one of these cocksuckers in our government and alleged "doctors" know goddamn well I'm right.
So did your mother, and she neither had or needed a medical degree. She simply needed to be able to do basic arithmetic.
Please explain to me why every single one of the Governors, Mayors and so-called "experts" haven't been ejected from the public square and what we knew was true for well more than a hundred years done instead? We knew it and we did it for a bug that had less skew in risk by a factor of ten thousand times than this one does. We did it precisely because of that skew.
And by the way, this is what Japan did. They left the kids and young adults alone and guess what -- while people are getting Covid there nobody, statistically speaking, is dying and Tokyo has 50% seroprevalence.
May I point out that this means that of the 96,000 Covid "infections" if all of them are in Tokyo (they're not) more than one hundred people have actually had the virus for each one that has been counted as a "case"!
ALL of the so-called "experts" predicted disaster in Japan. There was no disaster. Those so-called "experts" weren't simply wrong -- they were maliciously wrong. This malice has spread and been enforced world-wide with damned few exceptions.
If we had Japan's case fatality rate about 4,500 Americans would be dead, not 200,000+. But there would be no emergency, nobody would have lost their job, there would be no mandates, schools would be fully open with no dividers and mask orders and nobody would have made hundreds of billions of dollars either including assholes like Jeff Bezos and the pharmaceutical, medical and testing companies.
The literal last line of my book Leverage published in 2012 by Wiley is this: The math is never wrong.